MOST of us just buy a new sports car. Or take up skydiving, home brewing or knitting. Or a different spouse. Though I guess this one might qualify as skydriving…
I’ve a theory that our brain thrives on novelty. mediated by dopamine. that’s why it’s a good idea to keep learning. because exposure to new ideas is the only way to keep the dopamine going and keeping the brain young.
while it’s need not be as drastic as car-diving off the abyss. it’s certainly something to keep in mind.
“More than at any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.”
My same old same old was pretty great at that stage of life, so I saw no reason to do anything different. Well, I did take up ice skating at my son’s request (so I could skate with him).
I just passed that intersection. Did you know an Indian Chieftain Motorcycle will only go 114 mph on the Bonneville Salt Flats? I do. …gotta figure a way to short out that governor next time.
And when Alexander saw the extent of his empire, we wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.
As children we are all Alexanders, conquering our empires. Somewhere along the way, most of us stop. We lose our curiosity. We get comfortable within our personal domains and we jealously protect their borders. All of us stop growing physically (except maybe sideways), but too many of us stop growing mentally and spiritually. We become the walking dead.
Reclaim the three year old within you. The one that can study, with great fascination, the mundane work of an ant and wonder and imagine what it would be like to be one.
Now that I’ve reached the point where it is obvious that there are more years behind me than in front of me, I’ve managed it. Those around me see a crazy old man – harmless, but a bit eccentric and off the deep end: someone who does not care that people are laughing at him for he laughs at himself as well, someone whose actions do no always bestow dignity: someone who is apparently oblivious to all the chaos around him – yet somehow survives and does great things.
I’d not have it any other way. In the final analysis, all we have is ourselves and each other. Everything else is artificial. I still play, either by myself or with my friends. It’s great being a 72-year-old child.
We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
I weep for those who live in fear of what isn’t real, who feel compelled to defend the borders of their petty kingdoms with every energy of their soul, who chase money and power and worship false gods. What a waste of a human life!
A first century Jew put it better than I can, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?”
My last car chose for me. It threw itself into a large culvert without asking me. Fortunately, the seatbelt and airbags were on my side so I walked away.
wallylm about 3 years ago
And when you look into the Abyss…. (underrated James Cameron flick too)
eastern.woods.metal about 3 years ago
If you ever get to the “WOTHEHELL” stage of life, no need to flip a coin, just go for the excitement.
in.amongst about 3 years ago
“Same Old” also goes into the “Abyss” – only less abruptly.
yldchyld Premium Member about 3 years ago
Took me a sec, I must be tired
Concretionist about 3 years ago
MOST of us just buy a new sports car. Or take up skydiving, home brewing or knitting. Or a different spouse. Though I guess this one might qualify as skydriving…
Superfrog about 3 years ago
Schrodinger’s coin.
rwg1957rwg about 3 years ago
Option 3—just stand there and let the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate decide.
Wilde Bill about 3 years ago
He got out of the car to cut off his Slauson. He is still looking for the fork in the road.
Can't Sleep about 3 years ago
Decisions, decisions…
Baarorso about 3 years ago
What if the “Sameolsameol” leads to “The Abyss”? ;D
C about 3 years ago
Darwin award winner in wait
pauljmsn about 3 years ago
I can’t bring myself to “like” today’s strip. I think it’s Abysmal.
… Not sorry for this one.
Its just me about 3 years ago
Heads I win, tails you lose.
mikeyman about 3 years ago
Is there a reverse?
CheeYongPek about 3 years ago
I’ve a theory that our brain thrives on novelty. mediated by dopamine. that’s why it’s a good idea to keep learning. because exposure to new ideas is the only way to keep the dopamine going and keeping the brain young.
while it’s need not be as drastic as car-diving off the abyss. it’s certainly something to keep in mind.
Doug K about 3 years ago
Though “Same Old Same Old” doesn’t sound appealing, Bob probably doesn’t fully understand the meaning and ramification(s) of “The Abyss”.
dadoctah about 3 years ago
“More than at any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.”
— Woody Allen, “My Speech to the Graduates”
dot-the-I about 3 years ago
Certainly not New Jersey (circles, U-turn turnabouts).
bdpoltergeist Premium Member about 3 years ago
maybe he should turn around and go back to that left turn at Albuquerque
descabro about 3 years ago
Thing is, you don’t flip the coin. It flips you.
cdward about 3 years ago
My same old same old was pretty great at that stage of life, so I saw no reason to do anything different. Well, I did take up ice skating at my son’s request (so I could skate with him).
[Traveler] Premium Member about 3 years ago
The road less traveled
1953Baby about 3 years ago
Howsabout the road less taken?
MS72 about 3 years ago
Thelma and Louise
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 3 years ago
I just passed that intersection. Did you know an Indian Chieftain Motorcycle will only go 114 mph on the Bonneville Salt Flats? I do. …gotta figure a way to short out that governor next time.
sandpiper about 3 years ago
When one reaches a certain advanced age, the difference between the two roads is much more difficult to see.
rickseg about 3 years ago
Is this one of those “hold my beer” moments?
Redd Panda about 3 years ago
Bob’s been retired for a bit. A quick end has it’s appeal.
monya_43 about 3 years ago
“May you live in interesting times” is a curse. Same old, same old may be a rut, but you know what to expect. That isn’t all bad.
dflak about 3 years ago
And when Alexander saw the extent of his empire, we wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.
As children we are all Alexanders, conquering our empires. Somewhere along the way, most of us stop. We lose our curiosity. We get comfortable within our personal domains and we jealously protect their borders. All of us stop growing physically (except maybe sideways), but too many of us stop growing mentally and spiritually. We become the walking dead.
Reclaim the three year old within you. The one that can study, with great fascination, the mundane work of an ant and wonder and imagine what it would be like to be one.
Now that I’ve reached the point where it is obvious that there are more years behind me than in front of me, I’ve managed it. Those around me see a crazy old man – harmless, but a bit eccentric and off the deep end: someone who does not care that people are laughing at him for he laughs at himself as well, someone whose actions do no always bestow dignity: someone who is apparently oblivious to all the chaos around him – yet somehow survives and does great things.
I’d not have it any other way. In the final analysis, all we have is ourselves and each other. Everything else is artificial. I still play, either by myself or with my friends. It’s great being a 72-year-old child.
We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
I weep for those who live in fear of what isn’t real, who feel compelled to defend the borders of their petty kingdoms with every energy of their soul, who chase money and power and worship false gods. What a waste of a human life!
A first century Jew put it better than I can, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?”
comixbomix about 3 years ago
They’re different???
royclark about 3 years ago
when you look into the abyss the abyss looks back at you!
mfrasca about 3 years ago
And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself, “Well, how did I get here?”
- Eno / Frantz / Byrne / Harrison / Weymouth, October 8th 1981
thelordthygod666 about 3 years ago
L’appel du vide (what America is experiencing)
tee929 about 3 years ago
Bob is flip-flopping on whether to “walk on the wild side”
timinwsac Premium Member about 3 years ago
Looks like Wiley just needed a filler for today’s strip.
tee929 about 3 years ago
On a side note—Non-Sequitur was a Jeopardy answer 10/7/21 (Latin translations).
mistercatworks about 3 years ago
Time to get a better GPS. Life decisions are never binary. There is always another way that doesn’t involve suicide or infinite boredom.
poppacapsmokeblower about 3 years ago
Into the abyss,
Kiss a young Miss,
Thru a red mist,
Feel the hard fist,
Of the Miss who wouldn’t be kissed
mindjob about 3 years ago
He needs a jeep to go down that road
TimothyP23 about 3 years ago
My problem is that the ‘Same Old, Same Old’ isn’t that much different than the Abyss.
Richard S Russell Premium Member about 3 years ago
When confronted with 2 untenable options, invent a new one.
Calvins Brother about 3 years ago
No guts, no glory!
ditdodotto about 3 years ago
oh my – such insight
marilynnbyerly about 3 years ago
My last car chose for me. It threw itself into a large culvert without asking me. Fortunately, the seatbelt and airbags were on my side so I walked away. about 3 years ago
The problem solved itself.He’s out of gas.
schaefer jim about 3 years ago
Just go off the abyss it is quicker.
MartinPerry1 about 3 years ago
Also known as the “Too Old to Rock’n’Roll, Too Young to Die” stage.
jbruins84341 about 3 years ago
He has a car that can turn its wheels ninety degrees! Wow!
txmystic about 3 years ago
I’ll take “The Abyss”…James Cameron is a talented filmmaker…
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member about 3 years ago
Yes there are two paths you can go by but in the long run, there’s still time to change the road you’re on.
Chris Sherlock about 3 years ago
" ♫ Into the abyss will I run….♬ " Disturbed/Stricken
bakana about 3 years ago
Frost wrote about the Road Less Taken.
Welcome to the Road Hardly Ever Taken.
keenanthelibrarian about 3 years ago
When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
D.Deene about 3 years ago
Alas, a bird only…