Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for September 13, 2013
September 12, 2013
September 14, 2013
Goat: Do you think you're an optimist or a pessimist? Rat: I'm an optimist... who is always disappointed. I'm a disappoptimist. Goat: Not sure I understand that. Rat: It's okay. I'm optimistic you'll get smarter.
PESSIMIST- One who says his or her mug of Guinness is half emptyOPTIMIST—One who says his or her mug is half fullREALIST—One who quickly drinks the Guinness & orders another!!
The real question is alcohol in natural occurring amounts(as in beer or wine) dangerous to people? I am sure that distilled alcohol products and “fortified” are not good for you(too strong), but it is hard to believe that beer and wine(used as they did to kill germs in their drinking water) was bad for them.
Bilan over 11 years ago
C;mon Goat! Asking Rat if he’s an optimist is like asking Hitler if he’s a pacifist.
RazorD9 over 11 years ago
More like a Pest-imist.
legaleagle48 over 11 years ago
Actually, it makes perfect sense to me, Goat.
Jiblet_VT over 11 years ago
I’m a pessimist who is disappointed with positive results. I am a supressimist.
lynnskay over 11 years ago
Took a second, then I LOL’ed. :)
punmeister over 11 years ago
An optimist is a guy with no medical training who thinks he can improve your vision.
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
What, Goat foiled by a crude neologism?! I no longer think of you as “the smart guy in the strip,” Goat!
Alan Rees over 11 years ago
And of course Rat expects to be disappointed by anything he is optimistic about. LOL.
SwimsWithSharks over 11 years ago
Rat’s tail is longer than Goat’s legs.
puddlesplatt over 11 years ago
A bigamist and then Brigadoon…
rshive over 11 years ago
Always expect the worst. if it happens, you’re prepared. And if it doesn’t, you feel pretty good.
Carl Rennhack Premium Member over 11 years ago
PESSIMIST- One who says his or her mug of Guinness is half emptyOPTIMIST—One who says his or her mug is half fullREALIST—One who quickly drinks the Guinness & orders another!!
GoodQuestion Premium Member over 11 years ago
Wood that make pig a disapessimist? . . . ☻
Moishe3rd over 11 years ago
Does Stephan always draw his characters so that they look like they are sitting on invisible chairs?
Ermine Notyours over 11 years ago
You want me to marry you? That would be pretty big o’ me.
Sherlock Watson over 11 years ago
“Some people see the glass half full. Others see it half empty. I see a glass that’s twice as big as it needs to be.” (George Carlin)
Number Three over 11 years ago
Hmm… Right.
LOL xxx
emmefb over 11 years ago
Looks like some people are questioning this cartoon. This might give all he answers needed:
DaveBNM over 11 years ago
Is the glass half full or half empty?
When filling it, it is half full.When emptying it, it is half empty.
When it’s just sitting there, it’s half a glass.
Enoki over 11 years ago
The glass is always full… Unless you are in a vacuum. But then again being here making comments kind of is an intellectual one isn’t it?
Dabattlebacca over 11 years ago
Yes, perfect sense.
route66paul over 11 years ago
The real question is alcohol in natural occurring amounts(as in beer or wine) dangerous to people? I am sure that distilled alcohol products and “fortified” are not good for you(too strong), but it is hard to believe that beer and wine(used as they did to kill germs in their drinking water) was bad for them.
Alexander the Good Enough over 11 years ago
An optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. A pessimist is sure of it.
alantain over 1 year ago
I’m a pessimist with a thin veneer of optimism. I see the glass as half full, but I keep knocking it over.