Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for January 07, 2023

  1. Small keeper
    McColl34 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    We understand, Puck. Most cats don’t deal well with change. A good number of us people don’t overly care for it, either.

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  2. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  almost 2 years ago

    In the comic history before it became syndicated, didn’t the cats move from another house to the Big Pink House?

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  3. Photo
    Robin Harwood  almost 2 years ago

    How thoughtful of Puck to care about those cats who are nervous about the coming changes. I’m sure they all appreciate it.

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    Aspen_Bell  almost 2 years ago

    hee hee, I see that tail twitch

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  5. Animiertes spass lustig bild 0179
    in-dubio-pro-rainbow  almost 2 years ago

    Cats don’t need no renovation

    Cats don’t need new rooms at all

    Just some sarcasm in the newsroom

    Tell ya, leave them cats alone

    Hey, you there, leave them cats alone

    All we know, Lupin is ready to kick through that wall

    All we know, Lupin is ready to kick through that wall

    A room you don’t ever met, you can’t have any prejudging

    How can you have any prejudging if you don’t ev’r have met?

    You! Yes, you behind the mike stands

    Stand still, laddy!

    (Another Brick in the Wall / Pink Floyd)

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    kangtourcat Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Robin, thank you so much for a good twelfth night laugh! And thanks to those who added links for further enjoyment!

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  7. Maxie
    Susanna Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I am still hoping that we get to see what is going on in the new rooms. Where are the Robber Mice at, it has been a while since we have seen them.

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  8. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Just because they’re there, doesn’t mean you need to go in, Elvis.

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  9. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    New rooms don’t need to be entered, certainly not right away. First, sniffing at the door to get a preview of smells, then look around from the doorway. If nervous cats do it in slow stages, it’s not so nerve-wracking.

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    Ruth Brown  almost 2 years ago

    Wait. Wasn’t Elvis soothing Puck the other night?

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  11. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  almost 2 years ago

    ♪"Break on through to the other side

    Break on through to the other side

    Break on through to the other side"♫

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    Katzen1415  almost 2 years ago

    I am still holding out hope that Goldie is on the scene, since we have not seen her this week. I am fully supportive of Puck’s anxieties because change is hard, but I want to see inside. Besides, I am sure Puck will come around once he finds awesome things to climb.

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  13. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  almost 2 years ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Queen Catshepsut the Golden: Welcome, one and all to the captain and crew of the Red Planet Spider. Please accept our hospitality to celebrate the repair of your ship.

    Captain Tom: Thank you, Your Majesty. On behalf of my crew and myself, I would like to present you with this gift of s-p-i-c-e-s from all over the known world.

    The Queen: Thank you, Captain Tom. I know Thomios and his chefs will put them to good use.

    Puckmosis: Where will you go on your voyage?

    Captain Tom: We plan to go to Japan.

    Thomios: Wonderful! Please give Chef Itame my regards.

    Captain Tom: Will do.

    Beatrixia: I would like give them copies of some of the classic kitten’s literature from the Very Good Pyramid Library.

    Elvis-Anum: Copied out in exacting detail by an expert scribe.

    Maat-Tilda: And the Artisans have gold and jewels for the Royal Seamstress Ohariko-San and the tri-colored artists Kal, Li, and Ko.

    Captain Tom: I am sure all your gifts will be greatly appreciated. And thank you for all you have done to make repairs to the Good Ship Red Planet Spider.

    Her Majesty: And now, I propose we get out the mats for the post banquet nap.

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  14. Trespassers will..
    Trespassers W  almost 2 years ago

    You are speaking metaphorically, right, Lupin? Right? Just a metaphor? Right?

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  15. Image
    diskus Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Change is hard. Even when you know its needed.

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    DorseyBelle  almost 2 years ago

    Paws of anticipation!

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    ladykat  almost 2 years ago

    No insult meant to the Man, but I hope there is an electrician doing all the rewiring. Otherwise, Lupin may indeed be in for a shocking experience.

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  18. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  almost 2 years ago

    Moving one piece of furniture is a disaster.

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  19. Rwljlogo2
    The Wolf In Your Midst  almost 2 years ago

    Walls are boundaries, and Lupin is all about breaking boundaries. And anything else breakable.

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  20. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    OT: Kitten update

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  21. Dsc02946
    GSD Mom Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I love how, in that final panel, Lupin implies that he knows at least two cats who are not ready to embrace this change, but without being bratty about it; he’s not outing them, but just letting them know that when they are ready, he’s got their backs. Like Elvis, he is a good boy and loves his brothers.

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  22. Christmas  20241130 222355 0000
    Red Bird  almost 2 years ago

    Very reasonable. I don’t mind waiting to see the new rooms.

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  23. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    The’ve opened up and sealed that “hidden” door enough times already that it would have been cheaper to put in a revolving door in the first place.

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  24. Jondalf avi
    Jon Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    This would appear to be the confirmation we’ve been waiting for that the new rooms will be used to expand the apartments on each floor, not to bring in a new family.

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  25. Screenshot 2019 10 30 at 9.26.55 am
    Mx Crazy Cat Person  almost 2 years ago

    Puck reminds me so much of my dear departed Tom. So glad that Puck will always remind me of Tom. Tom’s BCW name is Thombus the Rhombus. His fancy name is T. Tomington Esquire (the T stands for Tomington).

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  26. Hellcat
    knight1192a  almost 2 years ago

    Is Puck refering to Lupin?

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    LeslieAnn Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Puck’s anxiety is beautifully painted in panel 4.

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