Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for March 12, 2014
Bucky: You can't just eat anything you find on the street! We're home, now! Just eat dog food! The latest data shows that less than 20% of unidentified meat-like matters-or umms-are edible. So remember: P.I.E.! Perceive! Identify! Eat! Not perceive, eat, wretch! That's P.E.W.! Satchel: I'm still gonna eat it. Bucky: Ok, this is why evolution is bunk, you're not smart enough to have evolved from anything.
Randy B Premium Member almost 11 years ago
The verb “retch” starts with an R.Maybe Bucky is just calling him a wretch. Again.
hometownk Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Bucky is so right here.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
We’ve perceived that can be picked up in one piece, it does not drip, and …. NaRF!What was I saying?
Johnnie Polo Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Bucky, the voice of reason. I guess next pigs will fly.
davidh48 almost 11 years ago
Oh Bucky, what a great (last) statement!
ericbutts74 almost 11 years ago
Satchel is on a see-food diet.
wordymom almost 11 years ago
How about Sense, Perceive, Eat, Wretch? That’s S.P.E.W.
puddlesplatt almost 11 years ago
$8 bucks for a pack of cigretts…quit now, for Petes sake 1951 .25 cents a pack
ShadowBeast Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Well considering that dogs used to be wolves, I’d say that dogs like Satchel are devolving.
rroush Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Gotta love Bucky.
Scooby D. Labbé almost 11 years ago
Satchel’s just being a dog. I’ve never known a dog that wouldn’t eat the most disgusting-looking things off the street.
cubelodyte almost 11 years ago
Hey, I love you guys on this thread. What a joy!The strip mentions “Evolve” and nobody’s trying to start an argument about Liberals or Creationists or anything.
To quote from Ratatouille, “If you learn to muscle your way through the gag reflex, all kinds of food possibilities open up for you.”
hometownk Premium Member almost 11 years ago
For dogs, it’s all in the smell. If is smells, it is edible. And, as we bred dogs from wolves, the puppy part of their nature was kept. Dogs are really immature wolves.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Sounds about right for regulated dealer in the major cities in Wisconsin and much of the northeast, but I think for the rest of the country it’s like $5-6. I hear they’re up to $14 in NYC. You can get them cheaper in many places.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Remember kids and pets. Evolution does not produce the strongest, the smartest, or the fastest. If it did, we would all be genius olympians and smart enough to know not to reproduce. If anything, evolution tends to produce “good enough” averages while toying with the extremes.
Opus Croakus almost 11 years ago
Ah see, I was right! PEW!