I’ve met several people whose favorite color is “Pony” and quite a large number whose favorite color is “muscle car”. Mine’s green. No, I have no green muscle car. I just like the color.
I’ll bet you dollars to donuts some paint company has a color for both those. . .my favorite colors are chocolate and licorice. . .at the moment. . .subject to change without notice.
“What… is your favorite colour?”“Uh… blue! No! Red! No, yellARRRGG-G-G-H-H!” as our brave night descends into the Gorge of Death (With apologies to the Monty Python team).
enigmamz almost 5 years ago
I expected the last panel to be, “Well, the baloney sandwiches came after the ice cream, but yeah, you’re right”.
Also, Roscoe is getting hungry now.
Templo S.U.D. almost 5 years ago
don’t shoot the messenger, Opal (just shoot the sender)
Concretionist almost 5 years ago
I’ve met several people whose favorite color is “Pony” and quite a large number whose favorite color is “muscle car”. Mine’s green. No, I have no green muscle car. I just like the color.
pschearer Premium Member almost 5 years ago
The worst case of co-dependent synesthesia ever.
Orcatime almost 5 years ago
Grampa’s got her number down!
iggyman almost 5 years ago
Earl ought to know, he is full of baloney!
Breadboard almost 5 years ago
Roscoe is thinking stop talking about food you are making me hungry !
jpayne4040 almost 5 years ago
Earl may be sleeping on the couch tonight.
hariseldon59 almost 5 years ago
“My baloney has a first name, it’s O-S-C-A-R …”
jagedlo almost 5 years ago
Notice how Roscoe woke up when he heard “ice cream”!
Zebrastripes almost 5 years ago
Nelson is the go-between….and sooo confused…..
cubswin2016 almost 5 years ago
I think Grandma needs to have another talk with Earl about influencing Nelson.
Acworthless almost 5 years ago
Ice cream isn’t a color, but there are ice cream colors!
1953Baby almost 5 years ago
I’ll bet you dollars to donuts some paint company has a color for both those. . .my favorite colors are chocolate and licorice. . .at the moment. . .subject to change without notice.
assrdood almost 5 years ago
Opals favorite color is “ornery”.
KEA almost 5 years ago
My favorite color is Porsche. (with 2 syllables)
Barnabus Blackoak almost 5 years ago
Roscoe likes baloney
Plainsman4 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Earl may take most of the pratfalls, but he’s got Pearl’s number as well.
khjalmarj almost 5 years ago
“What… is your favorite colour?”“Uh… blue! No! Red! No, yellARRRGG-G-G-H-H!” as our brave night descends into the Gorge of Death (With apologies to the Monty Python team).
Dr_Fogg almost 5 years ago
Looks like Rosco’s favorite color is bologna too.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 5 years ago
baloney and ice cream, drooling here
whenlifewassimpler almost 5 years ago
Roscoe agrees on the baloney….so did our dogs….
dlaemmerhirt999 almost 5 years ago
Such a beautiful marriage. <3
33Angel almost 5 years ago
Lookit Roscoe’s face in the last panel! Hahahahahaha!!!
jcsvtraver 5 months ago
My favorite color is… “Off Clear”.