I live on a small lake. This is mating season for geese. I can hear the loud noises they make. I don’t know if they are fighting for nesting places or mating. If I see her swimming out from behind the tall grass with a cigarette in her beak, I’ll know which it was.
Hey! You stole that from me. https://www.google.com/search?q=blue+footed+booby+mating+rituals&oq=blue+footed+booby+mating&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i512l4j0i15i22i30j0i22i30l3.17130j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:36e66ca2,vid:gqf5bG_XXlc
I imagine even more entertaining should there be a partner. I would stretch the imagery to a Flock Dance but then half of them would be leaning against the wall. A gym wall. A prehistoric gym wall.
seanfear almost 2 years ago
not until they invent the moonwalk already
Enter.Name.Here almost 2 years ago
Snake: “Needs more hip sway”.
Doug K almost 2 years ago
Why should a wingless bird pay any attention to a legless reptile?
The problem here is that the apteryx is showing his mating dance to a snake. He needs to find and show his mating dance to a female apteryx.
Mediatech almost 2 years ago
I think I once saw someone doing that at a nightclub. Once.
sandpiper almost 2 years ago
Dances looked like that in movies of the 60’s-70’s.
MayCauseBurns almost 2 years ago
First rule to avoiding extinction: don’t be tasty.
littlejohn Premium Member almost 2 years ago
It’s a good thing that the Snake has no arms. It can’t throw any rotten tomatoes at that dance act.
rshive almost 2 years ago
Luckily, he doesn’t have wings to flap too.
BigDaveGlass almost 2 years ago
Gets you noticed, though. And that’s the whole point……….
Chithing Premium Member almost 2 years ago
So, disco was DOA. Shame it didn’t go extinct sooner.
Count Olaf Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Explains why disco is extinct, too.
jagedlo almost 2 years ago
Not exactly the chicken dance there…
Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 2 years ago
and now you know…the rest of the story.
dflak almost 2 years ago
I live on a small lake. This is mating season for geese. I can hear the loud noises they make. I don’t know if they are fighting for nesting places or mating. If I see her swimming out from behind the tall grass with a cigarette in her beak, I’ll know which it was.
yip yip yip almost 2 years ago
Did anyone say Mosh pit. Yip yip yip yip yip
ladykat almost 2 years ago
William Bednar Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Since we see no females of his species, I’d say he’s already extinct.
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
Well that’s not encouraging…
Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 2 years ago
The dance lived on and evolved into rap and break dancing.
Snolep almost 2 years ago
Hey! You stole that from me. https://www.google.com/search?q=blue+footed+booby+mating+rituals&oq=blue+footed+booby+mating&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i512l4j0i15i22i30j0i22i30l3.17130j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:36e66ca2,vid:gqf5bG_XXlc
blakerl almost 2 years ago
With the wacky WOKE world we now live in. Mankind will Surely go extinct!!
snowedin, now known as Missy's mom almost 2 years ago
mindjob almost 2 years ago
He is open to taking dancing lessons. And getting a new wardrobe
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 2 years ago
“….and now we know why.”
goboboyd almost 2 years ago
I imagine even more entertaining should there be a partner. I would stretch the imagery to a Flock Dance but then half of them would be leaning against the wall. A gym wall. A prehistoric gym wall.
Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Dance like no one is watching.
Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 2 years ago
He can dance if he wants to
He can leave his friends behind
‘Cause his friends don’t dance
And if they don’t dance
Well, they’re no friends of his
zeexenon almost 2 years ago
Hunters should take care of that.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 2 years ago
This is the future, and they are infected by a modified brain parasite increases animal intelligence.
MFRXIM Premium Member almost 2 years ago
That was a good belly laugh!