Let’s be pedantic here: “comprised of” is ALWAYS wrong. Clouds might be composed of vaporized water, or calcified unicorn poop might comprise icebergs.
It’s either “might comprise vaporized water” or “might be composed of vaporized water.” The whole comprises the parts and the parts compose the whole. Mastroianni & Hart need to brush up on their diction.
Watcher over 5 years ago
You’ve seen an iceberg?
The Reader Premium Member over 5 years ago
No, that’s what rainbows are made of.
jagedlo over 5 years ago
Wouldn’t the cloud line be at a point where he would have needed oxygen to breathe?
sandpiper over 5 years ago
Only known example of calcified unicorn poop still in existence is located on the Potomac. ‘S one reason why it’s called Foggy Bottom
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
Galileo …..in the beginning….
stuart over 5 years ago
The scientific consensus can be stubborn.
joefearsnothing over 5 years ago
They aren’t? :o0
Mordock999 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Great. Now explain to him what foghorns are made out of……,
viking-riverrat over 5 years ago
advancement in science. next …………….
clayusmcret Premium Member over 5 years ago
Or that humans have more impact on the earth’s climate than the sun.
Stocky One over 5 years ago
Clouds comprise vaporized water. They are not comprised of vaporized water.
Diat60 over 5 years ago
Now, on to global warming…..
GROG Premium Member over 5 years ago
I wouldn’t bet on it – not even so much as a single clam.
Pohka over 5 years ago
I love science! The questions though are who’s science and the science of someone sufficently advanced is called magic by the lessers!
Ray over 5 years ago
Settled science?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 5 years ago
He’s got you there. Too much change can strain the brain.
Mediatech over 5 years ago
A unicorn sank the Titanic? I knew it!
B UTTONS over 5 years ago
Al Gore’s ancestor trying to explain weather science to Donald Trump’s ancestor.
zeexenon over 5 years ago
Vapor, just like you after a million years.
ekke over 5 years ago
Let’s be pedantic here: “comprised of” is ALWAYS wrong. Clouds might be composed of vaporized water, or calcified unicorn poop might comprise icebergs.
cocavan11 over 5 years ago
It’s either “might comprise vaporized water” or “might be composed of vaporized water.” The whole comprises the parts and the parts compose the whole. Mastroianni & Hart need to brush up on their diction.
montylc2001 over 5 years ago
Grog appeared out of an Iceberg…..