The “auto” biographies he should be reading are on Henry Ford, Edsel Ford, Will Durant, The Dodge brothers; John and Horace, Walter Chrysler, Charles Kettering, John DeLorean, Chevrolet brothers; Louis, Arthur and Gaston, guys like that. Pretty sure there are girl names in there but I am only most familiar with the men who shaped automotive history.
Baldo should be familiar with them too. And there are a whole bunch of them in Europe who were also instrumental in self powered transportation. Diesel, Daimler, Benz, Renault, Bugatti….
willispate over 3 years ago
they would’ve told you Baldo, but you wouldn’t listen anyway.
momofalex7 over 3 years ago
Wait, he’s in high school and he’s never had to read and report on an autobiography?Or biography?
gammaguy over 3 years ago
Baldo is an auto died act.
Michael G. over 3 years ago
Luckily, he’ll be in school forever.
Jeffin Premium Member over 3 years ago
I’m writing my unauthorized autobiography right now.
TwilightFaze over 3 years ago
When I first heard of auto-biographies, I thought that’s what an audiobook was just about a person.
darcyandsimon over 3 years ago
Oh, pooh! Cute, but….he’s just not THAT dumb…
timbob2313 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Geeze, lighten up people, its a joke. and IMVPO, its funny.
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray over 3 years ago
The “auto” biographies he should be reading are on Henry Ford, Edsel Ford, Will Durant, The Dodge brothers; John and Horace, Walter Chrysler, Charles Kettering, John DeLorean, Chevrolet brothers; Louis, Arthur and Gaston, guys like that. Pretty sure there are girl names in there but I am only most familiar with the men who shaped automotive history.
Baldo should be familiar with them too. And there are a whole bunch of them in Europe who were also instrumental in self powered transportation. Diesel, Daimler, Benz, Renault, Bugatti….
Lightpainter over 3 years ago
“THINK, McFly!!!”
Natarose over 3 years ago
if you had paid attention in English class, you would have known that Baldo.
The Orange Mailman over 3 years ago
“Christine”, anyone?
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
if it were an autography about Henry Ford or Karl Benz, THEN the pun would be (kind of) intended
mikeywilly over 3 years ago
He always watched the movies!
[Unnamed Reader - 8f7cf7] over 3 years ago
No loss Baldo. Gracie will read them.
Alia Noora about 3 years ago
The logo says ALAZOM instead of AMAZON!