Anybody that asks “Do I look fat in this?” already knows that they are fat, otherwise they wouldn’t ask the question. So the best response is definitely “Yes”. Lying to them will never get them to face reality. And that applies to pretty much everything.
My step niece did work with the pygmies in Africa. She found them to be exceptionally honest; sometimes brutally honest. They told her that they felt sorry for her because she was too ugly to get a husband to take care of her: she’s white, she’s tall (even by Western standards) and she’s too skinny (Not that she thinks so, but apparently pygmy men like women with “meat on their bones.”)
Pygmies also think that Americans and Europeans are stupid: you can’t leave them out in the jungle for a minute on their own without them getting into some kind of trouble.
a) Why do women ask the question? b) If clothes make the man, then why don’t clothes make the woman? Should they walk around with no clothes on? Or wear a poncho or something to hide their body?
I am reminded of an older commercial for a cereal. The man is sitting at the table looking at a newspaper (I did say it was an older commercial) and his wife walks in behind him and asks that stupid question. without his eyes every leaving the newspaper he replies “you betcha!” or something to that effect. I loved it! My aunt and I always joke with that question. The answer is always yes! Like when my goats like to rub against me it makes wherever they rubbed huge! :-) LOL
Asharah 12 months ago
Will he live to regret that?
yoey1957 12 months ago
Studies have shown that women who carry around a little extra weight tend to live longer than the men who mention it.
BigBoy 12 months ago
To be resolved shortly
blunebottle 12 months ago
“Do these jeans make me look fat?” said no man ever.
seanfear 12 months ago
he’s up to no good….
gammaguy 12 months ago
In it? Yes.
Because of it? No.
j_m_kuehl 12 months ago
No, doesn’t matter what you’re in. You’re just fat. But Hey, thanks for asking.
Courage the Cowardly Dog! 12 months ago
He ded!
BigDaveGlass 12 months ago
Honest, but just as sarcastic……
Doug K 12 months ago
She didn’t even need to finish her sentence.
[No matter how she finished the sentence, it would not have changed his answer.]
_lounger_ 12 months ago
this is not gonna end well
jmworacle 12 months ago
Dead person walking.
Imagine 12 months ago
Anybody that asks “Do I look fat in this?” already knows that they are fat, otherwise they wouldn’t ask the question. So the best response is definitely “Yes”. Lying to them will never get them to face reality. And that applies to pretty much everything.
Purple People Eater 12 months ago
The movie Liar, Liar showed what can happen if a person is completely honest for just one day.
markkahler52 12 months ago
Clubbing to follow…
Frank Salem Premium Member 12 months ago
This will probably get him a fat lip.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe 12 months ago
Remember what her original name was, the fat broad
Wizard of Ahz-no relation 12 months ago
followed by spending more time in the ER
Just-me 12 months ago
“Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.” Proverbs 17:28
dflak 12 months ago
My step niece did work with the pygmies in Africa. She found them to be exceptionally honest; sometimes brutally honest. They told her that they felt sorry for her because she was too ugly to get a husband to take care of her: she’s white, she’s tall (even by Western standards) and she’s too skinny (Not that she thinks so, but apparently pygmy men like women with “meat on their bones.”)
Pygmies also think that Americans and Europeans are stupid: you can’t leave them out in the jungle for a minute on their own without them getting into some kind of trouble.
petermerck 12 months ago
No. But that’s one fat dress.
ChessPirate 12 months ago
“I resolve to keep my mouth shut…”
ladykat 12 months ago
Uh-oh. You’re probably in trouble now.
rockyridge1977 12 months ago
Keep walking Curls and then……….RUN!!!!!!!
rshive 12 months ago
This anything does.
b.john71 12 months ago
he has a death wish
jagedlo 12 months ago
When ACTUALLY KEEPING a resolution gets you in trouble!
BeniHanna6 Premium Member 12 months ago
If you can’t handle an honest answer, don’t ask the question.
Mediatech 12 months ago
“It’s not the dress that makes you look fat. It’s the fat that makes you look fat.” – Al Bundy
mike75035 12 months ago
Don’t women ever notice that big bulge in thier seat backs from their phones?
wolfgang73 12 months ago
If you have to ask then you probably are
I'm Sad 12 months ago
a) Why do women ask the question? b) If clothes make the man, then why don’t clothes make the woman? Should they walk around with no clothes on? Or wear a poncho or something to hide their body?
Watchdog 12 months ago
Angry Indeed Premium Member 12 months ago
“It’s a trap!” said Admiral Ackbar.
Angry Indeed Premium Member 12 months ago
When a woman asks you a question with uncertain consequences, play deaf or play dead! If all else fails, Yukon Cornelius says: “…run like crazy!” ;-p
bigger Nate 12 months ago
To be honest that’s not gonna end well
DKHenderson 12 months ago
Let’s hope that Jane’s resolution was to leave her club in her cave!
daleandkristen 12 months ago
Dead man walking…..dead man walking….
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace 12 months ago
“No, it’s the light of the sun making you visible.”
zeexenon 12 months ago
Big butt, big bσσbs.
KenDHoward1 12 months ago
Well, honesty is the best policy, so it’s been said … but, timing and tact really should be exercised, with caution … Just sayin’.
falcon_370f 12 months ago
There should be another panel with him flattened, and her walking away with her club on her shoulder
EXCALABUR 12 months ago
not an intelligent reply
Nobody_Important 12 months ago
I am reminded of an older commercial for a cereal. The man is sitting at the table looking at a newspaper (I did say it was an older commercial) and his wife walks in behind him and asks that stupid question. without his eyes every leaving the newspaper he replies “you betcha!” or something to that effect. I loved it! My aunt and I always joke with that question. The answer is always yes! Like when my goats like to rub against me it makes wherever they rubbed huge! :-) LOL