Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for September 13, 2010

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 14 years ago

    Gosh and golly, could it be the homeless guy? GASP!

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  2. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  over 14 years ago

    That Police sign jumps all over the place. How can anyone file charges anonymously?? I want to learn how.

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  3. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 14 years ago

    Whew! I’m glad the sign is back on the roof. I was afraid that it was falling. I’d like to see the electric bill for lighting that baby!

    It appears that we have a name for the homeless guy now… “Anonymous Source”… hmmm…

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  4. Rimshot
    Panel-Panner  over 14 years ago

    So the Daily Express is now on the story, beating out the Daily Blast. This strip can’t even maintain continuity with a newspaper. As time passes maybe we’ll see the Daily Snitch, the Daily Spasm, the Daily Weekly, the Daily Dick, etc.

    As for anonymously charging someone, I would like to have Locher’s and Brozman’s artistic licenses suspended but I hate to stand in line.

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  5. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  over 14 years ago

    What is that The Rorschach Test??

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  6. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    (long and uncreative string of expletives deleted)

    This is the most boneheaded installment yet! Is Locher trying to squelch criticism by writing something so mindbogglingly stooopid that it stuns one and all into silence? Sam, loosen that bow tie because it’s cut off the circulation to your brain! Forget the paper and do your job! Go talk to the prosecutor, you pimply little dillweed who bears a suspicious and perhaps familial resemblance to Flat Top! And if the prosecutor demurrs, remind him that in the United States of America the accused has a right to know who is charging them with a crime. And certainly the cops have to know who is pressing the charges so they can investigate the case! And hurry up because the “Police” sign is not only growing like the Blob, but it has crawled onto the roof and is about to start swatting at biplanes!

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  7. Rimshot
    Panel-Panner  over 14 years ago

    leakysqueaky712 said:

    “What is that The Rorschach Test??”

    You mean that graphic on the front page of the Daily Express? Actually it’s a photo of Rorschach, the masked mystery man of Watchmen fame. He was ticketed for jaywalking and BO.

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  8. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  over 14 years ago

    I thought District Attorneys filed charges.

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  9. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    barticle35, charges cannot be filed anonymously. There’s the little matter of the Fifth and Sixth Amendments.

    There are circumstances in which the name of the accuser may be kept from the public–rape, for example, and child molestation–but this is done to protect the privacy of a victim or minor. All parties involved in the case are required to keep the name confidential, but they know who it is.

    And just how many daily newspapers does Nappingville have?

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  10. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 14 years ago

    on said, “And just how many daily newspapers does Nappingville have?”

    At least three and I bet they all publish the Dick Tracy comic strip!

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  11. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 14 years ago

    Flight Suit said, “I thought District Attorneys filed charges.”

    You are really behind the times, Flight Suit! That’s one of the things I like about DT is that it keeps people informed about current laws and regulations.

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  12. Adopted from phoenix az  humanes societyavatar
    Fusnr  over 14 years ago

    I bet Micikey Dees wish they could make their sign as big as that police sign . Those arches used to be really big back 45-50 years ago.

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  13. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 14 years ago

    AWW COME ON, WHAT IN THE HELL The writer of this strip should be in jail If I were to try to remain silent I really fear I shall become violent This has gone beyond the absurd It’s really become one big stinking turd Only a prosecutor ( D.A. or Fed.) can file a criminal complaint Someone needs to seriously put Locher in a restraint Does anyone read this before the printing And if so, why aren’t they dissenting About this travesty of logic and common sense For which there can be no defense The insanity that passes for a script Does nor endear us to the strip I suppose it is fitting that this is soon to be ending Surely, it can have no future pending From the halcyon days of the great detective To these poor imitations at which we hurl invective The road that Tracy has traveled has been long So now is the time for him to sing his swan song Goodbye hero, who we did once admire Your time in the sun is set to expire To a grave deep and dark we place you now Or maybe more fitting would be a garbage scow.

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  14. Rimshot
    Panel-Panner  over 14 years ago

    Great job, WW. I feel the anger!

    How did you get turd by GoComics Net Nanny?

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  15. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 14 years ago

    P-P, I have no idea. The server has been acting squirrely tonight, so the nanny may be on the fritz. They bleeped bleeep yesterday.

    Thank you everyone for your comments yesterday.

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  16. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  over 14 years ago

    It seems like Wonder Warthog is really at the end of his rope!

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  17. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    Flight Suit, I’d rather see Dip Tracy and Slacker Sam at the end of ropes! Today’s episode makes third season Star Trek look like high art. Hey, maybe that’s the answer–we’re looking at a DT strip set on the strange world that mimicked Jazz Age Chicago, with gangsters running everything and the cops doing nothing. Beam ‘em back up, Scotty, there’s too much intelligent life to tolerate them here!

    And once again, WW, you’ve done good!

     •  Reply
  18. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    Maybe, after a week of this rubbish, we’ll find out that someone anonymously sent the DA’s office a thick envelope of internal documents from We’re-Lyin’-terprises, and the DA had some real detectives investigate it all. Or maybe we’ll find that Count Dracula hypnotized the DA into filing charges. Anything except common sense seems possible here.

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  19. Missing large
    neonleon59  over 14 years ago

    All the other drivel aside, the police department gets information about a criminal case from a newspaper???

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  20. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    That’s one of the things that makes this storyline so pathetic, neonleon59. Dip Tracy is so out of touch he won’t know he’s dead until he reads his own obituary in at least three different papers. And neither Tracy nor Slacker Sam even bother to use a wrist-TV gizmo or cell-phone whatsit to call the prosecutor for the facts.

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  21. Missing large
    veldy  over 14 years ago

    The paper says???? I have a great idea for how this town can cut it’s budget.

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  22. G moonmaid
    moonmaid  over 14 years ago

    Ah, I see police headquarters has been renovated overnight, and the “Daily Blast” is now the “Daily Express”. This is just insanity. My eyes burn and my brain hurts reading this strip everyday. There is no consistency or flow to this so called story and the art is so bad my cat can do a better job. In fact she could probably write a better story. It’s just plain awful. If I were a professional award winning cartoonist, and writer, I would be ashamed to put my name any where near this junk.

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  23. Missing large
    Clevite Kid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Thanx to all our great commentators for continuing to bring me back for my morning’s entertainment. The strip itself? It bleeps bleep all bleeping bleep, so bleep it to bleeping bleep.

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  24. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    It’s funny how helpful and informed the newspapers are in this case. If I were Dip Tracy I’d get suspicious and wonder why the papers just happen to provide all sorts of evidence against We’re-Lyin’-terprises, who Miss Sue Doko coincidentally named as D-cubed’s mortal enemies.

    Find out who owns and publishes the papers, Dip. Maybe D-cubed owns them and is using them to run a smear campaign. It wouldn’t be the first time that happened. It’s one reason real police do their own investigations.

    Now take the newspaper, roll it up and smack Slacker Sam across the face while you repeat these words: “Never mind what the paper says! Find out on your own!” Then hand Sam the paper and have him do the same for you. Repeatedly!

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  25. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 14 years ago

    Today’s installment must have gotten Simon Penn, Mattie, and Jeffie to all wet in unison. Me? I hand it the Blue Ribbon for insulting the collective intelligence of the literate public. Especially our young readers. I think Locher has hit his all-time low with this one.

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  26. K schrag
    Karl Hiller  over 14 years ago

    Not only is that headline weirdly off-center, but if you looked at the newspaper straight on, it would be unreadably italic.

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  27. 1937
    billdi Premium Member over 14 years ago

    harassment charges? who were they harassing? sue doku? penny? anja nu?

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  28. Missing large
    veldy  over 14 years ago

    And to top it all off, the paper uses an old file photo of “The InkSpots” in concert

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  29. Calvin
    SimonPenn  over 14 years ago

    Another GREAT All-New Dick Tracy comic strip today! Hey, if you missed yesterday’s Sunday Funnies use the back bar here to check out an All-New Dick Tracy Sunday strip!

    That’s right most weekend Sunday Dick Tracy strips appear to be a series of flashbacks that end with a cliffhanger. This past Sunday’s Dick Tracy comic strip, yesterday, was brand material that included stuff from today’s strip! That’s right, not a recap, new stuff!


    Great stuff today!

     •  Reply
  30. Missing large
    Buckster  over 14 years ago

    I’ve been reading this online version for 5 or so years now and have enjoyed the comments tremendously…I believe the criticism to be well justified. I would hope that, however, when Mr.Locher’s association is ended the owners of this property do not end the strip but instead find a writer with a mystery background that can keep a good storyline that stretches for 6 to 9 months at a time. For most assuredly if it is cancelled it will not go into a “Peanuts” type loop of old strips and cancellation would be a shame.

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  31. Fashion fail looks like you bumped your head
    tsouthworth  over 14 years ago

    Ah, the ever-changing police station is back. Will it add a floor tomorrow? Remove its peaked roof on top of the entrance? Or make “Police” a more realistic size and mount it just above the doors, not centered, like yesterday?

    Nice one, WW.

    I come here for the laughs.

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  32. Missing large
    akado2000  over 14 years ago

    “Anonymous filing of charges” is definiely a low, and Sam has hit new levels of ugliness. We want to see Liz in a bikini.

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  33. Adopted from phoenix az  humanes societyavatar
    Fusnr  over 14 years ago

    WW, they need your help in Gasoline Alley also.

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  34. Odd spots 002
    sydney  over 14 years ago


    The Rambo Granny of Melbourne , Australia

    Gun-toting granny Ava Estelle, 81, was so ‘ticked-off’ when two thugs raped her 18-year-old granddaughter that she tracked the unsuspecting ex-cons down… And shot off their testicles. The old lady spent a week hunting those men down - and, when she found them, she took revenge on them in her own special way, said Melbourne police investigator Evan Delp.

    Then she took a taxi to the nearest police station, laid the gun on the sergeant’s desk and told him as calm as could be: ‘Those bastards will never rape anybody again, by God.’ Cops say convicted rapist and robber Davis Furth, 33, lost both his bleeep and his testicles when outraged Ava opened fire with a 9-mm pistol in the hotel room where he and former prison cell mate Stanley Thomas, 29, were holed up..

    The wrinkled avenger also blew Thomas’ testicles to kingdom come, but doctors managed to save his mangled bleeep, police said. ‘The one guy, Thomas, didn’t lose his manhood, ‘but the doctor I talked to said - he won’t be using it the way he used to,’ Detective Delp told reporters. ‘Both men are still in pretty bad shape, ‘but I think they’re just happy to be alive after what they’ve been through.’ The Rambo Granny swung into action August 21 after her granddaughter Debbie was carjacked and raped in broad daylight by two knife-wielding creeps in a section of town bordering on skid row…

    ‘When I saw the look on my Debbie’s face that night in the hospital, ‘I decided I was going to go out and get those bastards myself ”cause I figured the Law would go easy on them,’ recalled the retired library worker.. ‘And I wasn’t scared of them, either - because I’ve got me a gun and I’ve been shootin’ all my life. ‘And I wasn’t dumb enough to turn it in when the law changed about owning one.’

    So, using a police artist’s sketch of the suspects and Debbie’s description of the sickos, tough-as-nails Ava spent seven days prowling the wino-infested neighborhood where the crime took place till she spotted the ill-fated rapists entering their flophouse hotel. ‘I knew it was them the minute I saw ‘em, but I Shot a picture of ‘em anyway’ and took it back to Debbie and she said sure as hell, it was them,’ the oldster recalled . .… .

    ‘So I went back to that hotel and found their room and knocked on the door, ‘and the minute the big one opened the door, I shot ‘em right square between the legs,’right where it would really hurt ‘em most, you know. ‘Then I went in and shot the other one ‘as he backed up pleading to me to spare him.’ Then I went down to the police station and turned myself in..’

    Now, baffled lawmen are trying to figure out exactly how to deal with the vigilante granny. ‘What she did was wrong, and she broke the law, but it is difficult to throw an 81-year-old woman in prison,’ Det. Delp said, ‘especially when 3 million people in the city want to nominate her for Mayor.’


    Her attitude would be a refreshing change from our totally wimpy judges and under-performing police and would get around all the bottom feeding lawyers.

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  35. Ca avatar patch
    CougarAllen  over 14 years ago

    Now I understand how someone could be shot on stage with the entire Naperville police department in the audience and nobody noticed – they were all reading the newspaper!

    -Cougar :{)

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  36. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    Sydney Phillips, if Ava showed up in Nappingville, she’d probably shoot Slacker Sam in the jaw. He looks like he has medical history’s worst-ever case of undescended testicles.

    Cougar Allen, the local cops were probably all doing the crossword puzzle. In crayon.

    in re: my theory about the ownership of the Nappingville newspapers, it’s hard to understand how any modern-day city can support so many daily newspapers. I’m convinced that they’re subsidized by D-cubed, who is so nutty that Ava would need to shoot him with a howitzer. The creep is obviously keeping them all in business to feed misleading clues to the cops. And notice how they all have the word “Daily” in their titles. D-cubed certainly did that so he could see his favorite initial on D-isplay.

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  37. Tracy
    coratelli  over 14 years ago

    My comic strip n. 27 is online:


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  38. Missing large
    chemcope  over 14 years ago

    Sam has a double-header tumor growing at the bottom of his chin. Poor guy.

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  39. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    chemcope, are you saying that Slacker Sam is the real Double Header? Could be, because he’s about as helpful to Dip Tracy as the typical bad guy, and he clearly has their disdain for the law.

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  40. Avatar
    jumbobrain  over 14 years ago

    Um, this is the United States. Criminal charges cannot be filed anonymously here, nor can an anonymous person give testimony in a criminal trial. Even with all the slipshod writing and other stupidity in what passes for Dick Tracy nowadays, that’s an amazingly sloppy bit of work.

    On the other hand, Sam Catchem has a scrotum on his chin.

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  41. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  over 14 years ago

    Anynomous complaintant? I guess Naperville is in a banana republic.

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  42. Avatar2
    idarke  over 14 years ago

    Use an italics font for the newspaper headline so that when you draw the newspaper at an angle, it looks correct. Then go ahead and draw the newspaper at the wrong angle. Congratulations! You’re a newspaper cartoonist!

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  43. Emerald
    margueritem  over 14 years ago

    Sydney Phillips that was a great story about Ava. If naperville had her on the force, they could fire all the rest of the clueless and useless slackers.

    I move that we nominate moonmaid’s cat to write the rest of this story, it will make much more sense.

    WW, ya done good, boy!

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  44. N211317039976 6359
    trekkermint  over 14 years ago

    so, they have a couple of papers - i’m guessing free weeklies? with odd classifieds, real life astrology and savage love? at least all of our weeklies, no matter how cruddy have pictures for folks like me

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  45. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    rabbitrose, even though all of the Nappingville papers have “Daily” in their names, you could be correct. The intellectual level of that town is so low that nobody there might realize the difference between a weekly and a daily.

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  46. Fashion fail looks like you bumped your head
    tsouthworth  over 14 years ago

    Sorry, Sydney Phillips, but that’s a 10 year old Internet rumour…that makes for good reading anyway.


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