I’m not Lupin’s greatest fan, but I hope people won’t start blaming him if that plant falls off the table.
It is a law of nature that, if a glass, cup, or other breakable item is left close to the edge of a table or counter, that item will, of its own accord, shuffle to the edge of the table and fling itself into the abyss.
Lupin is clearly trying to interrupt this process.
Merriam-Webster defines ‘de-escalate’ as “to decrease in extent, volume, or scope”. In the case of Tre-C, Megan and Kip, three Grasshoppers each served to “de-escalate” the hostile situation between Tre-C and Kip. In fact, Tre-C was asking Kip questions more in line with a daughter wanting to get to know her father, rather than wanting to eviscerate him. And Kip was acting like a dad. Well, he did almost shoot himself in the foot by starting his first question; “So, how is the ol..”, but he caught himself. “…mom. How is your mom?” Tre-C grinned and tilted her head to one side; “How long has it been since you saw her?” Kip thought for a moment; “I guess a couple of months. Maybe a little more…” Megan was watching BCN (yes, she was checking out Lupin), but on that exchange she turned one ear their way. She thought to herself, only half jokingly; “I wonder where the fire alarm is?” Tre-C was restrained, however; “Well, you might be interested in knowing I met my new brother and sisters when I was there.” Kip’s reaction to this news surprised Tre-C..
I went out of town for a few days. Ember’s ancestors would have gone out, killed a mouse, and left it for me at the door as a “welcome home” gift. But Ember is an indoor cat, so instead she started chewing a wire she found. This one happened to be connected to the back of my computer. Voila, one dead mouse waiting for me when I came home.
Good morning and happy Hump Day, orbsters and orbabies. Yum Yum did not sing to me this morning, and I was able to sleep until 7:30. Nothing scheduled for today, so I am going to do a few odds and ends that need to be done for the weekend. Paul is going to veg out and we will try not to aggravate each other too much.
I was watching a western when the bad guy ordered whisky. The barkeep slid the bottle and glass 6 feet down the bar to him. I know who should play barkeep the next time a BCN western arc comes along.
If someone already posted this and I missed it sorry for the repeat. Some exiting news for long time fans waiting for more cast to be introduced: https://www.facebook.com/GeorgiaDunnStudio/photos/a.447790771933015.101864.445708208807938/2028085693903507/?type=3&theater
My experience matches that of Fiona D. Cats do no digest grass or other plants. They eat them to clear their digestive system. Grass in; hairball or worse out soon after.
My ex-wife was tired of Fluffer T Cat eating her plants, so when she found a barrel cactus, she brought it home and felt victorious. We went out to dinner and upon return, she knew she was beaten. F.T. Cat had taken several large bites out of it just to show her it wasn’t going to stop him.
skykey over 6 years ago
We love our cats. Truly, we do. But is there a “catter” out there who has NOT experienced this, or something like it? ;-)
Jungle Empress over 6 years ago
Pucky’s little fangs! I always love seeing them!
knight1192a over 6 years ago
Aw, Lupin removed his lobster bib. Oh well, guess I hear the vacuum starting up.
Rosette over 6 years ago
But, what will Elvis do with his? Stay tuned!
Olive O'Sudden over 6 years ago
What is that smudge on the back of Lupin’s notes?
cat19632001 over 6 years ago
Does Lupin prefer the tender roots? Or is he treating his plant like an oyster?
cat19632001 over 6 years ago
Cats are totally not responsible for any breakage due to breakables being left close to the edge of anything.
That’s a thing. It’s in the cat/servant contract. Check your copy before making any accusations or screaming.
over 6 years ago
Love how Lupin is behaving like a real cat in panel five.
LoveBritTV Premium Member over 6 years ago
I love this strip. Exactly how most of my cats have behaved around indoor plants!
Going to the orthopedist again today. Please keep your fingers crossed that things are still going well with my broken ankle.
Robin Harwood over 6 years ago
I’m not Lupin’s greatest fan, but I hope people won’t start blaming him if that plant falls off the table.
It is a law of nature that, if a glass, cup, or other breakable item is left close to the edge of a table or counter, that item will, of its own accord, shuffle to the edge of the table and fling itself into the abyss.
Lupin is clearly trying to interrupt this process.
skykey over 6 years ago
ElliottB.C.Rennie over 6 years ago
They may be professional reporters, but first and foremost the ARE CATS.
catmom1360 over 6 years ago
This storyline explains why I have no inside plants for my cats to devour.
Biskits over 6 years ago
Would n’t it be great if we could take everyone outside (harnessed of course) to demolish all the weeds in our garden??
Smokie over 6 years ago
The world is round and I can prove it. If it was flat cats would have knocked everything off.
skipper1992 over 6 years ago
I went out of town for a few days. Ember’s ancestors would have gone out, killed a mouse, and left it for me at the door as a “welcome home” gift. But Ember is an indoor cat, so instead she started chewing a wire she found. This one happened to be connected to the back of my computer. Voila, one dead mouse waiting for me when I came home.
Gloria Fleming over 6 years ago
I’d like to see more of the stenciling (I think that’s what it’s called, arts/crafts not my strong suit) on the counter.
ladykat over 6 years ago
Good morning and happy Hump Day, orbsters and orbabies. Yum Yum did not sing to me this morning, and I was able to sleep until 7:30. Nothing scheduled for today, so I am going to do a few odds and ends that need to be done for the weekend. Paul is going to veg out and we will try not to aggravate each other too much.
PoodleGroomer over 6 years ago
I was watching a western when the bad guy ordered whisky. The barkeep slid the bottle and glass 6 feet down the bar to him. I know who should play barkeep the next time a BCN western arc comes along.
Strob over 6 years ago
Looks like Lupin is taking the term “BREAKING cat” seriously.
clementinelittle over 6 years ago
I have lots of plants in my house, but my cat(Marcus) has never been interested. He does eat plants outside though.
MariMills over 6 years ago
. . . this was from yesterday, if case you missed it.
BREAKING CAT NEWS! Enjoy! :) https://www.facebook.com/GeorgiaDunnStudio/photos/a.447790771933015.101864.445708208807938/2030244153687661/?type=3&theater
willie_mctell over 6 years ago
There’s never an occasion where pitching stuff off the elevated surface isn’t appropriate.
johovey over 6 years ago
I wanted to leave my comment to science… So cats knocking things over explained:
Essentially? They don’t really know. LOL
But for entertainment… cats knocking things over.
Susanna Premium Member over 6 years ago
If someone already posted this and I missed it sorry for the repeat. Some exiting news for long time fans waiting for more cast to be introduced: https://www.facebook.com/GeorgiaDunnStudio/photos/a.447790771933015.101864.445708208807938/2028085693903507/?type=3&theater
Kitty Katz over 6 years ago
To my orb friends: I just got some medical bad news, and may be a bit sporadic about posting. Hopefully be back soon with more song parodies.
coffeeturtle over 6 years ago
cat vomit ensues
KL over 6 years ago
BWAHAHAHAHA! No, really! Puck’s fangs… Lupin’s gravity tussle… what will Elvis do with his?
Mx Crazy Cat Person over 6 years ago
Puck caresses his green treat so tenderly before devouring it!!!!!
TurbosDad over 6 years ago
Did not see this coming (sigh)…
Billy Yank over 6 years ago
My experience matches that of Fiona D. Cats do no digest grass or other plants. They eat them to clear their digestive system. Grass in; hairball or worse out soon after.
omegasupreme over 6 years ago
proof the world is indeed round not flat. If the world was flat cats would have pushed everything off the edge by now
panthercat almost 6 years ago
My ex-wife was tired of Fluffer T Cat eating her plants, so when she found a barrel cactus, she brought it home and felt victorious. We went out to dinner and upon return, she knew she was beaten. F.T. Cat had taken several large bites out of it just to show her it wasn’t going to stop him.