Mr. Euphemism goes to Washington…Isn’t that redundant? BTW, I don’t even want to know about the little guillotine is for…..only a couple things would fit in there..and well,…. .sometimes a cigar is not a cigar….
@ Dog & 6- Same to you both. Stay away from the green beer- it’s not ripe yet; you could end up at a St. Patrick’s Day potty, and that just kills the whole spirit.
St P’s day was fun: all the protestant kids would wear flourescent orange to P*ss off the catholic kids. use to have some excellent hallway riots over it… ;] Beat the snot out of the “idolaters”
Love this one! Mathematically challenged indeed. In TX due to lack of education we are faced by many challenges today – which could result in an encyclopedia of NonSequitur comics. Happy St Pats too.
Peesh! I thought tax cheats got big deal government jobs. Tim Gietner comes to mind… Not only is a tax cheat, but gets to manage our money. No wonder we’re broke and in deep kimshee.
pouncingtiger almost 13 years ago
Euphemisms have been working great in government for decades. That’s how they desensitize/camouflage what they are doing or not doing as case may be.
pnorman1 almost 13 years ago
Okay you two, cut it out!
Varnes almost 13 years ago
Dogsix, I’m green with envy…..Erin go braghless!
jmcg1213 almost 13 years ago
The color is all wrong.Charley Rangel is a black man.
Varnes almost 13 years ago
Mr. Euphemism goes to Washington…Isn’t that redundant? BTW, I don’t even want to know about the little guillotine is for…..only a couple things would fit in there..and well,…. .sometimes a cigar is not a cigar….
Arianne almost 13 years ago
Too bad the IRS is sympathy challenged.
bluskies almost 13 years ago
@ Dog & 6- Same to you both. Stay away from the green beer- it’s not ripe yet; you could end up at a St. Patrick’s Day potty, and that just kills the whole spirit.
randayn almost 13 years ago
The agent had better be nice to him. Mr. Euphemism could very well be the next Secretary of the Treasury!
LingeeWhiz almost 13 years ago
He doesn’t know his debit from his credit and a hole in the ground!
francisrossi almost 13 years ago
This worked for Ken Dodd…
Vonne Anton almost 13 years ago
Eyes are the windows to the soul, and neither one has eyes…soulless zombies! Run away, everyone, run away!
tripwire45 almost 13 years ago
Mr. Euphemism is Washington.
Packratjohn Premium Member almost 13 years ago
To paraphrase an old adage, “He who prepares his own tax return has a fool for a client”. (And, yes, I do my own returns also….)
V-Beast almost 13 years ago
@ProudArianne: Too bad the IRS is sympathy challenged.Good One. (you realize that by saying that, you will be audited this year)
DesultoryPhillipic almost 13 years ago
Is that Timothy Geithner sitting in that chair?
Rainfoot almost 13 years ago
Isn’t this every politico in D.C.? And then some.
shaggy92420 almost 13 years ago
mr. euphamism is obviously a democrat
dfowensby almost 13 years ago
St P’s day was fun: all the protestant kids would wear flourescent orange to P*ss off the catholic kids. use to have some excellent hallway riots over it… ;] Beat the snot out of the “idolaters”
Busy_Bee almost 13 years ago
Love this one! Mathematically challenged indeed. In TX due to lack of education we are faced by many challenges today – which could result in an encyclopedia of NonSequitur comics. Happy St Pats too.
doris sloan almost 13 years ago
Peesh! I thought tax cheats got big deal government jobs. Tim Gietner comes to mind… Not only is a tax cheat, but gets to manage our money. No wonder we’re broke and in deep kimshee.
dwagon55 almost 13 years ago
Ah, love the guillotine! Shades of Al Lewis’s (Grandpa Munster) judge in Used Cars!
Cat Hammer almost 13 years ago
Hard to know which of Barry’s cabinet/czars/colleagues that might represent.
Varnes almost 13 years ago
When he left that meeting, he went and had a couple of drinks at a bar. They say he left a big tip….
Sliprod almost 13 years ago
Brilliant totally brilliant !
dkendraf almost 13 years ago
That’s for the “thumb tax”