Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for October 28, 2011

  1. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  about 13 years ago

    Your congressman is likely to be one of the super-rich anyway. So, two birds with one stone.

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  2. Elba 20111218 00003
    doc white  about 13 years ago

    Call the EPA first. There are rules as to what you dump in water.

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    mailinutile2  about 13 years ago

    yeah, RATVOLUTION !

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    porridgebird  about 13 years ago

    Of all the strips on GoComics, only one takes place in a castle. OCCUPY ID!

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    Shufflinjohn  about 13 years ago

    Sounds like a plan to me !

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  6. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 13 years ago

    Rat? It would be inconsistent for him to do anything about anything outside of himself.

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    vwdualnomand  about 13 years ago

    the super rich are a cancer on society. they corrupt everything they touch.

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    paulproteus48640  about 13 years ago

    be careful or you all might be deemed terrorists

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  9. Blackbeard avatar
    ShadowBeast Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Don’t pollute that lakes just throw them into a volcano, and we might as well throw in the lawyers and the politicians as well.

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    finkd  about 13 years ago

    The same anti-pollution laws apply.

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    Frostspanner  about 13 years ago

    1% of all comics strips garner 99% of the readership. Occupy Pearls Before Swine!!!!

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  12. Horseshoes3
    McGehee  about 13 years ago

    Stephan, you’re not fooling anybody. We all know you’re the guy Warren Buffett goes to when he needs a loan.

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  13. Lysanaponyavatarjpg
    BlueRaven  about 13 years ago

    You mean Bush.

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    stephen0115  about 13 years ago

    Really? You’re going to throw in political views? The one thing I liked about “Pearls” was it wasn’t “Doonesbury”, but funny for the sake of being funny. That’s the way comics strips used to be, funny. Sorry to see you bow to left or right wing demonizing rhetoric Steven, I’ll have to cancel you off of my favorites.

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  15. 20071112 einstein
    hariseldon59  about 13 years ago

    I thought Rat’s ambition was to BE one of the super rich.

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    gene2u  about 13 years ago

    Populist Pastis.

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    grey2112  about 13 years ago

    Here’s a thought – instead of feeling jealous or angry or making yourself out to be a victim, do what you can to become one of the rich. They weren’t just handed it, they worked hard for it.

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    tigre1  about 13 years ago

    The super-rich were smart and worked very hard to get the right grandparents…go ahead, check it out by the numbers.

    But I totally disagree with Rat on this very important ideological incisive decision: instead of lakes, I favor guillotines. We could discuss this or toss a coin…GOTP delenda est…de Oppresso Liber…

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    .smith.  about 13 years ago

    Let’s sacrifice ’em to our Gods!

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    gedance  about 13 years ago

    Really appreciate the political/humourous nature of PBS!

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    Malcolm Hall  about 13 years ago

    I would think Rat would love to be among the 1%.

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  22. Pig
    monsterfanatik  about 13 years ago

    I totally agree on that

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    pedehn  about 13 years ago

    WAIT: When did Rat become a liberal?

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  24. Popeyesforearm image
    Popeyesforearm  about 13 years ago

    The Rat Revolution will be televised. And in your local funny pages.

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  25. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 13 years ago

    Hahahahahahaha, LOL LOL.


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    Wolf in Exile  about 13 years ago

    I read the newspapers and I watch the news. When I listen to these people talk, the people who swore to represent us, I do not hear the words of a patriot. Instead I hear the excuses and promises (on both sides) of a man who only wants another term in office. When i look on the streets, I do not see proud Americans. I see blind sheep, who forgot their part in this great country. I cannot believe what I hear from some of these comments. “America’s insatiable greed” what is that supposed to mean? Capitalism made this country, it spawned the American dream. But now, we call it evil, because politicians tell us to do so. “Socialism” so they say “is the only way everyone can be happy and equal”. Do they not see that socialism has failed every time throughout history?” Do they not realize that they are destroying what made this country great? We stand back trying to figure out who is at fault. I will save you some thought. You, the people, have failed my country. You, the people, have forgotten what in means to be American. You, the people, are the reason why we are in bad times today. You, my brothers, have forgotten what it means to be a patriot. This country will only fall if we stand by and let it. Will you not remember your part as an American and patriot, and save our country from destruction?

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  27. Vlad2
    Oxnate  about 13 years ago

    For once, I agree with Rat. Is that a bad sign?

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    whiteaj  about 13 years ago

    Stephen Pastis is likely one of the 1%.

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    Firebird67  about 13 years ago

    Part of me agrees with the rodent. It is not the first time that has happened, but it is scary nonetheless. A good Halloween fright, I guess.

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  30. Turn in your weapons   it worked for the indians
    trm  about 13 years ago

    I quit reading “Over The Hedge” cuz the butthead authors started preaching their political views. Hope I don’t have to do the same for “Pearls”.

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  31. Large steve45
    JP Steve Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Funny how twenty years ago we were always hearing how the Great Depression was caused by too much wealth being held by to little of the population. (And that it could never happen again because of government regulations.)

    Funny how you never hear that argument any more!

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  32. Timeouticon2
    nancyroy2  about 13 years ago

    yes.. let’s all push Stephan Pastis into the lake… hopefully he can swim because we wouldn’t want to do without PBS :)

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    WaitingMan  about 13 years ago

    By all means, get rid of the EPA. We need to go back to the days of visible air and burning rivers.

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  34. Moaimike fern
    bamboodan  about 13 years ago

    My congressman turned off his phone so you can’t call him. Literally I mean, he turned off his phone. And his staff stopped answering emails. Well, to me anyway. I read recently that, from 1980 until now, the top 1% increased their income by 275%. Despite economic crisis (or maybe because of it). The other 99% had their incomes increase 40%, mostly due to inflation.

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    pgunther  about 13 years ago

    Rat for President or, at least, congress!!!

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    Rutz  about 13 years ago

    hmmm, this time I think I agree with Rat!

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    kweaver32765  about 13 years ago

    The lazy and the whiners are a cancer on society. Push them into the lake and we’ll all be better off.

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    squirrel500  about 13 years ago

    Why don’t you push your lawyer off a cliff?Oh wait… you already did.

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  39. Hamchimp
    codedaddy  about 13 years ago

    Before I clicked to read the comments I feared it; readers would use this as their pulpit to pontificate instead of sticking to the strip. But I hoped that PBS folks were a cut above.

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  40. Ts
    killacowinWA  about 13 years ago

    Big diff between wealth which is earned and deserved and wealth which isn’t. Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”. That was a tough book to read. So many people are rich from taking advantage of people with less power or resources. If you make a product and everyone buys it, fine. You’re entitled to what you earn. But money from cheating the less fortunate, those people should be pushed in a lake with a nice big bag of coins and cash stacks tied to their ankles.

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  41. Tumble
    Keno21  about 13 years ago

    The Ultra-Rich OWN us, and use us like disposable tampons. Our ‘Government’ exists only to protect the powerful, to make the rich richer, and to keep the rest of us obedient, ignorant, powerless sheep, waiting to be led to the slaughter. The ‘Patriot Act’ allows the Government to use the Bill of Rights as toilet paper. To you idiots who think only what Rush TELLS you to, and believe Jesus only cares about the rich, you will be the first to be fed to the Morlocks.

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  42. Tumble
    Keno21  about 13 years ago

    So there!

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  43. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  about 13 years ago

    Things must even worse than we realized when even Rat (a.k.a. Ego-Man) is ready to fight for justice.

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    Alms4Thorby  about 13 years ago

    I’m always afraid when I find myself agreeing with Rat.

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    Alms4Thorby  about 13 years ago

    The only thing that makes sense to me is Rat figures to profit big time.

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    kipeticolas  about 13 years ago

    Suddenly Rat is more than thuggishly interesting. It is an exquisite depiction of his nature.

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  47. Sophie avatar
    lattewoman  about 13 years ago

    I like it ! But no. Just fun to think about.

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  48. Zeebas
    ballerinaluvzeebas  about 13 years ago

    i wish they had more comics with crocs.

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  49. Headshot
    Elaphe Gutatta  almost 9 years ago


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  50. Dog
    robert423elliott  over 2 years ago

    I don’t know who the hell you people are that want to do away with rich people. In my 75 years, I’ve held a lot of jobs. But I’VE NEVER WORKED FOR A POOR PERSON!!!

    As for you, Elaphe, Donald Trump is the greatest President of my lifetime! It’s a shame that you’re so blind!!!

    Same for you keno21. Rush Limbaugh was a great man! I miss listening to him on the radio!

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