The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for December 22, 2024

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    codycab  about 15 hours ago

    Wilberforce having a great idea? Now that’s a Christmas gift!

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    zzeek  about 15 hours ago

    I mail my cheapscape brother BD and Christmas cards to try, unsuccessfully, to guilt him into mailing me one.

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    LookingGlass Premium Member about 15 hours ago

    Ahhhh, the “good-ol-days!!!”


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    thevideostoreguy  about 15 hours ago

    Put up a video of the tree on YouTube and send everyone the link.

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    Justanolddude Premium Member about 15 hours ago

    We got 2 Christmas cards this year. One came from a company that I haven’t dealt with in years and the other from a couple that my wife knew from her work 6 years ago and that I never met. Ho ho ho. My dogs got gifts from my brother and sister in law yesterday. They came from Amazon and each gift had a little Christmas tag. Close enough. I call that a win. Merry Christmas everyone.

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    The dude from FL  Premium Member about 15 hours ago

    MAN…….Doesn’t that sorta age you? “In the last century”!

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  7. Sanity clause
    Doug Taylor Premium Member about 11 hours ago

    In Canada I get tens of thousands of them every year. All mailed to…


    North Pole

    H0H 0H0

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    tammiammi  about 10 hours ago

    I still mail Christmas cards. People are in such a rush, slow down & enjoy His peace.

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    dlkrueger33  about 9 hours ago

    I’m one of those seniors who still sends (and enjoys receiving) Christmas cards. Sadly, with little reciprocation and the passing of friends and relatives, that list has become extremely short. What makes me happy is that both my daughter AND daughter-in-law are believers in this tradition. Geez…I remember my mother sending out about 200 cards and getting the same back. I miss that.

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    pat sandy creator about 9 hours ago

    Wilberforce has the right idea…

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    Lotus  about 9 hours ago

    I remember back in the 20th Century when people would send “thank you” cards for gifts received in the mail or otherwise unexpected. It’s saving us a ton of money, however, as the “no thank you card” person never gets another present from us.

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    Denver Reader Premium Member about 8 hours ago


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    CorkLock  about 8 hours ago

    Don’t see nothing under that tree folks. Did Mother gargle snaffle them? Or is Bah Humbug Brutus playing a trick waiting for Christmas Morning?

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    Chris  about 8 hours ago

    some traditions change with the times… but ya can’t beat the classics. :D

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    Strawberry King  about 7 hours ago

    That’s the Christmas spirit.

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    Brent Rosenthal Premium Member about 6 hours ago

    Wow that “last century” comment is sobering. My wife has never liked to send Christmas cards so we haven’t for years. However for every birthday and anniversary in the family, I give two cards, a “regular” card and a “special bonus” card. It’s become known as my thing

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    KEA  about 6 hours ago

    I’d like to know what other service can be had for 73¢

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  18. Stinker
    cuzinron47  about 5 hours ago

    Why not stick with tradition and surprise people.

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    rhpii  about 4 hours ago

    It ended for me when Happy Holidays became the norm. No one wants to offend. I’d rather send a Merry Christmas card and receive a Happy Hannukah, God Jul, Kwanza or some other card from someone that is meaningful to them. Trust me, I won’t be offended. In fact I would be flattered that you trusted me to share your heartfelt rather than Hallmark greetings with me.

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    namelocdet  about 4 hours ago

    Every year we mail out over 30, and get back less than ten.

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    oakie9531  about 4 hours ago

    from the Star of Bethlehem article in Imprimis publication December 1996 by Craig Chester Past President, Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy and available on line, facebook wouldn’t let me post it…Jesus was born on December 25th – “It seems plausible that the Magi were “overjoyed” at again seeing before them, as they traveled southward, “his star,” Jupiter, which at its stationary point was standing still over Bethlehem. We do know for certain that Jupiter performed a retrograde loop in 2 B.C. and that it was stationary on December 25, interestingly enough, during Hanukkah, the season for giving presents.”

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 4 hours ago

    Leave it to the Berwald’s………

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  23. Grumpy cat
    EMGULS79  about 2 hours ago

    Ugh! Cards! Ridiculously overpriced waste of time and money. Sorry (actually not sorry), but if I had a time machine the first thing I’d do is go back and give Mr. Hallmark’s dad a condom.

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    Smeagol  about 1 hour ago

    I sent out 20 cards for Thanksgiving and again for Christmas. Today the 22nd I have received two so far from the 20 sent out lol it is a dying tradition, but I’ll send them again next year. As I told a friend two days ago, writing cards sharpens my writing skill which has gone south with keyboards and email/text as a means of writing to someone. I also switched from ball point pens to a calligraphy pen – it suits my writing style better as my cursive was always poor. Happy Sunday everyone!

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    Zyxian  about 1 hour ago

    Beside sending out Christmas cards, we also include a letter. We have a spreadsheet we use to do a mail merge. It has columns to personalize the letter. We sign both the card and letter. We sent out 75 this year.It also keeps track of who sent us a card. We are getting fewer and fewer cards each year.

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