Sometimes posts don’t show up until the page is reloaded. He probably had no idea his posts were making it up. I’ve had to go back and delete posts before.
That’s very clever, MontanaLady, although there were only Twelve Peers (paladins), and there are 15 moronbis repetitions. However, that’s close enough, especially since, often, more than 12 were named.
I suspect that moronbis didn’t intend this. I encountered something similar a couple days ago. I tried to edit a comment, but it kept adding, instead. Fortunately, I finally managed to get it the way I wanted it.
Linda Arney,
No doubt you’ve heard of the long-running soap opera, “As the World Turns”. Mine might be called “As the Puns Proliferate”. I thank you profusely.
Calvin and I are similar in vocabulary, but not in mischief, but I do like to poke pun at an occasional de’tractor’, hoping that a ‘Caterpillar’ might turn into a butterfly.
BTW, if you were billdi, I might suspect at least a bit of satire and sarcasm, but I accept your comments at face value. billdi apparently knows the origin of Puddleglum, though, so I award him the ‘imaginery’ Silver Chair medallion that magically authorizes him to do nothing with his best friend, but he is not allowed to bind me in my moments of lucidity, or preclude my punning. billdi also is not permitted to obviate by ‘ant’icipation.
Years ago or decade hubby and I did just that. Did nothing sat and relaxed. We had a very hectic week. His mother had passed on, our anniversay came and went, and my ear and throat gave me very serious trouble. This was decades ago. We where just setting there and I like to read but some reason I didn’t, looked at the callendar and suprise I said I couldn’t believe it hubby wondered what I was talking about I said our anniversary came and went. That’s how tired we where.
False pride. The repairman asked where I work and my wife replied, “He doesn’t” I prefer to think of myself as a Calvin & Hobbes like philosopher than a lazy bum.
btw i would never preclude anyone much less the esteemed and talented puddleglum from punning to his/hers heart’s content. but if you do engage in that activity you automatically open yourself to sarcasm – which is the very nature of the pun itself.
imo the real art of the pun is not calling constant, self-congratulatory attention to it, that makes me antsy.
Johanan Rakkav,
If that isn’t a rhetorical question, I opine that if Calvin helps Hobbes to do nothing, he’s not doing nothing, or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Family Circus (yesterday),
Sister: “You’ll never empty out the whole ocean yourself, PJ! Here–I’ll help you!”
They both are going to be very ‘pale’ and exhausted from overexertion. An ant has a better chance of moving a rubber tree plant.
BTW, my quotation marks and other embellishments are not for self-aggrandizement, but for clarification and making the understanding easier for people who aren’t as pun oriented, particularly if they live outside the USA and Canada and aren’t acquainted with the vagueries of the English language, although some foreigners speak and understand English better than “we” do.
Puddleglum2 …huh? . Please don’t take anything I am about to say the wrong way . With all your BIG words that you put in each of your comments, somehow they zap all the fun out of the strip and the point at what you are trying get across. It loses it’s PUNCH. Short and pithy comments ,I beleive get the best attention.
Could anything in life be sweeter or more perfect than doing nothing at all with your best friend in the whole world by your side helping you do it?!?!?!? I don’t think so!!!!!
Puddleglum2, if you’re still around to read this at some hour: No, that wasn’t a rhetorical question. And technically, if he were doing nothing, he’d be dead, but we’re speaking idiomatically here.
“Doing nothing ” isn’t the problem. Being at one’s most beneficial (to self and others) when one is “doing nothing”… well, it makes for fantastic comic strip humor, but I’d sure hate to be that way in real life! :)
That’s grandma and grandpa here after my three year granddaughter leaves for the whole weekend with her parents! Sleeping in and vegie out in front of the tv on Saturday together is the best!
And the commenters are so agitated as usual by their various agendas! I’m no fan of puns, but puddleglum2 is at least using English that’s correct (except “vagueries” for vagaries), vivid and precise in meaning. What’s wrong with that?
Just because a word is long, or we might have to open a dictionary in order to improve our understanding of our own language, is not reason enough to dumb down English until it’s just a mush of meaningless generalities.
Calvin is perhaps the biggest offender around if we’re looking to complain about people who use words that are bigger than they are themselves. Sometimes they even require dictionaries, if not encyclopedias. But they’re what delights us.
margueritem over 14 years ago
My kind of day, Aaahhh!
pouncingtiger over 14 years ago
I’ll second that!
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 14 years ago
That’s for me!
kreole over 14 years ago
I’ve done that!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
That looks enticing right about now!
G’Morning, Mike, Marg & Grog!
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
I like this idea. I could get used to doing nothing.
moronbis over 14 years ago
Doing nothing with your best friend is one of the joys of life.
GreenJade over 14 years ago
Wow cool down moronbis :) I agree with you.
harrietbe over 14 years ago
moronbis - Enough already!!!
I love doing nothing. Don’t let myself give in to it very often, but sharing it with a friend makes it even sweeter.
rentier over 14 years ago
Wonderful day! I agree too!
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
Wire Paladin!, moronbis….
alviebird over 14 years ago
Sometimes posts don’t show up until the page is reloaded. He probably had no idea his posts were making it up. I’ve had to go back and delete posts before.
@moronbis, You can delete the extra posts.
Puddleglum2 over 14 years ago
That’s very clever, MontanaLady, although there were only Twelve Peers (paladins), and there are 15 moronbis repetitions. However, that’s close enough, especially since, often, more than 12 were named. I suspect that moronbis didn’t intend this. I encountered something similar a couple days ago. I tried to edit a comment, but it kept adding, instead. Fortunately, I finally managed to get it the way I wanted it.
Yukoner over 14 years ago
Today it was 27ºC with a clear sky and a gentle breeze - perfect for doing nothing.
pintcape over 14 years ago
one of those lazy summer days,a joy of summer.
Puddleglum2 over 14 years ago
Linda Arney, No doubt you’ve heard of the long-running soap opera, “As the World Turns”. Mine might be called “As the Puns Proliferate”. I thank you profusely. Calvin and I are similar in vocabulary, but not in mischief, but I do like to poke pun at an occasional de’tractor’, hoping that a ‘Caterpillar’ might turn into a butterfly. BTW, if you were billdi, I might suspect at least a bit of satire and sarcasm, but I accept your comments at face value. billdi apparently knows the origin of Puddleglum, though, so I award him the ‘imaginery’ Silver Chair medallion that magically authorizes him to do nothing with his best friend, but he is not allowed to bind me in my moments of lucidity, or preclude my punning. billdi also is not permitted to obviate by ‘ant’icipation.
alviebird over 14 years ago
I never read those books by Lewis.
moronbis over 14 years ago
sorry for the multiple posts… I am not sure how that happened… :(
Herocoder over 14 years ago
Am already used to that .. :-) ..
tomtweit over 14 years ago
That’s the great thing about being retired, wife asked me “Whatcha gonna do today?
Me: Nuthin’
Wife: But that’s what you did yesterday!
Me: I know, but I’m not finished.
gjsjr41 over 14 years ago
Exactly what I’m gonna do today.
mike.firesmith over 14 years ago
**Good morning Marg! Good morning Fran and Kizzzy! Good Morning L’Wolf! Good Morning Grog!**
If I could get just one day like that……
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Move over guys. I want to help, too.
Good Morning, Marg, Mike & ♠Lonewolf♠
rshive over 14 years ago
One of my very favorite things to do. Good choice Hobbes!
jackdohany over 14 years ago
Way to spend a summer day! Of course it helps to be either seven or seventy… or a tiger.
witewater over 14 years ago
13 words to describe a practice that would benefit us all.
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Years ago or decade hubby and I did just that. Did nothing sat and relaxed. We had a very hectic week. His mother had passed on, our anniversay came and went, and my ear and throat gave me very serious trouble. This was decades ago. We where just setting there and I like to read but some reason I didn’t, looked at the callendar and suprise I said I couldn’t believe it hubby wondered what I was talking about I said our anniversary came and went. That’s how tired we where.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 14 years ago
watcha doin’?
nothing. totally nothing. I’m reading gocomics and gocomics comments and commenting on them
TN-REDD over 14 years ago
I am one of the best nothing do er’s that you’ll ever meet… . . …On a different note Umm Puddleglum2 Ahaa…. What ??
Rakkav over 14 years ago
Calvin is the most beneficial to the world when he does nothing at all.
Um… isn’t there something wrong with that picture, blissful though it may be? :)
lewisbower over 14 years ago
False pride. The repairman asked where I work and my wife replied, “He doesn’t” I prefer to think of myself as a Calvin & Hobbes like philosopher than a lazy bum.
oletimer over 14 years ago
I looked at my schedule and,sonavagun, it was just like C and H’s!!
JudyCuddy over 14 years ago
Because our business is seasonal, I get to become very practiced in doing nothing for 4 1/2 mos. every winter. Come on November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cleokaya over 14 years ago
There is nothing quite like sharing a relaxing moment with a special friend.
billdi Premium Member over 14 years ago
doing nothing is quite something
btw i would never preclude anyone much less the esteemed and talented puddleglum from punning to his/hers heart’s content. but if you do engage in that activity you automatically open yourself to sarcasm – which is the very nature of the pun itself. imo the real art of the pun is not calling constant, self-congratulatory attention to it, that makes me antsy.
jaws2049 Premium Member over 14 years ago
So much to do so little time…the Tao of Calvin…J
river2river over 14 years ago
Sounds like my Sundays.
Puddleglum2 over 14 years ago
Johanan Rakkav, If that isn’t a rhetorical question, I opine that if Calvin helps Hobbes to do nothing, he’s not doing nothing, or am I barking up the wrong tree?
ratlum over 14 years ago
Quality time.
poohbear8192 over 14 years ago
I know nothing!
Nothing I do works. (very well)
Nothing doing.
Much ado about Nothing
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Quality time with your best friend - few and far between are those times but when they occur there special!
josh_bisbee over 14 years ago
I love this particular strip. More heartwarming than funny, but still has a joke in there.
comicsgeniusguy over 14 years ago
Perfect afternoon! No parents, Rosalyn, school, or anything!
Puddleglum2 over 14 years ago
Family Circus (yesterday), Sister: “You’ll never empty out the whole ocean yourself, PJ! Here–I’ll help you!” They both are going to be very ‘pale’ and exhausted from overexertion. An ant has a better chance of moving a rubber tree plant. BTW, my quotation marks and other embellishments are not for self-aggrandizement, but for clarification and making the understanding easier for people who aren’t as pun oriented, particularly if they live outside the USA and Canada and aren’t acquainted with the vagueries of the English language, although some foreigners speak and understand English better than “we” do.
lazygrazer over 14 years ago
“Two nothings makes one right.” ~Hobbes
TN-REDD over 14 years ago
Puddleglum2 …huh? . Please don’t take anything I am about to say the wrong way . With all your BIG words that you put in each of your comments, somehow they zap all the fun out of the strip and the point at what you are trying get across. It loses it’s PUNCH. Short and pithy comments ,I beleive get the best attention.
cwreenactor over 14 years ago
That works for me.
Frankr over 14 years ago
TN-REDD: and yet your comment is neither short nor pithy.
TN-REDD over 14 years ago
wasn’t meant to be short.Still shorter that the subject at hand. But thanks just the same ..
Sambini over 14 years ago
Lazy, lazy boys. Wish I could join them.
dradk over 14 years ago
wow!!!! beauty!
runninanreadin over 14 years ago
Summer…ya gotta love it….
dahawk over 14 years ago
BaldTom, that’s the problem with sitting around doing nothing, you don’t know when you are finished. Terrible problem since I retired. LOL
tinhutjohn over 14 years ago
This comic strip has been approved by AARP and CARP.
rentier over 14 years ago
Unfortunatly this lazy day will be over tomorrow! Stay, you are so beautiful!
Gretchen's Mom over 14 years ago
Could anything in life be sweeter or more perfect than doing nothing at all with your best friend in the whole world by your side helping you do it?!?!?!? I don’t think so!!!!!
ToniR over 14 years ago
And I thought only men had a nothing box…
Rakkav over 14 years ago
Ah, you know of the Nothing Box! :)
Puddleglum2, if you’re still around to read this at some hour: No, that wasn’t a rhetorical question. And technically, if he were doing nothing, he’d be dead, but we’re speaking idiomatically here.
“Doing nothing ” isn’t the problem. Being at one’s most beneficial (to self and others) when one is “doing nothing”… well, it makes for fantastic comic strip humor, but I’d sure hate to be that way in real life! :)
Dino-1 over 14 years ago
That’s grandma and grandpa here after my three year granddaughter leaves for the whole weekend with her parents! Sleeping in and vegie out in front of the tv on Saturday together is the best!
avonsalis over 14 years ago
The comic strip is so serene!
And the commenters are so agitated as usual by their various agendas! I’m no fan of puns, but puddleglum2 is at least using English that’s correct (except “vagueries” for vagaries), vivid and precise in meaning. What’s wrong with that?
Just because a word is long, or we might have to open a dictionary in order to improve our understanding of our own language, is not reason enough to dumb down English until it’s just a mush of meaningless generalities.
Calvin is perhaps the biggest offender around if we’re looking to complain about people who use words that are bigger than they are themselves. Sometimes they even require dictionaries, if not encyclopedias. But they’re what delights us.
Miss.Fit over 14 years ago