Tracy needs to get inside… the way he waves his hand might be hazardous to his health especially with that Wrist Wizard of his. Who knows that Wrist Wizard has a built in lightning arrester.
The Spirit is applying a tourniquet to prevent loss of blood. How nice of the Spirit
Already speculated – this encounter may be fatal for both bad guys. Now what? Do we ever get to know what happened? What the original scam was supposed to be? (Unlike Mrs. Flattop, offing Tracy or Spirit does not appear to be part of the plan)
Word has reached this station that our parent company, GoComics, has made sweeping changes to the way its comics and comments are presented. We switch you now to our reporter at this site:
The one thing I don’t like about GoComics’ new format is that when you click to read replies it moves you to the bottom or last reply and have to scroll up to read the 1st reply. Bummer!
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 7 years ago
Good morning guys!
Neil Wick over 7 years ago
It sounds like Ramon may have been hit twice by lightning. If the first time didn’t kill him, a second one certainly would have finished him off.
Meanwhile, the Sprit seems to be doing very well in his struggle against the Double Am.
I really love the art on the second panel.
Don Bagert Premium Member over 7 years ago
charliefarmrhere over 7 years ago
Will Tracy be blinded (or otherwise injured) from that close lightning strike?
Can't Sleep over 7 years ago
Very cinematic stuff! Like a movie cutting from Ramon’s demise to the Spirit taking down Am Not to Tracy’s reaction. And Joe’s art is fantastic!
Oh yeah – and now we know why it’s been raining so long. We needed the flashy finale.
rimshot22 over 7 years ago
Ah, Ramon was all wet anyway. Then again, so is Tracy now.
22ph over 7 years ago
Tracy needs to get inside… the way he waves his hand might be hazardous to his health especially with that Wrist Wizard of his. Who knows that Wrist Wizard has a built in lightning arrester.
22ph over 7 years ago
By the looks of it, Sam’s help is no longer necessary.
Okinawan Ace over 7 years ago
Two lightning strikes are overkill!
22ph over 7 years ago
The Spirit is applying a tourniquet to prevent loss of blood. How nice of the Spirit
AnyFace over 7 years ago
Lightning does indeed strike twice.
Is there any potential subtext to that?
Knightman Premium Member over 7 years ago
Waiting till the debris clears, to see who is hurt!!!
Pequod over 7 years ago
The art in the second panel is so striking that AmNotAm is left speechless. This action arc is electrifying! More of the good stuff from Team Tracy.
jrankin1959 over 7 years ago
Wow… Ramon ticked SOMEBODY off – big time!
Cheapskate0 over 7 years ago
Already speculated – this encounter may be fatal for both bad guys. Now what? Do we ever get to know what happened? What the original scam was supposed to be? (Unlike Mrs. Flattop, offing Tracy or Spirit does not appear to be part of the plan)
Ignatz Premium Member over 7 years ago
Man, this is a terrific piece of artwork.
anopcfox1 over 7 years ago
Could be that Not Am was hit this time!
Don Bagert Premium Member over 7 years ago
Hmm…someone suggested yesterday it was Mysta doing this. It would be easier to have two “lightning strikes” that way LOL j/k!
I Go Pogo over 7 years ago
Speculation 101: AmDouble wanted the formula to attain longevity in a plot to replace the true Am.
Sisyphos over 7 years ago
More Urk! More sizzle!
And now with new and weather-lashed, rain-soaked Tracy!
What more could we ask for from a hump-day strip?!
Ailin over 7 years ago
“A little rain never hurt anyone,” thought Ramon.
RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 7 years ago
Ramon got his just reward.
David Rickard Premium Member over 7 years ago
Tracytown has the highest closure rate on police investigations—and the lowest prison population—in the continental US
FFosdick over 7 years ago
why 2 strikes, no need. There must be more to it.
JPuzzleWhiz over 7 years ago
Word has reached this station that our parent company, GoComics, has made sweeping changes to the way its comics and comments are presented. We switch you now to our reporter at this site:
We return you now to your regularly scheduled comics reading!
ElGato over 7 years ago
The one thing I don’t like about GoComics’ new format is that when you click to read replies it moves you to the bottom or last reply and have to scroll up to read the 1st reply. Bummer!
BreathlessMahoney77 over 7 years ago
I guess even God got bored with this story
BelaWhiskers over 7 years ago
Great Writing by Mike. No words Needed!