Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for June 22, 2013
Rip: Tahiti Jones! Master: That's right, you nimcompoop! Now go retrieve me the tiki, or else this luscious fire-top gets filled with lead! Rip: But the tiki's cursed! If I touch it, I'll become even more evil and soulless than you! Master: Cool! We could hang out! I've longed to show someone my pog collection! Breezy: Rip, don't do it! That pog collection will annihilate your soul!
Randy B Premium Member over 11 years ago
Was that an 80’s fad or a 90’s fad?
johnrussco over 11 years ago
I am looking forward to watching Rip Ka-Slap ole scar-face right in the kisser ! Fire-top will get to see our hero in action real soon. ha ha ha
Just one more thing over 11 years ago
Rip has sunday strips?
lecrenb over 11 years ago
Gaaa… not the Pogs!Now he’ll be in for a Ka-Beating for sure!
Dragoncat over 11 years ago
What did he use, Just For Men?Boy, that stuff really did last Just Five Minutes.
DorianKTB over 11 years ago
Well, they are a lovely bunch of coconuts, aren’t they? :-)
[lizardprotector] about 1 year ago
Why does everyone hate pogs?