Frank and Ernest by Thaves for August 10, 2018

  1. Copy of msg apa181
    The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member over 6 years ago

    For people who are not, are there knotholes?

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  2. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 6 years ago

    the loop extended around D.C., certain pols at other levels, and the 1%. For the rest, it became The Wall and was built at taxpayer expense

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  3. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  over 6 years ago

    He seems far too happy to tell you about that. Try the “sovereign” bit. Get a few blocks away from there first, of course.

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  4. Bike avatar
    dwpbike  over 6 years ago

    thaves is being provocative; don’t take much for me

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  5. Img 20140309 081158
    Herb L 1954  over 6 years ago

    Wish the Loop were around their neck,not our’s ;(

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  6. Obama e. neuman..
    cosman  over 6 years ago

    To paraphrase Mr. Carlin: “It’s a loop, and YOU ain’t in it..!”

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  7. Crazyforkedindianpalmsquirrel max 1mb
    B UTTONS  over 6 years ago

    Loopholes were never meant for the everyday person.

    Loopholes are for Congress and those elite who Congress meant to be in the know.

    When the everyday folks begin to benefit, Congress moves the loop.

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