Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 29, 2011
Jeff: Taste my sword of justice, evil-doing dog! Man: Hey! Red Rascal! Jeff: What? Who calls? Man: A top editor at Random House! We'd like to offer you a lucrative book deal! Jeff: You're kidding. Man: You're kidding. Rick: You're kidding. Jeff: My contract! Red it and weep, Dad!
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Does this mean Becca passed on His Excellency?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
Excellency never had a chance with either Random House as a publisher or Becca as a “lover”. Becca had too much moral good sense to publish the book of an unrepentant mass murderer. Nor is there any evidence she was attracted to him physically or emotionally or in any other way. She was prepared to accept him as a Random House author, IF AND ONLY IF, he had found redemption and was a changed person. But when he assured her that he was not, her face fell and she dismissed him as politely as she could..Jeff, on the other hand, is a different story. I believe that he has found redemption due to the efforts of Joanie his mother. He now fights evil, though, like a reformed smoker, he has jumped from the ditch on one side of the road to the opposite ditch on the other. Meaning, though he fights evil now, he still uses violent methods — “the sword”. Maybe Becca, with all her charm, beauty and moral fibre, can further assist in his redemption..Here’s my “out there” prediction: Becca and Jeff will produce a series of best sellers from Jeff’s vivid imagination in the “graphic novel” genre, they will fall in love, marry, have kids, have problems that all people have, etc.
rayannina over 13 years ago
They’ll probably publish ’em both. But I agree with you on the graphic novel part – that fits. (As far as the romance, I think Becca will see through Jeff pretty quickly …)
davidblack over 13 years ago
I was glad to see the story move on from boring self-absorbed Mark to the surprisingly realistic arc of Jeff and his alter ego.Becca is one of the many tertiary characters that this brilliant comic frequently come up with.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
Got chips? Does orange hair attract red hair and vice versa? If I were Jeff I’d be heels over head, and she may be attracted to a true imaginative writer: since most editors can’t write worth a hydroelectric dam, they must feel a need to acquire that which they do not possess. How good hub material would he constitute? Huge unknown. Jeff comes from good parents, but whereas she seems terribly mature for her age, he seems terribly immature for his. He’s the “artistic type”, while she seems the wrap-it-up-quick-and-ship-it-out-the-door-fast type. Good combo? Who knows? I’ll bet no one knows. Not even Trudeau, who — like many successful writers — gives off the impression of “winging it”..What do y’all think?
palos over 13 years ago
DTpi: Becca may have a moral compass, but also an economic one as well vis a vis “his Excellency”.
On the other hand, she has her hand on the fictional nature of Jeff’s adventures. Probably much to his dismay.
Troglodyte over 13 years ago
We haven’t really seen anything of Sorkh Razil and Becca’s interaction to draw any conclusions, but Garry has hinted enough times in the past that the Red Rascal and Melissa could be Karmically (or comically, in his case) connected…
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
Boys! Boys! What I’m a-doin’ heah is not makin’ logical CONCLUSIONS based on dater, but rather risky, “out there” PREDICTIONS based on gut instinct. Now, is you is, or is you ain’t down wit’ that?
roctor over 13 years ago
Will Jeff and the Rouge Snorkle have to get by the fact checkers and the historical research dept.?
Sandfan over 13 years ago
Just one old man’s opinion, but I think Trudeau’s main satirical target here is the publishing industry, not that idiot Jeff or Prez. Eyechart.
Justice22 over 13 years ago
I didn’t know that Random House does comic books.
Christopher Shea over 13 years ago
I’m wondering if this is going to turn into a reference to the alleged “Three Cups of Tea” fraud.
babka Premium Member over 13 years ago
but has Becca sold the movie (& sequels) rights yet? and a for Jeff being the “artistic type”…. naw. He’s the classic comicbook type, the celebrity dark glasses type, the “entitlement” generation. Melissa & Becca will steer clear of his nonexistent charms. He sure bested his Dad, though.
celeconecca over 13 years ago
no kidding?
TheSpanishInquisition over 13 years ago
tomkay1012 over 13 years ago
Funny, this is the first week in years I turned to the Doonesbury strip. When did the writers abandon the polital satire and adopt the “Young and Restless” story line? I am thinking Obama and White House super stars have shown such a superb and predictable performance the reader would be bored to tears.
Ever consider going international? It’s working for CNN.
wwh85cp over 13 years ago
Why have none of you suggested that Mike’s summer daydream is spreading to Jeff? He does, after all, live in a constant state of dreamland, so it’s a VERY easy (and short) jump to an imaginative conclusion.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
Wonder why GT is giving such preferential treatment to Random House. (There are other houses: Pantheon. Metropolitan. Macmillan. Del Ray. ….) He’s giving them free publicity. He’s implied no implied wrongdoing. To the contrary, he showed them to be highly moral in rejecting a mass murderer’s ms. Maybe Random House is offering him larger royalties on books of his it wants to publish.
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
CONGRATULATIONS, JEFF!!!.Now don’t screw this, okay? This could support the family! Dad will have absolutely no choice but to be proud of you if you become the new bread-winner.
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
Hmmm… I wonder if Jeff will do his own stunts when the movie deal comes next.
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Rick should be proud and relieved, at least for now.
GTphile over 13 years ago
@dylanthomaspiDid I miss something? When was the mass murderer’s book rejected? Last I saw was she brushed off his advances and said she would get back to him. Are we extrapolating from that, or do you know something I don’t know. Thx
FriscoLou over 13 years ago
Publishing a comic book is like forming a zygote. Only the most persistent succeed, after submitting millions of manuscripts and hoping one sticks.
Random House is Jeff’s only hope. He never would have gotten this far at “Predictable House”.
GTphile over 13 years ago
@DylanThomaspiI had exactly the same impression, just thought you knew something more when you stated “rejected” vis-a-vis Bspht’s book. She was very adept at deflecting his crude overtures, shows her sophistication. I can’t read her morality or business ethics for sure, but I’m betting on your conclusion.
AmariT over 13 years ago
Good for Jeff. He’s been writing these stories for awhile. He’s a creative guy. I’m happy for him. Maybe he’s found his true calling since it clearly wasn’t the CIA.
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
My impression is that Jeff has a contract to ghostwrite for Trff.