Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 04, 2014

  1. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Somehow I can’t imagine that Bernice would want to fill Any size shoes at Pitts HS…meanwhile, we see that Ms. Phelps will continue working at Pitts until her retirement…which will probably be in 7-8 years depending on how long it takes Bernice to earn her PhD… ;)

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    Hoh, boy!!! Now, Phelps has gone an’ dunnit…. BIG Time ! – And now, Bernice has gone hangdog , because she’s all catatonic , !!!

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  3. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    “Big shoes, Great big, huge shoes.” Translation: “Miss Phelps, you’re a clown.”

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    And soon, “overqualified” to give a speech! In a way, Phelps has “touched a nerve”, where there was none, before!

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  5. Shran1
    atomicdog  over 10 years ago

    Oh God, you mean Phelps is NOT retiring?

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 10 years ago

    Similarly, a high school chum took over as our high school alma mater’s new music teacher to replace the retiring teacher under whom that chum was taught. That was just some few years ago.

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    Soccer_Rocks743  over 10 years ago

    I don’t think this is a good story ark. In my opinion it is b-o-r-i-n-g

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    … all my replies seem so faaar away….

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    “Maximum’s The Word”“Semper Magnify”“Unintended Truth Or Consequences”“Bright Lights, Big City”“Grand PiaNo Sweat!”“♪….Do You Know Where You’re Going To?…♪”“Misguidandce Counselor”“Trigger Words”“Big Time”“Get Out The Giant Lens And Watch “Em Sweat”“This Aint No Party, This Aint No Disco, This Aint No Foolin’ Around…”or“Never Take Orders From A Clown”

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    LOL! That’s because I was just practicing…Plus, I couldn’t find my “key”…..

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago


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    wlabinger  over 10 years ago

    It’s boring but not as bad as with that other guy!! That went on forever.

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    Same here…

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    “Sponsored” by….Sullivan’s Plus… “For all your foot solutions”… "Come here, for a really big shoe! " – and by…Ingrown Tony’s… “Featuring the best sole food in town!”.. “And don’t listen to the reviews… the food is not leathery!”

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    I supersized the other one, just now.. at no charge!

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    tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Bernice had been doing Phelps job. Actually listening to Luann and not giving trite answers

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    Got all of ’em, now… I think….

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  18. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Time to hang it up for the night! At least my IS girl thinks so! ’Nite all! ;)-——————————————————————————————————————-

    “Ah! Vanitas Vanitatum! Which of us is happy in this world? Which of us has his desire? or, having it, is satisfied?…” (William Makepeace Thackeray, 1811-1863)

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    Scott Stevenson  over 10 years ago

    Yes, Miss Phelps, those are some big shoes to fill. Tell me—do they make them in women’s sizes?

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    Bonus response, also “on the house”…

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  21. Truff avatar
    ShagsCA  over 10 years ago

    Fuggedabout da shoes…it’s a bigger nose to replace! A tip o’ the hat to the old shnozolla, Jimmy D! Ha cha cha cha chaaa…

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  22. Dsc00030
    alviebird  over 10 years ago

    It would not surprise me at all if she walks out into the hall, quickly straightens Leslie Knox out, causing full repentance, then decides this is exactly what she wants to do.

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    bagbalm  over 10 years ago

    That might be enough to make her rethink the whole thing.

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    Editman  over 10 years ago

    I predict that the school catches fire…no, wait that was Degrassi.

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    Cronkers McGee  Premium Member over 10 years ago

    She is shocked!

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  26. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 10 years ago

    Relax, Bernice. Your new BFF, Margo, will still be counselor at Pitts when your retire from your university and public service career.

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    Renee  over 10 years ago

    @ JPuzzleWhiz The shoe’s you’re wearing -Clint Black

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    Mordock999 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Go ahead, Bernie.TELL, Miz Phelps How You Regard HER with CONTEMPT.

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  29. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  over 10 years ago

    There is a bit of foreshadowing going on here, but Ms. Phelps might not be alive to see the end result if it takes Bern 29 years to get her degree. Ah, “Christmas Shoes”. That would be a good one for Ms. Phelps’ funeral.

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  30. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   over 10 years ago

    Still nothing being done about Leslie Knox’s assaults, how does Phelps counsel his victims?Meanwhile, will Bernice now encounter Leslie and a. Clop him in the chops?(Leading to an assault charge and her valedictorian status being revoked) b. Become just another one of his sufferers?(Whereupon Phelps finally steps up to the plate, or totally fails in that also)- or -c. Counsel him like he’s never been counseled before.(As we’re all pretty sure he’s NEVER been IN Phelp’s office at all.)All hilarious scenarios.

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  31. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  over 10 years ago

    So Ms. Ph IS considering following her true love, Mr. F, into retirement. Good for her!

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  32. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  over 10 years ago

    And Bern, you can still be a vet.

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    Argy.Bargy2  over 10 years ago

    -Not if she hides the body to be found later-Who are you, and what have you done with peace-loving Night-Gaunt49?

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 10 years ago

    It is impressive Miz Phelps thinks she did a good job.Every system needs feed-back loops to improve performance.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 10 years ago

    a body in a hydropulper in a paper mill would never be found. It would be mixed up with the pulp so finely that no part would ever be noticed. There could have been part of one in the last piece of paper you used.You’ll never know.

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    TORAD_07  over 10 years ago

    .I get allergic smelling hay ♪

    Oops, wrong song – that was Lisa’s line from Green Acres…

    ♫ I.. just adore a penthouse view…

    Dahling I love you but give me Park Avenue…♪


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  37. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 10 years ago


    ,“I don’t think this is a good story ark (arc. dhg). In my opinion it is b-o-r-i-n-g”,JPuzzleWhiz "Who’s forcing you to read it?".That could be the problem, not enough pictures and reading is too hard.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 10 years ago

    “I have the impression working at Pitts is not something Bernice looks forward to.”.Nah, it’s the trying to fit her feet in Miz Phelps’ shoes which worries her

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    Lamberger  over 10 years ago

    2nd panel title: Deer in Headlights. Bernice needs some distance, both temporal and physical, to put Pitts in perspective.

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  40. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 10 years ago

    Click to open thumbnail

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    TORAD_07  over 10 years ago

    About the tractor: On the show, his tractor was a Hoyt-Clagwell. In reality though, his tractor was a Fordson model “F” built from 1917-1926 .

    The only thing I recall about the tractor was the flywheel. :-)

    But I recall it distinctly.

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    On today’s FB page, the “open ended” question was "What do we suppose Bernice is thinking?…

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    RH3  over 10 years ago

    Bernice, run. Run now.

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  44. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Re: combat boots for women in women’s sizes…yep…I have a pair for nasty weather… ;)

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  45. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Re: Phelps as a CC counselor…can’t really see this happening..I think she’ll go down with Pitts HS… ;)

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