Why would Garfield care what Liz likes or believes? It would be one thing if Garfield was “on the phone” trying to convince Jon to do something becauze Liz said so. Jon wants her to be happy. But this wouldn’t work even if Garfield was dumb enough to believe it.
She also said you should be less dorky and stand up for yourself and sense of style and get a life and clean up more often and learn how phones work and… I could go on here all day. The most important thing is that you stop speaking into sponges.
You really are a hopeless loser, aren’t you, Jon? Your cat is smarter than you, and you think that fooling him into thinking that you’re talking to Liz when you’re actually talking into a sponge will work? Fat chance!
Reminds me of Reddit when Entitled Customer declares “I know the owner!” and “fake calls” to have poor put-upon service person fired for whatever has offended The Entitled One. Especially funny when the actual owner is standing right there watching.
Clarence over 3 years ago
The sponge looks like a eraser that got stabbed by pencil
codycab over 3 years ago
“And your head has more air than that sponge you’re holding.”
ImDaRealAni over 3 years ago
Next one by Jon: He’s an idiot. (See my profile picture: Do you think I’m an idiot?)
arjun.shriv over 3 years ago
What kind of sponge has holes?
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
Could that sponge be Bob’s cousin SpongePaula Squareskirt?
BJ40 over 3 years ago
DOH !!!
BJ40 over 3 years ago
With all the DIY accidents Jon has had, his IQ has gotten even lower.
BJ40 over 3 years ago
Jon is dumb and dumber.
Sir Ruddy Blighter, Jr. over 3 years ago
That’s one of those new 5G sponges from Verizon
Garfield’s guard over 3 years ago
Nice phone Jon, I never knew you liked soapy devices.
Kaputnik over 3 years ago
It’s an iSponge.
Ivy Valory Premium Member over 3 years ago
Jon, you’re going to have to show up earlier in the morning with better stuff than that if you want to catch Garfield.
tessotcyrille over 3 years ago
this phone has to be a sponge to absorb such idiocy from jon
Gent over 3 years ago
Oh, hi, Garfield. Meet me new pal, SpongeBob RectangleNoPants.
KernelLeak over 3 years ago
O hai, SpongeJon SmartyPants…
jagedlo over 3 years ago
Who do you think you’re trying to fool, Jon?
Troglodyte over 3 years ago
Give Jon some time to absorb that info, Garf… :D
Twelve Badgers in a Suit Premium Member over 3 years ago
Why would Garfield care what Liz likes or believes? It would be one thing if Garfield was “on the phone” trying to convince Jon to do something becauze Liz said so. Jon wants her to be happy. But this wouldn’t work even if Garfield was dumb enough to believe it.
Prey over 3 years ago
C´mon Jon, that´s your earhole, not your cakehole.
Mario500 over 3 years ago
(senses a cartoon with a story worthy of being expanded)
A R V reader over 3 years ago
A dimwit like Jon cannot out-wit Garfield.
blakerl over 3 years ago
Garfield Mean? Can’t be true.
jdsven over 3 years ago
This needs to be a Garfield minus Garfield.
The Collector over 3 years ago
She also said you should be less dorky and stand up for yourself and sense of style and get a life and clean up more often and learn how phones work and… I could go on here all day. The most important thing is that you stop speaking into sponges.
CaveCat87 over 3 years ago
You really are a hopeless loser, aren’t you, Jon? Your cat is smarter than you, and you think that fooling him into thinking that you’re talking to Liz when you’re actually talking into a sponge will work? Fat chance!
paranormal over 3 years ago
That’s the latest fad in phone covers…
WentHulk over 3 years ago
Jon knows he is talking to a sponge.
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
Jon, ya better think before ya act.
backyardcowboy over 3 years ago
Jon’s actually holding his brain. That’s what it looks like from long term cellphone addiction.
Goat from PBS over 3 years ago
Even if he was on the phone, I do not think Garfield would care too much.
donwestonmysteries over 3 years ago
Hoping Garfield will soak it in.
Ernest_CT over 3 years ago
All of them.
karmakat01 over 3 years ago
could work IF you were on a PHONE and she was on the other side.
JesseLouisMartinez over 3 years ago
He was talking to sponge bob
WCraft Premium Member over 3 years ago
Looks like cat ownership has driven at least one owner crazy.
heathcliff2 over 3 years ago
Send Jon on a vacation.
AndyMoser over 3 years ago
Jon, are you purposely ignoring Garfield? You are doing a damn good job if so! #notcool :]
Asharah over 3 years ago
Reminds me of Reddit when Entitled Customer declares “I know the owner!” and “fake calls” to have poor put-upon service person fired for whatever has offended The Entitled One. Especially funny when the actual owner is standing right there watching.
FreyjaRN Premium Member over 3 years ago
Jon, it’s not working. Or are you saying Garf sponges off of you?
Firestar over 3 years ago
Dunno. Jon’s talked to other things before, like a TV remote.
sebastian43013 over 1 year ago
Not very smooth Jon