That’s right, men. If you pay any kind of compliment to a woman, it’s because you want to have sexual intercourse with her. No other reason is possible.
Of course in this instance it’s actually a logical enough of an assumption for the child to make, given what the grandmother did yesterday. Why she did what she did yesterday is still an unexplainable mystery, but I guess that doesn’t matter.
I like two comments that Scott Adams has said on occasion in response to some persons who post on the Web: 1. Morning drinking again, eh? 2. Dopamine addict, I see.
By the way, #2 can apply to me on occasion. Sometimes, trolling certain persons is amusing.
Back in the day…..when I was a young whipper snapper…….that was a polite and courtesy as a statement not a 21th century offended …living in the 21th century is not for sissies.
I wondered why she didn’t make sure to be dressed, after the first day. Or on the first day for that matter, unless she didn’t know Crankshaft was the driver.
The sniping amongst the commenters is far more entertaining than the ‘Crankshaft’ strip. The moderators have lost control of the comment section. They waved the white flag and moved on. LOL.
By the way, folks, keep this in mind. Cindy shouldn’t be so quick to assume the worst from Crankshaft, because old people probably won’t ever get sexually assaulted or anything. Because they’re old.
Don’t believe me? Tom Batiuk said it himself through Crankshaft here:
Cindy:I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I acquired last year in Kindergarten. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you stop hitting on my grandmother now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.
B UTTONS over 1 year ago
… we read your inscription in her year book.
You were a total butthead.
Blu Bunny over 1 year ago
Look kid she old enough to be my mom.
angelolady Premium Member over 1 year ago
Geez. Miserable place. I don’t think you’re the majority, though. Just the loud and frequent.
wherescrankshaft over 1 year ago
That’s right, men. If you pay any kind of compliment to a woman, it’s because you want to have sexual intercourse with her. No other reason is possible.
Of course in this instance it’s actually a logical enough of an assumption for the child to make, given what the grandmother did yesterday. Why she did what she did yesterday is still an unexplainable mystery, but I guess that doesn’t matter.
Out of the Past over 1 year ago
The two old goats were smiling away. The kid killed the buzz.
grozar over 1 year ago
Another weak week stumbles into the darkness.
jarvisloop over 1 year ago
Best Crankshaft strip that I can remember, and I’ve been reading the strip for years.
DawnQuinn1 over 1 year ago
Crankshaft is NOT a pervert!!! He takes care of his charges and is an upstanding man.
jarvisloop over 1 year ago
I like two comments that Scott Adams has said on occasion in response to some persons who post on the Web: 1. Morning drinking again, eh? 2. Dopamine addict, I see.
By the way, #2 can apply to me on occasion. Sometimes, trolling certain persons is amusing.
WilliamVollmer over 1 year ago
Kid; since your grandmother dressed today, to take you to the bus stop SHE might be hitting on Ed!
oakie817 over 1 year ago
invite her to a barbeque….
Vintage life over 1 year ago
Showing a little leg is a old gag from the days when hitchhiking was mostly safe. And he’s never hurt a kid he helped some go to college
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 1 year ago
She side swiped Cranky dumb founded…..
lemonbaskt over 1 year ago
I only read crankshaft for the comments and of course the book club
French Persons' Celebration of Peeved Harry Dinkle Premium Member over 1 year ago
Besides, she already has a pearl necklace..
Pongo ol’ Boy over 1 year ago
Mr. Crankshaft is such a nice man.
GOD Bless America! HIS Eagle Will Soar Again!
raybarb44 over 1 year ago
What if Grandma wants to be hit on?…..
abjackson over 1 year ago
Lighten up
tcayer over 1 year ago
Wait- Ed voluntarily stops and lets a kid on the bus? WHAT IS GOING ON!??
rockyridge1977 over 1 year ago
Back in the day…..when I was a young whipper snapper…….that was a polite and courtesy as a statement not a 21th century offended …living in the 21th century is not for sissies.
Gizkok over 1 year ago
I wondered why she didn’t make sure to be dressed, after the first day. Or on the first day for that matter, unless she didn’t know Crankshaft was the driver.
Mopman over 1 year ago
I’m sure Mary will be pleased to find out that her stud boyfriend is trying to pick up women while driving his bus.
Surly Squirrel Premium Member over 1 year ago
The sniping amongst the commenters is far more entertaining than the ‘Crankshaft’ strip. The moderators have lost control of the comment section. They waved the white flag and moved on. LOL.
wherescrankshaft over 1 year ago
By the way, folks, keep this in mind. Cindy shouldn’t be so quick to assume the worst from Crankshaft, because old people probably won’t ever get sexually assaulted or anything. Because they’re old.
Don’t believe me? Tom Batiuk said it himself through Crankshaft here:
gocomics com/crankshaft/2007/10/24
macmantoo over 1 year ago
Another day and the same chronic complainers continue with their BS.
be ware of eve hill over 1 year ago
Cindy’s face is hilarious.
Cindy: I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I acquired last year in Kindergarten. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you stop hitting on my grandmother now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.
ToneeRhianRose 9 months ago
Haha! (^▽^)