Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 29, 2016
Ned: So what do you think about "Deflategate-2," Bob? Man: Well, it proves the NFL... Ned: ! Man:...Lied and framed Tom Brady, so right after the superbowl, President Trump will make America great again by firing Roger Goodell! Both: LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! Ned: Ok, you know he doesn't have the authority to do that, right? Man: People keep saying that, but it never seems to stop him.
Can't Sleep about 8 years ago
Looks like I need to start drinking. Heavily.
Dtroutma about 8 years ago
^Several millions of us, in the first week. The rest will join us on the second.
Randy B Premium Member about 8 years ago
It never seems to stop him from claiming he has the authority to do such a thing.
He hasn’t yet been given the opportunity to try to do such a thing. I predict that he will become very frustrated.
Toonerific about 8 years ago
Would you people please stop insulting animals by likening humans to them?!
fuzzbucket Premium Member about 8 years ago
The lack of legal authority never stopped Obama.
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 8 years ago
Trump has full authority to not block any investigations when they present their evidence to the Justice Department for consideration on the issuing of charges.
John Wiley Premium Member about 8 years ago
Go ahead, Wiley. Keep picking at it. Get it infected.
derdave969 about 8 years ago
The truly interesting part of the toon is how Joe gets right into bed with Bob when he floats an idea Joe likes. I look forward to all you libs climbing onboard as the year unfolds.
NoSleepTil_BKLYN about 8 years ago
Not a Patriots fan, but I agree with the sentiment about Roger Goodell because HE SUCKS HARD!!!
whiteheron about 8 years ago
Douglas Haire about 8 years ago
You people do know that it was his crowd’s chant (“Lock her up!”, not Trump’s? I wish Wiley and a many of his fans would get over the election… she lost!
Cozmik Cowboy about 8 years ago
Oh, yeah – big win; even with all the Repliklan voter suppression & Republiklan-rigged voting machines, she only got 2.9 million more votes than Twitler. The Electoral College has served it’s original purpose & preserved the power of white supremacists: Russia, ISIS, and the KKK got the President they wanted & the majority of voters didn’t.
edward thomas Premium Member about 8 years ago
Apparently the “alt-twitterverse” doesn’t like “nasty” comments about Trump.Hmmm. McConnell is a jerk who only wants to preserve his own, and his party’s power by obstructing in ALL ways a DULY ELECTED President?Hey, Mitch, and ALL you RW A****, you DO know what goes around comes around?Unless you lock us all up!But then, we’ve ALWAYS been at war with East Asia!
edward thomas Premium Member about 8 years ago
This ’toon just proves that sports is more important than politics!And we CAN come together! But not Bengals/Steelers/Browns/Ravens fans!
e.groves about 8 years ago
Bob looks like Nixon.
Ignatz Premium Member about 8 years ago
“Suck it up snowflakes.”
What is it with that stupid “snowflake” insult you all repeat like a bunch of mindless parrots? Not only does it makes it seem as though you have no mind of your own, it doesn’t even make SENSE. How is that even an insult?
Linguist about 8 years ago
O.K.! As a loooong time Patriots fan ( back when they were the Boston Patriots and were horrible ), I for one think Tom Brady got screwed by Rodger ( The Artful Dodger ) Goodell and the NFL.
Would that it were true, that Emperor Trump could wave his tiny hand, and utter those famous words, " You’re Fired ! " Thus ridding the world of Gotcha Goodell and vindicate his pal Tom Terrific,
But I know this can’t be so. I can only dream that Brady and New England extract a modicum of revenge by accepting ( graciously of course ) the Super Bowl LI trophy from a chastised, and humble Commissioner.
Hey, it’s my fantasy ! I can tell it any way I want to!
Lenavid about 8 years ago
Executive Authority from an actual Executive? Hopeful change!
Radish... about 8 years ago
Even if Trump is lawless, we are still a nation of laws.
sandflea about 8 years ago
Smoke another joint…….stay happy.
Richard S Russell Premium Member about 8 years ago
Football may be our only hope for bringing Americans together again. At least there we can have our respective loyalties without serious long-term consequences. I mean, just because the Bears will always suck doesn’t mean I want to fire-bomb Chicago, right?
dabugger about 8 years ago
Soon it will be gone are the days when we had a president.
Waddling Eagle about 8 years ago
Not having the authority never stopped “I have a phone and a pen” Obama. Why would it stop Trump?
magicwalnut about 8 years ago
Whoever noticed it the other day was absolutely right…Bob DOES look like Nixon….
Diane Lee Premium Member about 8 years ago
I thought it was the scarecrow that didn’t have a brain.
Germanshepherds4ever about 8 years ago
All the Big Orange Buffoon is going to do “for” America is flush us all down the loo and close the lid!!!!!
Germanshepherds4ever about 8 years ago
All the Big Orange Buffoon is going to do “for” America is flush us all down the loo and close the lid!!!!!
Nick Danger about 8 years ago
The Khans attacked Trump for not having been in the service, or having children who served and died there. However, since this observation is equally valid when applied to the Clintons, and even more so, since Hillary Clinton was involved in Middle East policy where Donald Trump was not, the attack was biased on its face, and deserved a rebuke on that basis.
billpat1 about 8 years ago
Obama did it, why shouldn’t Trump, just following his example.
timbob2313 Premium Member about 8 years ago
What is the new deflate gate about? I for one haven’t read or seen anything. While I never watch ESPN, I do watch the NFL network.
whiteaj about 8 years ago
“Didn’t have the authority???” Trump hasn’t even had the opportunity to have authority yet. But for certain, it never stopped Obama.
kodj kodjin about 8 years ago
“people keep saying that but it doesn’t seem to stop him”. Is he referring to Pres. Obama with his phone and his pen? To hell with the Constitution?
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 8 years ago
I still have to wonder, if Trump wasn’t black, would people be so prejudiced against him before he even takes office.
puddleglum1066 about 8 years ago
More than sixty years ago, Harry Truman described the presidency this way: “He’ll sit there and say, ‘Do this! Do that!’ And nothing will happen.” I think this is relevant to what’s going to happen (or not happen) after the inauguration. Keep in mind that while tRump has a Republican congress, he’s not particularly loved by the party or the Wall Street billionaires who form its base (to them, The Donald is a classless boor who will never be allowed into the private club). And all those federal agencies where he wants to “drain the swamp” (by bringing in more alligators)… they’ve been here before. Yawn. Another “reformer.” Orders will be given, directives Tweeted in the wee hours… and very little will happen. The Bureaucracy knows how to protect itself.
dflak about 8 years ago
I don’t care which side you are on. It’s funny because it’s true.
wiatr about 8 years ago
And people wonder why it’s harder to sleep at night.
Roadrunner Premium Member about 8 years ago
Lets see, Prez O made a mess of the middle east (Arab Spring follow thru debacle), stabs a long time friend in the back (so which ally is next), slaps the wrist of the present Tsar, threatens to clean his clock then dumps it all in Trump’s lap to figure it out, et cetera, ad nauseum. Worse president since Carter (had to be there to understand).
Roadrunner Premium Member about 8 years ago
You pinko lefties are all are idiots, but beside that lets see what happens before getting all self righteous.
washatkc about 8 years ago
Lol. Dogsniff look under your bed. Trump might be there. Keep crying. Awesome sh;t. Now doggysniffer you do know Hillary is a pig as well. Treason, allowing Americans to die. Staying with a man that sticks cigars in young women. Now that’s a PIG. But your to stupid to accept that. Sniff Trumps A$$ loser. Hahahah