FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for September 22, 2011
Peter: Tell me if it's not ok for me to blow off homework tonight. Paige: Tell me if it's not ok for me to order this sweater on your credit card. Jason: Tell me if it's not ok for me to eat this box of ho-hos before dinner. Roger: Tell me you haven't been wearing headphones all afternoon. Andy: The kids bought me a walkman. Isn't that sweet?
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 13 years ago
Smart kids!
i_am_the_jam over 13 years ago
I bet that everyone under 18 has no idea what a “walkman” is :D
PatchworkDoll over 13 years ago
I’m 21, and I used my cassette player (not a Walkman but had the same purpose) alllll the time when I was fairly young. At least until I got a CD player when I was 11 or 12 or something like that. And even then, a lot of the music I liked was on the built-in radio and wasn’t on a CD yet, so I continued using it for years after that. The last time I remember seeing anyone else with a cassette player was about 10 years ago. And that was someone my age, too. Walkmans may have been invented in 1979 (looked it up), but they persisted for quite some time. Let’s all cut everyone some slack. :)
NE1956 over 13 years ago
Ring-Dings are better than Ho-Hos before dinner, Jason.
willg1970 over 13 years ago
Yeah walkmans were the thing to have once upon a time
Miserichord over 13 years ago
I-Bod.Full power cloud computing wearable systems.Belt clip processor/power supply/6G.Headset to handle speakers, mike, camera and projected virtual display/interface.Prototypes of all components already exist.
joylion over 13 years ago
joylion over 13 years ago
And “sweet” is not the first word that comes 2 mind.
kab2rb over 13 years ago
Smart kids take advantage of the situation with your mom and you forgot to whisper your somewhat questions.
i_am_the_jam over 13 years ago
My 10 year old niece found my walkman in the closet and asked, “Uncle, what’s this??”
kfaatz925 over 13 years ago
Proud to be 32 (almost) and even know what an 8-track is. (Wouldn’t be able to operate one, though. ;) )
phoenixnyc over 13 years ago
As an aside, this strip is a perfect example of why you very seldom see 40-somethings and up using Ipods when walking around New York City. We grew up in a time where you definitely wanted to keep your eyes AND ears open.
bossyheifer over 13 years ago
My grandmother had my FAVORITE type of “Walkman” player – the kind that reversed automatically! I can’t tell you how many times I listened to the “Flashdance” soundtrack!
Fan o’ Lio. over 13 years ago
Anybody want to buy my 78 RPM collection?
runninanreadin over 13 years ago
It is a sad commentary for today – pointing out the simpler times from years past – when I had a walkman, which played cassettes that had from 10-14 songs on them (5-7, if I was playing Yes or early ELO)…and my brother (who works at an Apple store, go figure) gets me an iPod, so I can listen to…oh…3000-4000 songs now. I really preferred the Walkman, so I could listen to what I was in the mood for at the time……you can never go home…
shewith5 over 13 years ago
Wasn’t allowed a Walkman… Rock and Roll was the devil’s music (Kid you not). And yes there were Christian tapes, but I might have been tempted to listen to the RADIO!!!
Smaus over 13 years ago
I have my old cassette walkman, and my new digital walkman fits inside the deck…
Miserichord over 13 years ago
Just get your self a dedicated T-3 line (44.736 Mbit/s), or wait about 20 years.
3G stands for Third Generation mobile telecommunications, with the latest release (marketed as 4G, really 3.9) offering 14.7 Mbit/s downstream.
What can I say, I’m a technogeek.
jimboylan almost 13 years ago
Does anyone use Edison machines to play cylinders anymore? They even had “Mary Had a Little Lamb” on them!