Sounds like a severe case of the dreaded Frog Applause Reading Testicle Syndrome affectionately known as the F.A.R.T.S. … we’re not in Kansas anymore …!
The penis on a right whale can be up to 2.7 m (8.9 ft) – the testes, at up to 2 m (6.6 ft) in length, 78 cm (2.56 ft) in diameter, and weighing up to 525 kg (1157 lbs), are also by far the largest of any animal on Earth.15 The blue whale may be the largest animal on the planet, yet the testicles of the right whale are ten times the size of those of the blue whale. They also exceed predictions in terms of relative size, as well – they are six times larger than would be expected on the basis of body mass. Together, the testicles make up nearly 1% of the right whale’s total body weight. This strongly suggests sperm competition is important in mating, which correlates to the fact that right whales are highly promiscuous.
The leading cause of death among the North Atlantic right whale, which migrates through some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes while journeying off the east coast of the United States and Canada, is being struck by ships. At least sixteen ship-strike deaths were reported between 1970 and 1999, and probably more remain unreported. According to NOAA, twenty-five of the seventy-one right whale deaths reported since 1970 resulted from ship strikes.
A second major cause of morbidity and mortality in the North Atlantic right whale is entanglement in plastic fishing gear. Right whales ingest plankton with wide-open mouths, risking entanglement in any rope or net fixed in the water column. Rope wraps around their upper jaws, flippers and tails. Some are able to escape, but others remain tangled. Whales can be successfully disentangled, if observed and aided. In July 1997, the U.S. NOAA introduced the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan, which seeks to minimize whale entanglement in fishing gear and record large whale sightings in an attempt to estimate numbers and distribution.
It’s been a while since the Great GoComics Lineup Dump. Is Frog Applause safe now? I still find if odd that Queen Victoria retired at the same time that strips were disappearing. Perhaps it is better to quit and save face than to be dumped without being rescued. The same goes for other strips, too. It’s all pretty ugly, really. Adding all these strips, then dumping them when things didn’t work out for the overlords.
Pickled Pete almost 4 years ago
O’ boy, can’t wait for the archives. Should keep me up.
The Old Wolf almost 4 years ago
Archives have always been available?
descabro almost 4 years ago
Archives? I can barely do the daily.
Mighty Phavahg almost 4 years ago
You did say “bulging,” right?
coltish1 almost 4 years ago
You poor thing. I think there’s some space in the outhouse where you can lie down and rest.
coltish1 almost 4 years ago
Evie’s daughter after watching Mom on Match Game.
bxclent Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Madison Avenue will see your right whale and raise you two bull goats.
*Space Madness at The Station* almost 4 years ago
Laid flat on back and projectile vomit, just like Yellowstone Parks Old Fathful.
Sister Teresa and the faithful.
Linguist almost 4 years ago
Tickled under the testicles by the tempestuous touch of time!
charles9156 almost 4 years ago
WOW! never heard of a “North Pacific right whale” :+)
*Space Madness at The Station* almost 4 years ago
A tumor or a tufor testiness?
Howard'sMyHero almost 4 years ago
Sounds like a severe case of the dreaded Frog Applause Reading Testicle Syndrome affectionately known as the F.A.R.T.S. … we’re not in Kansas anymore …!
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Make sure you have the right testicle from the right whale! And be glad it is not a blue whale… or a sperm whale…
*Space Madness at The Station* almost 4 years ago
Blew a blue gasket on anus and lost a seal.
Amanda El-Dweek creator almost 4 years ago
I’ll risk it.
Sisyphos almost 4 years ago
Yikes! What kind of marketing is this?! I may never dip into the Frog Applause Archive again!
willie_mctell almost 4 years ago
It’s not mandatory, right?
6turtle9 almost 4 years ago
I’ll take door number two, and no, I won’t turn my head and cough.
katina.cooper almost 4 years ago
And just how does she know the size of a right whale’s testicle? Has she seen one or eaten one and what did it taste like?
Randy B Premium Member almost 4 years ago
“It’z nod a tumah!”
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I swear that she looks very much like a person with whom I was once a coworker. But only by presence.
*Space Madness at The Station* almost 4 years ago
The goose is a shoe in to man you really cooked the goose.
ransomknotts almost 4 years ago
ransomknotts almost 4 years ago
The penis on a right whale can be up to 2.7 m (8.9 ft) – the testes, at up to 2 m (6.6 ft) in length, 78 cm (2.56 ft) in diameter, and weighing up to 525 kg (1157 lbs), are also by far the largest of any animal on Earth.15 The blue whale may be the largest animal on the planet, yet the testicles of the right whale are ten times the size of those of the blue whale. They also exceed predictions in terms of relative size, as well – they are six times larger than would be expected on the basis of body mass. Together, the testicles make up nearly 1% of the right whale’s total body weight. This strongly suggests sperm competition is important in mating, which correlates to the fact that right whales are highly promiscuous.
ransomknotts almost 4 years ago
The leading cause of death among the North Atlantic right whale, which migrates through some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes while journeying off the east coast of the United States and Canada, is being struck by ships. At least sixteen ship-strike deaths were reported between 1970 and 1999, and probably more remain unreported. According to NOAA, twenty-five of the seventy-one right whale deaths reported since 1970 resulted from ship strikes.
A second major cause of morbidity and mortality in the North Atlantic right whale is entanglement in plastic fishing gear. Right whales ingest plankton with wide-open mouths, risking entanglement in any rope or net fixed in the water column. Rope wraps around their upper jaws, flippers and tails. Some are able to escape, but others remain tangled. Whales can be successfully disentangled, if observed and aided. In July 1997, the U.S. NOAA introduced the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan, which seeks to minimize whale entanglement in fishing gear and record large whale sightings in an attempt to estimate numbers and distribution.
painedsmile almost 4 years ago
Weird name for a whale. Stage Left whale would have been better or Stage Right…
painedsmile almost 4 years ago
Is there some kind of secret code on her dress? ri]?
painedsmile almost 4 years ago
It’s been a while since the Great GoComics Lineup Dump. Is Frog Applause safe now? I still find if odd that Queen Victoria retired at the same time that strips were disappearing. Perhaps it is better to quit and save face than to be dumped without being rescued. The same goes for other strips, too. It’s all pretty ugly, really. Adding all these strips, then dumping them when things didn’t work out for the overlords.
3hourtour Premium Member almost 4 years ago
…well, it’s called a hangover…
…(‘and deep, too’:)…
…most times you get hangovers from having a good time…
…and if you are looking for a good time, Frog Applause archives are the bee’s knees…
…remember the girl that passed out on the bed in, ‘Animal House’?…
…something like that…
…when I started commenting…
…two – three years ago…
…I wasn’t used to the hard stuff…
…but, as you know, Hi & Lois is a gateway comic…
…now I do it for both the Frog and the Applause…
…the whale nut hangover be damned…
edwardhnelson almost 4 years ago
Reverse selling….
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 4 years ago
I don’t know where to go first, Wikipedia or Web MD.
(Either way it sounds like it was a great party!)