Hmmm… The two boxes look like Tupperwear-like containers. They are almost certainly empty, because grandma Rose would probably never send a girl Ruthie’s age next door with two containers full of food. So… take the lids of. Put the bag in the smaller container, and the smaller inside the bigger. Place the lids under the bigger container, the smaller one sandwiched to make the whole thing easier to grasp. Voilà. The little girl can now see over her packages. (No easy solution for the door, though.)
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Ruthie thinks she got the “Zonk”…
Catfeet Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Door Number One, of course!
ossiningaling almost 11 years ago
Where’s Carol Merrill when you need her?
Strod almost 11 years ago
Hmmm… The two boxes look like Tupperwear-like containers. They are almost certainly empty, because grandma Rose would probably never send a girl Ruthie’s age next door with two containers full of food. So… take the lids of. Put the bag in the smaller container, and the smaller inside the bigger. Place the lids under the bigger container, the smaller one sandwiched to make the whole thing easier to grasp. Voilà. The little girl can now see over her packages. (No easy solution for the door, though.)
vldazzle almost 11 years ago
I always thought a smatter of something was nearly a tad.