Daddy's Home by Tony Rubino and Gary Markstein for March 04, 2016

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 9 years ago

    I’m with the boy on this one. Why did the father even ask?

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    paha_siga  almost 9 years ago

    Small talk, maybe.We eat porridges for breakfast.

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    Knightman Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I had Eggs, scrambled or over easy, usually, but winter some Quaker Oats or Cream of Wheat! Dad and Mom would both cook to feed all of us!

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    Marathon Zack  almost 9 years ago

    @TonyNormally, toast with peanut butter on it. Sometimes (like this morning) cottage cheese mixed with peanut butter (yes, I’m weird, I know). Used to be cereal most of the time. As a kid, I didn’t like most cereals, so I really bounced around a lot. Couldn’t find anything I liked. Pop-tarts (liked that, but eventually said no to that), various cereals, frozen waffles/pancakes, muffins, real pancakes (that just took more time than I usually had).If I have the hankering, I’ll cook eggs or pancakes.

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  5. Beer o clock
    Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Crumpets, OJ and lots of coffee!

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    ladykat  almost 9 years ago

    @Tony Have a heart, I’ve only been up for 30 minutes. In a while, I’ll probably have a yogurt and some fruit, or a crumpet with peanut butter and jam.

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    KEA  almost 9 years ago

    Jack Ryan movies: “Do you want toast? or… toast?”

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    Perkycat  almost 9 years ago

    My first memory of having breakfast is eating Cheerios. As a kid, I remember a variety of the usual – cereal, pancakes, french toast, eggs etc. Now I usually have a whole-grain bagel with peanut butter, honey and lots of cinnamon. Once or twice a week, I might have oatmeal with pecans. We go out to breakfast once a week and that’s when I have the eggs, bacon, pancakes etc.

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    Dani Rice  almost 9 years ago

    At boarding school we had a choice of hot or cold cereal. I imagine the cold cereal varied from day to day, but most mornings I chose oatmeal. Every once in a while we’d have Wheatina (?), which I loathed, or Cream of Wheat, which never filled me up. I could eat it all day and still be hungry.

    I was born pre- Pop-tarts, and waffles were for Sunday supper.

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  10. I am the captain
    Steven Wright  almost 9 years ago

    QOTD #1: Haven’t had breakfast yet today but I make various things throughout the week except for oneday when I eat out with my parents. Breakfast is never cereal, stopped eating that when I was 10 and never looked back.

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  11. I am the captain
    Steven Wright  almost 9 years ago

    QOTD #2: Yes, it is nice to make my own breakfast. That way I always get what I want.

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    Saucy1121 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Most mornings Carnation Instant Breakfast (they call it Breakfast Essentials now). Weekends, 1/2 a Costco muffin (whole one is too big so 1/2 on Saturday and 1/2 on Sunday).Occasionally I’ll have toast or strawberry bread.

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    neverenoughgold  almost 9 years ago


    “What did you have?”

    Uh, this morning it was coffee and Baileys…

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    neverenoughgold  almost 9 years ago

    Was what you had what you wanted?

    You’re kidding, right? Who doesn’t want Baileys?

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    neverenoughgold  almost 9 years ago

    My grandmother used to give us grapefruit, with the sections cut out with the curved grapefruit knife, bless her.

    I love grapefruit, and would peal and eat it just like an orange! Rarely have it anymore because it doesn’t work well with the cholesterol meds I am taking. I do cheat, once in a while though…

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  16. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    What did I have for Breakfast? Is that the question? Maple & Sugar Instant Oatmeal with fresh blueberries and a cup of yogurt.

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    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Oh and coffee, OF COURSE, COFFEE! Black! Thank you very much! :-D

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