I don’t know what I enjoy more – PBS strip or the comments. You all crack me up (and, no, I’m not an egg head)..If my name was Bob or any derivative of Robert, I would change my name!
Mechanic…. what’s funny is that I actually Googled inflatable dolls to find the name of a real one…
but the names were horrid…and I also decided if I used one, somebody would think I hung out on porn sites.So I made one up.
I’m not an anti-porn crusader…. I don’t go to those sites, but I think, whatever floats your boat. But for those who like it..it’s too bad the people posing …. AND the people who own and run the websites….are tawdry, materialistic, and often evil…
they love to install pop-up generators, key trackers and other malware on your computer.
aprice_bcd about 12 years ago
Poor Bobby, didn’t even make 2 panels. RIP
margueritem about 12 years ago
Pig knows whereof he speaks.
rf_eq about 12 years ago
small scale explosion
tuna1 about 12 years ago
He blowed up good. He blowed up real good.
legaleagle48 about 12 years ago
Why does this look like an old Muppet Show sketch?
Proginoskes about 12 years ago
@ tuna1: He sure did, Billy Sol Hurok!
Sisyphos about 12 years ago
This is taking the “spilled coffee” trope too far! A moment of silence for BOBBY, who gave his life in the name of daily humor….
knight1192a about 12 years ago
What is it with Pig and getting to know characters capable of massive destruction? Guard Duck. The Sea Anemones. Bob.
Alphaanddelta about 12 years ago
It’s okay. That’s how they fart.
Stormrider2112 about 12 years ago
Come on, Pastis, you need at least another generic character name other than Bob!-Good strip, though =D
eddie6192 about 12 years ago
I wonder if LGD had anything to do with this?
Number Three about 12 years ago
Goat’s face is PRICELESS in the Last Panel.
Love the KABOOM effect too!
jmartin1955 about 12 years ago
Exploding Fish are Funny
JoeStrike about 12 years ago
“May the good Lord take a likin’ to you and blow you up real soon.”- John Candy, SCTV
PatrickASL about 12 years ago
Good trick, but can he do it only once?
Digital Frog about 12 years ago
Carp DiemFish of the Day.
Jml58 about 12 years ago
It wasn´t earthshattering,
Jml58 about 12 years ago
No virgins, he gets 70 mother-in -laws instead.
TileComics about 12 years ago
I ordered the blow-up fish from a restaurant once – it was dynamite.
TileComics about 12 years ago
I also wish goat would wear that expression when he’s disturbed instead of closing his eyes arrogantly and disgustedly like he always does.
Sherlock Watson about 12 years ago
Has anybody here seen my old friend Bobby? Can you tell me where he’s gone?(No disrespect is intended — it’s just such a perfect line.)
guxdude about 12 years ago
Hard to hold on to good friends sometimes.
sandigilbo about 12 years ago
I don’t know what I enjoy more – PBS strip or the comments. You all crack me up (and, no, I’m not an egg head)..If my name was Bob or any derivative of Robert, I would change my name!
monster man about 12 years ago
Aw man! you broke my … Empty plate.
tbritt99 about 12 years ago
Bye bye Bobby
Vonne Anton about 12 years ago
Do puffer fish chain smoke?
xpurplezebra about 12 years ago
blown way outta proportion
bgby4884 about 12 years ago
I want one!
m.l. about 12 years ago
bmonk about 12 years ago
He was caught by a good ol’ Arkansas boy, in the traditional manner—using in a couple of sticks of dynamite.
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
And now they need kaboom to clean up.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Mechanic…. what’s funny is that I actually Googled inflatable dolls to find the name of a real one…
but the names were horrid…and I also decided if I used one, somebody would think I hung out on porn sites.So I made one up.
I’m not an anti-porn crusader…. I don’t go to those sites, but I think, whatever floats your boat. But for those who like it..it’s too bad the people posing …. AND the people who own and run the websites….are tawdry, materialistic, and often evil…
they love to install pop-up generators, key trackers and other malware on your computer.
AStarofDestiny about 12 years ago
Well, that blows….
Blow-Up Fish about 12 years ago
That look of Goat in the last panel is priceless.
wowzo about 12 years ago
I guess pig is right more often than i thought…
KatP Premium Member almost 12 years ago
And the PBS death toll rises once more.
Iwasfromrussia over 11 years ago
I’m the only one who noticed pig is half dead.
One Navy Seal about 5 years ago
If he was a puffer fish, he’d be called Paul.
Its_dshen112 over 1 year ago
This fish is a mutated creeper from minecraft