Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for October 31, 2009
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling The Fugitive Directed by Roman Polanski And so, I am forced to live a life on the run, in my penthouse apartment of 30 years in Paris... toiling at odd jobs wherever I can find them, such as directing Oscar TM - winning films... Aide: Your latte, Mr. Polanski. but always dogged by law enforcement and a press that is relentless in its occasional impertinent questions. Reporter: What about your conviction... Roman: How very rude! ROMAN POLANSKI DIRECTED BY ROMAN POLANSKI POLANSKI Then, one day at a film festival (not far from my chalet in Switzerland), they finally catch me! APPEARING TODAY ROMAN POLANSKI Roman: H-how did you know I'd be here today? Detective #1: We got you, punk! Now I suppose you'll say you're innocent -- that a one-armed man did it! Roman: No...I did it! Roman: But hasn't decades of ELUDING proper punishment been punishment ENOUGH? Detective #1: Why...he's right! Detective #2: What fools we've been! Roman: And what of the damage to my reputation? Detective #2: Yes, surely the SHAME of having raped a child can substitute for a criminal penalty! Detective #1: You have proven your innocence at long last, sir! Detective #2: You life on the lam is over! Roman: Champagne and quaaludes for everyone at my place!
The lowlifes that came out and supported this scum. The Hollywood Left are a cesspool and their views on anything should never be listened to.