Hang it sideways, Roy, and attach it to something that can turn it, such as the motor of a rotisserie oven. When you finish decorating one side, you can rotate the tree and decorate the next. If you’re adding colored lights, be sure to use the battery-powered kind instead of the corded ones.
Julius Marold Premium Member about 11 hours ago
And then there’s the watering…
Yakety Sax about 10 hours ago
Millennium Falcon, Tardis, ET. Can’t quite tell what the black ornament is and there may be two more……..
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 9 hours ago
Well, if you are going to have Millenium Falcon, how about an X-Wing. Lo, these many years ago, my wife got me one (from Avon, of all places).
I have a small model of the Rocinante, which would be about the right size for an ornament.
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 9 hours ago
There is on the right side, a cone shaped object which is green, with a yellow stripe. Doesn’t appear to be a witch’s hat.
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 9 hours ago
And maybe something near the end of the top left branch?
The Reader Premium Member about 7 hours ago
Problem solved?
phritzg Premium Member about 7 hours ago
Hang it sideways, Roy, and attach it to something that can turn it, such as the motor of a rotisserie oven. When you finish decorating one side, you can rotate the tree and decorate the next. If you’re adding colored lights, be sure to use the battery-powered kind instead of the corded ones.
RobinHood about 6 hours ago
No Enterprise 1701? No bloody A, B, C, D, or E, The Enterprise.
cabalonrye about 5 hours ago
If you own a cat this could be the perfect place for a Xmas tree.
poppacapsmokeblower about 3 hours ago
And it frustrates the dickens out of the cat.
ladykat about 2 hours ago
And cats can’t bget at the ornaments!
imladris about 2 hours ago
I think the black ornament is the black knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
OldDesertLizard Premium Member 36 minutes ago
I was thinking of a “Borg” Christmas tree. Wait — wrong franchise!!
oakie9531 24 minutes ago
they have a cat?
PoodleGroomer 15 minutes ago
A friend did this. He hung a net on the ceiling. It kept the presents safe from children and pets.