You can talk all you want before I’ve had my morning caffeine. But you won’t get any coherent answers, and if you insist, probably not printable ones either.
I am an early morning person, up by 6 am every day, bright and cheery as soon as my feet hit the floor. The missus has told me numerous times that I am disgusting, to go away for an hour or so, and when I do come back, I best have coffee.
Me and milk in the morning! Milk is my coffee, I just love the stuff. I tell people I’m lactose intolerant, if I don’t get my lactose in the morning I am d@mn intolerant all day long!
BE THIS GUY almost 5 years ago
Waitress, put the cup of coffee down and walk away slowly.
DanielRyanMulligan almost 5 years ago
Change that to noon and it’s me
Nachikethass almost 5 years ago
Dip him in hot tea!
B UTTONS almost 5 years ago
Rat needs a big glass of warm milk.
Sherlock Watson almost 5 years ago
Better yet, just don’t speak to him ever again. He’s a rat.
GROG Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I won’t, not before, not during and not after. Not ever!
Concretionist almost 5 years ago
You can talk all you want before I’ve had my morning caffeine. But you won’t get any coherent answers, and if you insist, probably not printable ones either.
Bilan almost 5 years ago
Where have those warning labels for Rat been all of this time?
dadoctah almost 5 years ago
“Don’t make me early. You wouldn’t like me when I’m early.”
Elisa almost 5 years ago
ok I need this on my desk
gopher gofer almost 5 years ago
i used to be like that. then i had my coffee…
sirbadger almost 5 years ago
How did rat get the bar or restaurant without waking up first? Did he sleepwalk?
kaffekup almost 5 years ago
My stepdaughter is like that, just grunts.
I’ve never understood it, I like coffee, but I can function without it.
Breadboard almost 5 years ago
Just put Rat back in his cage … and leave him there ;-} … Croc Power !
blunebottle almost 5 years ago
He already comes with a warning label: RAT.
Jeff0811 almost 5 years ago
It’s 9:00 somewhere.
Masterskrain almost 5 years ago
Rat would HATE me, since I haven’t had a cup of coffee in over 45 years…
Carl Rennhack Premium Member almost 5 years ago
In today’s opus we see Rat getting in touch with his inner Garfield!
tripwire45 almost 5 years ago
I need this warning label.
LaughterIsJoyMuliplied almost 5 years ago
Oh, how I can relate.
artheaded1 almost 5 years ago
Reading this at 8:45 am…waiting…waiting…
Radish... almost 5 years ago
I start the coffee at 5 am. Don’t bug Rat when he is withdrawing from caffeine.
rshive almost 5 years ago
Think it’s called consumer protection.
Cameron1988 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
What happens if, Rat, didn’t have his first cigarette yet?
Ellis97 almost 5 years ago
How is that any different from usual?
WCraft Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Looking at Rat, how would you know on the second one?
Zebrastripes almost 5 years ago
At least RAT knows himself…..most people are oblivious to their annoying habits…….methinks
johndifool almost 5 years ago
Do not make his bunghole angry.
Bruce1253 almost 5 years ago
I am an early morning person, up by 6 am every day, bright and cheery as soon as my feet hit the floor. The missus has told me numerous times that I am disgusting, to go away for an hour or so, and when I do come back, I best have coffee.
j.l.farmer almost 5 years ago
i wish some people i know would have warning labels. pig and goat don’t know how lucky they are that rat is so considerate.
Bookworm almost 5 years ago
My morning mug reads, “I Drink Coffee for YOUR Protection.”
sparkle 13 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I wish EVERYONE had a warning label !!!! lol
skipper1992 almost 5 years ago
I need to put these warning signs on my own cubicle.
zeexenon almost 5 years ago
Ditto for most, especially this, male retirees.
pchemcat almost 5 years ago
Me and milk in the morning! Milk is my coffee, I just love the stuff. I tell people I’m lactose intolerant, if I don’t get my lactose in the morning I am d@mn intolerant all day long!
Call me Ishmael almost 5 years ago
He seems a wee bit tense/his anger is immense/perhaps t’were best/he be suppressed/lest someone take offense
AGBinCH almost 5 years ago
Why is he on a bar stool before 9 a.m.? Doesn’t look like a diner…
PBS1! almost 5 years ago
Rat’s expression in panel 4 is priceless.
Sisyphos almost 5 years ago
I could use a set of those labels, Rat!
Troglodyte almost 5 years ago
It’s even nicer when he goes.
laurasohn11 almost 5 years ago
Ok I Need this on a t-shirt
Orcatime almost 5 years ago
A tagging soundtrack helps as well.
Boxo croco says happy derby almost 4 years ago
It’s already gotten ugly
LOAFY almost 4 years ago
To bad nobody ever reads warning labels
No free Heath care? over 1 year ago
What time is it?