The Knight Life by Keith Knight for August 17, 2012

  1. Chris88
    chireef  over 12 years ago


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  2. Horsehead aldohubble 960
    krisjackson01  over 12 years ago

    Jeez, it’s like the ’60s all over again. And it looks like the same black people who had to literally fight for the right to vote have to do it all over again. Well, keep fighting, Granny, please keep fighting.

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  3. Img 0041
    Dapperdan61  Premium Member over 12 years ago

    If you declare yourself a Republican there’ll be no hindrance to the voting booth. That’s the real reason for voter ID laws to make it harder to vote for a Democrat. I sense a 2000 replay in this falls election.

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    rabidhunter  over 12 years ago

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    rabidhunter  over 12 years ago

    Please look up Sen. Harold Metts, a Black Democrat who passed a Voter ID law in Rhode Island. He believes that voter fraud is real. States should emulate his model.

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    rabidhunter  over 12 years ago

    John Fund, a senior editor for the American Spectator, has credited Sen. Metts for demonstrating that support for voter ID cuts across racial boundaries and party lines. Metts is the only African American member of the state Senate.

    New poll numbers from Rasmussen show that minorities favor voter identification laws by a slightly higher percentage than whites. Fund, who is also the author of Stealing Elections, seized on this point during the “True the Vote” Summit in Houston, Texas, earlier this year.

    “I believe the biggest victims of voter fraud today are minorities,” Fund said. “They obviously support [voter ID]; they think voter fraud is a more serious problem than anyone … Their leadership has failed them by yelling racism in a crowded little theater and by dividing us rather than uniting us. Their entire edifice is built on fraud and misrepresentation.”

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    androgenoide  over 12 years ago

    Voter fraud is quite plausible if we consider the possibility of hacking into voting machines or, in the old days, losing boxes of ballots. The situation is similar to the stories of welfare fraud… yes it’s possible for individuals to do it but the real abuses take place on the wholesale level. Going after individuals costs a lot of money and messes up the system for a while but has no significant effect on the problem.

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    paul.higby  over 12 years ago

    I’ve reviewed the comments here; not sure I understand why Democrats are against a requirement of proof of eligibility to vote. Is it because Democrats want those who are not eligible to be unhindered as they vote to keep Democrats in office? Personally, I’d like to know for a fact that my legitimate vote is not negated by the illegitimate vote of another — regardless of political affiliation. By the way, dramac333: My home state recorded over 6,000 instances of fraudulent addresses or other false identifying info in the last general election. To me, that’s 6000 reasons for a voter ID requirement.

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  9. No27nite
    David Arendes Premium Member over 12 years ago

    And in Chicago they do – eternal suffrage, the right to vote long after your gone!

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  10. 80 sylvester3
    ennui_rudy  over 12 years ago

    The independent commission authorized by G.W. Bush during his presidency to investigate supposed voter fraud returned a verdict of a possibility of 1 in 15 million chance. The remarks of the Penn. legislator upon the passing of the ID law where, “We just ensured the state of Penn. for Romney.” Does that indicate the true reason?

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  11. Letterhead
    360guy Premium Member over 12 years ago

    we should pass a law against naivete

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  12. David
    davidblack  over 12 years ago

    Is this comic supposed to be funny? And now, I’m stuck with it as my Featured Comic when I get Overboard.

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    curlie531  over 12 years ago

    Stop fraudulent voting in America. It is the responsibility of every legal citizen to vot in accordance with the law. IF THAT MEANS PROVING WHO YOU ARE THEN THAT IS ALSO YOR RESPONSIBILITY. Speed limits, however, are unconstitutional and racist.

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    gbasye  over 12 years ago

    Let me say it again…Keith, I’ll take your worries over voter suppression more seriously when I see you create a cartoon excoriating the New Black Panthers standing in front of polling sites, brandishing clubs and acting menacing. Now, that’s real voter suppression, and I doubt your supporters inundated AG Holder’s office with letters demanding prosecution in that case! The transparency of your faux rage is stunning!

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  15. Bob 65
    Droptma Styx  over 12 years ago

    I register to vote, I get a card from the supervisor of elections. Nobody asks to see that at the polls, they want to see a photo ID. So why not put photos on voter registration cards?

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  16. Bob 65
    Droptma Styx  over 12 years ago

    I’m in Florida, BTW

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  17. Viking
    steelersneo  over 12 years ago

    Ah, felony assault. Thanks for relinquishing your right to vote voluntarily.

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