B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for January 15, 2021

  1. Hold still i gotcha homie 28918 1250050600 0
    Aussie Down Under  almost 4 years ago

    Summer here in Australia. In my suburb today a very nice 32 degrees Celsius and pretty much the same all week.

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    gammaguy  almost 4 years ago

    South likes it where it is. You’re going to have a hard time getting it to move.

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    rshive  almost 4 years ago

    Snow is sometimes good for a little variety. IMO the worst thing one can have are four seasons all the same.

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  4. Trollspry
    Enter.Name.Here  almost 4 years ago

    “Life was hell. Then somebody invented the hand-held snow shovel. Now life is REALLY hell. Gotta clear the driveway AGAIN? already”

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    Doug K  almost 4 years ago

    Perspective is so important. Newly fallen snow can be very beautiful (especially as it clings to trees). Scooping snow can be fun. It can be rewarding to clear the sidewalks and the driveway. Making and throwing snowballs is great when the temperature is just right for packing.

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    mrcooncat  almost 4 years ago

    There are worse things than snow storms: hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding , etc. Given a choice, I’ll deal with the occasional big snow with my Husqvarna powered snow blower.

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    one8romeo  almost 4 years ago

    “If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life but still the same amount of snow.”

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    BigDaveGlass  almost 4 years ago

    All very well when you have two good legs, spare a thought for those on crutches in slippery weather, I’m quite happy to stay indoors in this black ice type of weather…

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    jagedlo  almost 4 years ago

    One person’s beauty is another person’s agony!

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    Ralph Newbill  almost 4 years ago

    Yeppers! It is beautiful…!!!!!

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  11. Sanity clause
    Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Ever wonder how the guy who drives the snowplow gets to the snowplow?


    Or this guy?


    Just be happy it’s not this guy!


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  12. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  almost 4 years ago

    On the other hand good things can happen in the cold. Picture a wide, open to the air, west-facing deck, 35 degree temps, westerly winds 25 to 40 mph, and seven members of a supposedly intelligent species, wearing all the clothes they own, including masks, opening presents just so they could be together on Christmas. That was us and it was a surprisingly joyful and uplifting gathering, the first we had had since the Covid-19 Blues struck. Just proves setbacks are not defeat, they are just re-adjustments in one’s thinking.

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    Lomax9er7  almost 4 years ago

    I think this guy will help you move the snow:


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  14. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  almost 4 years ago

    Chill out, BC.

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    AngeloLuciano  almost 4 years ago

    Looking out from my seaside front porch at the blue/green ocean waters and white sands of northeastern Puerto Rico with a glass of white rum in one hand and a coconut in the other. Temperature 82 degrees F cloudless blue sky. Don’t miss you at all NYC.

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    This sort of thing is exactly why many animals migrate and lots of them go south for the winter. Leave it to humans to buck the tide.

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    assrdood  almost 4 years ago

    By the way, when did centigrade become a dirty word and who came up with this “celsius” term?

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    KEA  almost 4 years ago

    Winter POVs in a nutshell

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    j.l.farmer  almost 4 years ago

    Texas has had more snow in one day than we have had so far this winter in my part of Ohio.

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    christelisbetty  almost 4 years ago

    Cleveland, OH- I’ts been in the 40’s(F) the last couple of days & dry, today it may rain a bit or snow/rain mix overnight. Most of all I miss the SUN ! We got 10.9 inches of snow a bunch of weeks ago, but by stocking up on snow melt, I’ve prevented any more.

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    jscarff57 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Tennessee was my answer to living in Wyoming…

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  22. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  almost 4 years ago

    Yes, Florida with their sink holes, alligators, pythons, and cockroaches.

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  23. Awatchdog 2
    Watchdog  almost 4 years ago

    If you are coming from NYC, Chicago, LA, SF, or WDC you will need a passport visa, public health clearance, and political reeducation.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 4 years ago

    Notice they never need to dress for the rare cold spells that Zeus gives them and it won’t last long in that unrelenting heat of Hot House Earth.

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    Brian  Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Easier to invent the door.

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    JenSolo02  almost 4 years ago

    She is wearing a sleeveless dress!

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  27. Unclescrooge
    LeslieBark  almost 4 years ago

    Could sure use some of that here in Camarillo, CA, 10 miles from the Pacific ocean. It was 91 deg F yesterday, hottest in the nation (we’ve been hottest twice now in the last few months)! Looks to be the same today and tomorrow. I hate Santa Ana winds!!!

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    JeanMeslier  almost 4 years ago

    One would be surprised at the people (in Texas, US) that don’t know the seasons are reversed in North-South hemispheres.One that I know of is an elementary school teacher.

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