Michael Ramirez for June 24, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  13 days ago

    False equivalence. Not unexpected: The GQP has been claiming to be all about fiscal conservatism since… well, since… hmm. Meanwhile, Democratic administrations typically either reduce the debt or at least slow its increase.

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  2. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  13 days ago

    Stop making the middle class pay for Republican tax breaks to rich people.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  13 days ago

    How about taxing the rich?

    Oh wait ypu hate that

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    WaitingMan  13 days ago

    Both parties have a plan to deal with debt and deficit:

    Democratic Plan: Tax increases and slashed benefits for people who live in luxury.

    Republican Plan: Tax increases and slashed benefits for people who live in poverty.

    Biden-Harris, 2024. If you have any sense of decency.

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    Kurtass Premium Member 13 days ago

    Show the huge bag with the military spending. Wait, that would fill the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool.

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  6. Mooseguy
    moosemin  13 days ago

    Get rid of the Inheritance and capital gains taxes. That should set things right!

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    baroden Premium Member 13 days ago

    How about this: Let’s go 50 years without Republicans involving us in unfunded wars AND not giving tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires. As a bonus, we could stop corporate welfare.

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    aristoclesplato9  13 days ago

    Far too many fail to realize we have a spending problem and instead try to blame the rich for not paying for everyone.

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    robcarroll1213  13 days ago

    “Hahaha! I like to pretend the Republicans can save the economy and the middle class! Sure, why not?”

    ~Michael (Please Don’t Deport Me) Ramirez

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    Fklimko  13 days ago

    Where’s the pig with lipstick?

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  11. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  13 days ago

    Make every company with over a billion dollars in profits pay the same tax rate at the men and women who work there(excluding CEOs) and our national “debt” becomes a surplus.

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    FredBurr  13 days ago

    Our political leaders know what must be done. What they don’t know is how to be re-elected after having done it. DeTocqueville was spot on when he said our republic would collapse once the people realize they have their hands in the till.

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    Johncom  13 days ago

    Both parties have discovered that people don’t care about deficits. It’s not a political issue that generates any interest. Unless and until this dynamic changes, the train will continue to head for the cliff. I think we’re pretty close. Or, if we’re lucky we’ll simply decline into an impoverished third world kleptocracy.

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    Ivan the Terrible   13 days ago

    Someone fact check the insane “Radish”.

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  15. Cthulhu p1xg
    gorbag  13 days ago

    The obvious thing to do here is what we’d do with any other individual or company who spends more than they earn. Put them into receivership and sell off their assets. Let’s face it, the federal government was a bad idea from the get-go. Time to go to 50+ disunited states.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 13 days ago

    The middle and upper poor still seem to have some.. extra money, at the end of the month, so they could handle a bit of a tax increase. /S

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  17. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  13 days ago

    Stop making the middle class pay for Democrats who don’t need the help to go to Harvard.

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  18. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 13 days ago

    Instead of a debt problem consider it investing in the future. We need infrastructure. Just because you don’t understand what the government is doing doesn’t make it bad.

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    jack666 Premium Member 13 days ago

    Ramirez hopes we have all forgotten that the budget was balanced when Dubya took office and fixed that problem with massive tax cuts, which have since been dwarfed by those of TrQmp.

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    ChristopherBurns  13 days ago

    Marx was correct in his assessment of modern economies.

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  21. Sunimage
    Sun  13 days ago

    The best solution to lower the national debt problem which was entirely caused by Democrat incompetence, is to vote Republican to remove every incompetent Democrat from office.

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    Plumb.Bob Premium Member 13 days ago

    The GOP cuts taxes and spends. The Dems increase taxes and spend. One is mildly more responsible.

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    Will E. Makeit Premium Member 13 days ago

    Drain the Deep State Uniparty Swamp of all of the Rich Men North of Richmond…career politicians and bureaucrats

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    Al Fresco, the Librarian  13 days ago

    Through our recent economic history has it seemed to be a contest between the politicians, whether Republican or Democrat, who can spend the most? The pork flows in Washington no matter who is in control. A balanced budget amendment might reign in this egregious spending of our money. A budget override in case of war or national emergency should a 2/3 majority and a plan to pay it back. The majority of states live within a balanced budget, with California being the obvious exception. Why can’t the Feds?

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    Gnork  13 days ago

    Allan Watts identified the fatal fallacy of civilization—the confusion of wealth and money. The deficit fails to reflect the real wealth we squander—clean air, water, regenerative habitat….

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  26. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 13 days ago

    When the Republicans have the White House they run up the debt. When Busch 1 began running up the debt, Chaney explained “Reagan has proven that Deficits Don’t Matter". They only become an issue for Republicans when a Democrat is in the White House and the bills need to be paid. Then they do this charade so that they can blame the Democrats and make points for the next election.

    Reagan took the deficit from 70 billion to 175 billion.

    Bush 41 took it to 300 billion.

    Clinton got it to zero.

    Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.2 trillion.

    Obama halved it to 600 billion.

    Trump got it back to a trillion.

    Biden reduced it $350 billion his first year in office. And the budget office expects to see it drop by another 1 trillion, 500 billion dollars – the largest drop ever. This is despite a $1.9 Trillion pandemic relief package. The Republicans screamed about this at the time, but it is credited with funding a faster recovery than anywhere else in the world, and actually decreasing the debt further.

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    think it through  13 days ago

    Republicans always claim that democrats are ‘’tax and spend’’ but when republicans are in power, they always cut taxes that raises our debts higher than democrats spending does. How do republicans pay off their personal debts by lowering their income?

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    ncorgbl  13 days ago

    Reagan tripled our National Debt, Bush2 tripled it again and tRump blew it away. Every Republican/conservative Administration since 1929 has had a recession or depression, some had two. Republican/conservatives have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that they cannot manage an economy, and are incapable of governing. The solution is to not vote for conservatives regardless what party they inhabit at the moment.

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  29. Wtp
    superposition  13 days ago

    A nation with an inexhaustible supply of well-educated, highly-educated, highly skilled in advanced technologies would have a commodity the rest of the world would pay dearly for as the habitable regions of the world continue to shrink.

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    braindead Premium Member 13 days ago

    More both siderism by Ramirez.

    Both sides explode the deficit, y’know, equally.


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    AndrewSihler  12 days ago

    There was a notice in today’s news that government spending during Trump’s administration was about twice what it has been during Biden’s.

    Oh, by the way, a wonderful image!

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    dickerndicker  12 days ago

    not a debt problem-fair tax problem-the entire tax structure problem.

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    Wonder-Wart-Hog  12 days ago

    What would fantastic is reducing the corporate tax rate to 15%. What would happen is companies relocating to the US? This would creat 10’s of 1000’s of primary jobs, and 100’s of 1000’s of secondary jobs. More companies paying US Taxes, not EU taxes, plus all of the taxes paid by the workers, and all of the secondary workers taxes etc. etc.

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