Pig certainly IS strictly disciplined! Little Guard Duck and his favorite weapon, the rocket-propelled grenade launcher, can cover the kitchen with very powerful reminders that extra eating is strictly Verboten!
Steven……You DO know that a Soviet RPG is about as dangerous to the shooter as it is the target?! The cabinet would be gone and we’d most likely have roast GD with Pig!
cdgar almost 12 years ago
The kind of diet I need.
legaleagle48 almost 12 years ago
Well, three-fourths of the word IS “die,” after all!
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
Not even for a morsel of health food, Guard Duck? And how do you guard the cupboard, fridge and pantry all at once?
Michael McGinnis Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Trust Guard Duck to put the “die” back in “die” + “t”, which leaves the rest to fit Pig to a “t”.
jackhs almost 12 years ago
As I sit here scarfing ice cream…..
Peabody-Martini almost 12 years ago
Anti tank rockets to enforce a diet, pretty hardcore.
orinoco womble almost 12 years ago
I need one of those.
juicebruce almost 12 years ago
Tough love,duck style !
knight1192a almost 12 years ago
The Guard Duck diet always ensures you loose at least ten pounds.
John Falstaff almost 12 years ago
Sumbodie tell Peeg to eet Gard Duck. Probbem solved!
j-birds3 almost 12 years ago
Ah yes, the guard duck diet. Works every time.
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Pig certainly IS strictly disciplined! Little Guard Duck and his favorite weapon, the rocket-propelled grenade launcher, can cover the kitchen with very powerful reminders that extra eating is strictly Verboten!
Carl Rennhack Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Pig has always been a light eater,,,as soon as it’s daylight, he starts eating!!
Bandera_Ken almost 12 years ago
That will work. Unlike the preacher in Gasoline Ally, Guard Duck can’t be bribed.
jack fairbanks almost 12 years ago
soup nazis!
hariseldon59 almost 12 years ago
Kind of reminds me of the Flintstones episode where Fred joined Food Anonymous, and the guy was there to stop him from eating at every turn.
dreadlokz almost 12 years ago
I could never live if I had one of those.
Number Three almost 12 years ago
Quite an awesome plan.
If not dangerous…
JP Steve Premium Member almost 12 years ago
As long as he doesn’t keep Pig away from the BLT’s!
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
“Being that this is a grenade launcher, you gotta ask yourself one question: ‘Am I really hungry?’ Well, are you, punk?”:Name that reference!
Scott S almost 12 years ago
If he fires that RPG in the cupboard the backblast would blow the both of them to smithereens.
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
Don’t ask. Do, then ask of forgiveness.
bmonk almost 12 years ago
RPG diet, or LGD diet?
Either way reminds me of a Geico commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynR0yRhxeL8
killacowinWA almost 12 years ago
Ha! Ones like these are why I like this strip. I must say, this is probably the most useful application of a household Guard Duck we’re likely to see.
jwbriggs almost 12 years ago
Steven……You DO know that a Soviet RPG is about as dangerous to the shooter as it is the target?! The cabinet would be gone and we’d most likely have roast GD with Pig!
jwbriggs almost 12 years ago
Hmmmm. Come to think of it, that sounds pretty tasty!!!
rgcviper almost 12 years ago
Good taste with the cheese poofs, though.
JGordonFan24 almost 12 years ago
take the, dr. atkins!!!
alviebird almost 12 years ago
Eating is a bad habit.
I’m trying to quit.
dataweaver almost 12 years ago
Be thankful that Stephan didn’t draw an assembly of catholic priests (a “diet”) in that final panel.
banananananana almost 12 years ago
Snuffles [Previously Helikitty] almost 3 years ago
That says cheese poops.
alantain over 1 year ago
I need a guard duck in my life, but to gain weight. If a duck with an RPG tells you to finish your meal, you certainly will.