B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for March 05, 2023

  1. Grandbudapesthotel cr alamy
    Imagine  almost 2 years ago

    A very lucky skilled shot.

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    seanfear  almost 2 years ago

    you sure he’s not sleeping or in a coma?

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  3. Rudy says hello
    Lucy Rudy  almost 2 years ago

    I wonder what dinosaur would taste like. Chicken?

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  4. Snake on a hat 2003
    BigDaveGlass  almost 2 years ago

    Be pretty rank by then…

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  5. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Watched a guy off an alligator on that cop show tonight, took 2 shots

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    littlejohn Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    As a deer and elk hunter. I would sure hate having to gut, skin, quarter, and carry out all that meat. In hunting, the killing is the easy part. The real work begins after the kill.

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  7. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  almost 2 years ago

    I hope the dino is just faking it.

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    Doug K  almost 2 years ago

    Sometimes it takes a lot of skill to be (so) lucky.

    Having skill can be very fortunate at times.

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  9. Bigboycrop
    BigBoy  almost 2 years ago

    Find a dead dinosaur, stick an arrow in its tail and create a legend.

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    Kaputnik  almost 2 years ago

    Reminds me of a Far Side.


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    jagedlo  almost 2 years ago

    If there are any…

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    yip yip yip   almost 2 years ago

    Now he needs to find a refrigerator that’ll hold it all. Yip yip yip yip yip

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    yip yip yip   almost 2 years ago

    Where’s T-Rex when you need him. Yip yip yip yip yip

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    Geophyzz  almost 2 years ago

    I saw my son-in-law’s first hit on a deer, which simply roused it to bound away at top speed. But his second shot dropped it instantly, through the spine. Over 100 yards, it had to be luck.

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    preacherman Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    You’re lucky that the creature slept through the whole experience and didn’t wake and kill you.

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  16. Vaw 78 squadron patch
    Kidon Ha-Shomer  almost 2 years ago

    2.5" .410…30 yards …9 9mm pellets in a 6" pattern… behind the neck above the shoulder, lung shot…chased him more than half a mile before he dropped. I prefer bow season.

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  17. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Skill is where you can do it again.

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    ladykat  almost 2 years ago

    Lucky or skilful, the shot served its purpose.

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  19. Trollspry
    Enter.Name.Here  almost 2 years ago

    (By lucky coincidence, the dinosaur suffered a sudden and fatal heart attack JUST as the arrow struck and barely penetrated it’s thick skin.)

    “I’m such a great hunter!”

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  20. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  almost 2 years ago

    This kind of happened to me once. A friend and I were walking along a train track and we came upon a snake, in it’s threatening pose. I underhanded a little pebble at it, to make it go away, but it hit apparently in a critical spot right on its head. It writhed around, obviously badly hurt. I felt so bad, but it was a one-in-a-million shot…

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    Zebrastripes  almost 2 years ago

    Ummm… he’s not dead….

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    goboboyd  almost 2 years ago

    It will could take you that long just to field dress it with a sharp rock. Dragging it home through the packs, prides and flocks of scavengers will likely be an adventure in itself.

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    raybarb44  almost 2 years ago

    Well placed shot. Either that or he just coincidentally died of old age at the exact same time that the arrow pin pricked him….

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  24. Pc200099
    assrdood  almost 2 years ago

    My first deer….. Dropped him with a new 2002 Silverado. Expensive ammo – $2250 in repairs.

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    Rise22  almost 2 years ago

    Hard to believe one teensy tiny arrow brought that dino down…

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    [Unnamed Reader - 83d506]  almost 2 years ago

    First time I ever recall these guys actually successful in the hunt!

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    Teto85 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Just keep a safe distance from the Thagomizer.

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    michael3114  almost 2 years ago

    Cue the PETA boycott in 3, 2, 1.

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    tcayer  almost 2 years ago

    More like when you’re begging him to take leftovers months from now!

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    ChazNCenTex  almost 2 years ago

    I guess you could repurpose a dirigible as a FoodSaver bag. But then you’d have to invent an industrial-sized FoodSaver vacuum. And find a nearby glacier to store it in.

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    dimndno  almost 2 years ago

    As a hunter I’d rather have a lucky hit than a skillful miss.

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  32. T
    T...  almost 2 years ago

    He shot an arrow into the air, where it landed he new where, into small brain, felling large beast; Bronto burgers for the next month…

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  33. T
    T...  almost 2 years ago

    Tiny arrow into tiny brain, now to carry it home…

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    WF11  almost 2 years ago

    That is probably an endangered species! … (or was)

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  almost 2 years ago

    I’m inclined to suspect luck over skill but mainly I’m just jealous of the leftovers.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 2 years ago

    Chicken tastes like dinosaurs.

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  37. C4ebdb3c865f3f83389a524e62821b0e  gods and goddesses sumerian
    EnlilEnkiEa  almost 2 years ago

    Achilles Head.

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