Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 29, 2015
Luann: "Gunther, have you heard from Rosa in Peru?" Gunther: "Not in a long time. The clinic she's working at is kinda off the grid. But i guess she's really happy with the path she chose in Peru..." Gunther: "I thought I had a clear path. But now... I dunno. I feel uncertain" Luann: "I hear that. Quill is so sure about where he's headed in life. Meanwhile, I wander around feeling totally lost" Luann: "Wait- Where are we....?"
Templo S.U.D. almost 10 years ago
Where are you and Luann. Gunther? Lost in thought. That’s where.
Angelalex242 almost 10 years ago
Well, Luann’s in college to get her MRS, apparently, Gunther…still has his engineering path.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Uh…guys… if you’d turn around to your left and a little bit behind you, you’d see a sign pointing to Greg’s (about 3:00 position, last panel, towards edge)… maybe you can get directions there- and perhaps a “spot o’ tea”…. – If a map has a "legend "on it, does it mean that you shouldn’t believe it?…..
doverdan almost 10 years ago
Lost in the darkness . . .
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“Carte Blank”“Global Dispostion-ing”“Here, There And Everywhere…And Then Some”“Aggravating Navingation”“A Fork In The Road And A Lot On Your Plate”“Four Winds And One Sail”or“Signs, Signs…Everywhere There’s Signs…” (♫)
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Gunther’s “clear path” never involved accompanying Rosa to Peru. His “clear path” was to attend Moony through graduate school, get married, and raise a family in a home with his wife and mother. Now Mom is de-railing that grand plan by maybe not being a part of it. Having his mother live with him was so critical to Gunther’s “clear path” that now he feels lost without it. Sorry, Gunther, but you’ve got… serious issues.
blunebottle almost 10 years ago
Oh, oh- here it comes….the long-predicted (by some) break-up with Quill and re-connection with the Gunth!
Namrepus almost 10 years ago
Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs.
kenhense almost 10 years ago
Welcome to the Real World. I predict Rosa will be back (maybe pregnant) and Quill will not get a break in acting and will have to turn to something else. The art teacher is right about one thing: Art – and Life – is a crap shoot.
Pointspread almost 10 years ago
In this day + age nowhere is “off the grid” if you want to make contact bad enough. Perhaps Gunther is sorry that he didn’t give Peru enough of a chance? And speaking of chances what about Tiff playing up to him? Maybe that’s all on hold until after the wedding.
Belinda Banana Ana almost 10 years ago
Editman almost 10 years ago
They need to go to Sunnyvale Trailer Park and smoke some Hash with Rickey, Julian and Bubbles.
Kymberleigh almost 10 years ago
Speaking of “have you heard from” … did Crystal and Knute go off and elope or something? We saw them at the Halloween party, then again at New Year’s Eve … and now they’ve disappeared again.
And the last time we saw Delta was when she called Luann after the November elections.
Not even offhanded mentions by the other regulars? You’d think Luann and Bernice would occasionally miss Delta, and Tiffany would normally be a little lost without Crystal.
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
They don’t have any way to communicate out there. All they have are sticks and the llama express.
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
Also, Gunther, you look like a folk singer from a bygone age.
sarazan7 almost 10 years ago
Whatever happened to Mr. Grey?
dadoctah almost 10 years ago
“Life: You Are Here”
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
Take the stage-left turn to “Greg 3-29” and enquire there about your future path. Or, just take the marked trail most suited to this moment and let the future take care of itself….
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
imbaldeagle almost 10 years ago
If you were in a city, I’d say you’re at the corner of Walk & Don’t Walk.
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Hmmmm. Well Let’s See Here.
You Have two Long Time Friends, BOTH of Whom DEEPLY Care for each other, UNCERTAIN About Their Career Paths, “Lost In Space,” TOGETHER.
What’s the Problem??
Looks Like a MATCH Made In Pittsville Heaven, to Me.
But DON’T Take My Word for it Lu. Just Wait’ll Pretty Boy DUMPS You when YOU get in the Way of HIS “Career.”
….Just Like Rosa Did Gunther.
Willywise52 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Oh Mordock,so pessimistic.Quill will never dump Luann,and Rosa will come back for Gunther,just you wait and see.
jrankin1959 almost 10 years ago
“Will and Grace; The Next Generation”
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
These two people are now enrolled in their respective colleges, so it should be a time to let go of their high school life (and high school romances), meet new people, and explore more about the adult world. It is likely that Luann will meet someone new who is less career-driven than Quill, and Gunther can meet someone who wants a more nearly conventional life than Rosa does. Move on, you two (which means stop thinking of the world in terms of the same small group of people that you went to high school with).
dre7861 almost 10 years ago
If you had turned right, you could have gone seen Greg :)
maverick1usa almost 10 years ago
No sign at that section of the trail so Luann is lost & confused! Gunter needs to pull out his pocket compass so they can find their way back to civilization. They didn’t leave any bread crumbs to follow back to the last sign!
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Don’t look back, you two. Look ahead and follow the new paths ahead of you (almost certainly in different directions from each other’s).
doverdan almost 10 years ago
[[ This makes no sense…this is the first time Luann and Gunther have hung out as friends. They don’t hangout alone outside of school. ]]
Well, Luann did go to Gunther’s house to do laundry and help take care of his mother, etc. They did the library together. Medicine for the elderly lady – and the bike crash. They did the storytelling for kids with costumes. He made dresses for her many times. They studied together, even with kisses. They have had long discussions of many things. .Hanging out? I’m not sure of your definition. .But there was the wardrobe accident. G. may have been hanging out then. In summary, they are not strangers.
Airman almost 10 years ago
Rosa will come back disillusioned and maybe pregnant. Quill has about as much substance as cotton candy. Luann and Gunther go way back and understand each other, but is there any chemistry? One of them has to ignite the flame and they may get caught up in a surprise passion that will change the whole direction of this comic strip.
doverdan almost 10 years ago
They are probably on one campus or the other — or a public park. .Where would they meet these days? .Why would they set up a meeting? .Who called who? That could tell us something..Unlikely that they just bumped into each other someplace.
RolloTheGrouch almost 10 years ago
I’m confused about why these two are so confused.
Gunther’s big lesson from his not-so-incredible adventure was that he really wanted everything the same as it always was. And now he’s back on the track that’s comfortable for him. What’s the problem? If he’s lost because his Mom is dating, then he REALLY has Mommy issues.
And why is Luann so worried about this mythical career? At CC she doesn’t need to worry about career training, unless it’s cosmetology or something. It’s odd that she has several remarkable talents and abilities (where did she learn to draw so well?) but isn’t interested in any of them. It looks like she has no ambition but is worried that she doesn’t. From what I see and read about real-world Millenials, this is highly unusual – many have no plans for permanent careers, but rather are playing it by ear, taking short-term opportunities. Luann sounds more like she’s trying to be a liberated woman from the 1970s – she feels that she should “have it all” but has no idea what “all” would be.
byrdsarah almost 10 years ago
Wish gunth would find his way to a barber shop and get rid of that 80’s jerry curl mullet.
cdemattos almost 10 years ago
about to hook up. That’s where you are.
Dreamdeer almost 10 years ago
Engineers get a lot of respect south of the border. They’re called by their titles, like doctors or professors. Gunther’s path might not differ so much in content as location.
Dreamdeer almost 10 years ago
Why do two different people think that Rosa will come back pregnant? I don’t recall her ever being alone with Gunther; she has always made sure that they were either in public places or chaperoned, per Hispanic custom. Good Latina girls can be “out there” more because they make sure that no opportunity for misbehavior can arise—unlike Luann, who behaves chastely in public, yet flirts with disaster in private at every turn. If anybody wound up pregnant out of wedlock it would be Luann!
Dreamdeer almost 10 years ago
Regarding Knute and Crystal, I’ll bet they did elope! Pity, because they’d have had a really fun wedding! And as the cartoonist set it up, I can only think of one lifestyle that would make both of them happy simultaneously:I’ll bet they became carnies! Crystal could become the Mistress of the Haunted House, while Knute operates rides. Neither of them have shown any interest in higher education, although Crystal is a lot more intelligent than Tiffany. They would not earn much, but they would not want much of anything that wouldn’t fit in a trailer, and in exchange they lead the lifestyles they love and get to see the country, surrounded by a close-knit community of fellow eccentrics. They could pop back into the comic strip whenever the carnival comes to town, sporting new tattoos and the occasional offspring. It’s ideal for them!
wiselad almost 10 years ago
it seems that Gunther is in the realization stage that life can bring big surprises, and one has to learn to adapt, and he has to decide what “routes”(in Plural) will he plan ahead instead of what “one route” he wants, Lue is the other way, she has many routes in her head, but can’t decide which select routes she should plan toward
3pibgorn9 almost 10 years ago
A conundrum!
RSH almost 10 years ago
no big deal…a half a year of college not enough to solidify a career direction. I would be wary of any freshman student who could predict exactly where they were going career-wise. Still, they shouldn’t have to feel ‘lost’.
Aladar30 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
So deep.
Argythree almost 10 years ago
Very sorry to hear about your friend. I join you in hoping for good news.-I remember that song…
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
So sorry to hear that!!! – Hoping for the best outcome!!!
Kymberleigh almost 10 years ago
Great song and talented singer-songwriter. I add my hopes for his making a complete and quick recovery.
lawrence.flynn almost 10 years ago
i see luann breaking up with quinn and getting together with gunther
moosemin almost 10 years ago
Gunther suddenly looks taller!
Dreamdeer almost 10 years ago
My prayers for your musician friend.
racerxyz almost 10 years ago
Here’s a few more, Brdshtt.I’ll keep Mr. Greenbaum in my prayers.