My uncle snored so loudly that he often woke himself up. And when he visited, he shared my bedroom (I had a spare single bed there). It. Was, Awful. When I mentioned not getting any sleep, he told me it would be okay wake him. O…K… the next night I tried touching him. Nope. I tried shaking him. Nope. I took my blanket and went to the living room (a different floor of the house) and tried to sleep on the couch. That didn’t work perfectly, but it WAS better. THEN he told me I should have used a squirt gun.
I can remember trips with my parents. Dad snoring, Mom saying, " Harold, you’re snoring again" 6 or 7 times a night. No wonder I don’t remember the car ride, I was probably asleep.
I always hated having to share a motel bed with my mother, who snoring could wake the dead! My father and brother occupied the other bed, and brother complained that father’s kicking kept him awake, too.
When I was younger, our family lived on a long not-too-steep grade in town on a major through street. There WAS constant downshifting. You’d be amazed at how one can get used to it. When we moved to the suburbs (such as they were), it was s-o-o-o quiet. One found it hard to sleep for the lack of noise.
You gotta give that: Dad’s would not be dad’s if they did not come with loud snoring included. I guess if you got a teenage/young adult son who swears he’ll never marry and you really wanted grandchildren: if he snores like a jet engine in a crowded airport, do not worry, he’ll get hitched and you’ll get your grandchildren.
During our twenties, camping with friends, one snored so loud we made him sleep in his own tent, at the edge of the campground lot. Up early one morning, I heard the campers in the neighboring lot talking over coffee: "Did you hear that guy next door? He kept me up all night! " “Me too”, said another.
BE THIS GUY 8 months ago
Mom and Dad enjoyed their motel stays much more before they became Mom and Dad.
codycab 8 months ago
Meanwhile, Hobbes is sleeping like a kitten.
3nemesis 8 months ago
Meanwhile the Hobbes is having the time of his life…
Concretionist 8 months ago
My uncle snored so loudly that he often woke himself up. And when he visited, he shared my bedroom (I had a spare single bed there). It. Was, Awful. When I mentioned not getting any sleep, he told me it would be okay wake him. O…K… the next night I tried touching him. Nope. I tried shaking him. Nope. I took my blanket and went to the living room (a different floor of the house) and tried to sleep on the couch. That didn’t work perfectly, but it WAS better. THEN he told me I should have used a squirt gun.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member 8 months ago
I can remember trips with my parents. Dad snoring, Mom saying, " Harold, you’re snoring again" 6 or 7 times a night. No wonder I don’t remember the car ride, I was probably asleep.
snsurone76 8 months ago
I’d like to know why they had to drive to that wedding when the train is much faster.
snsurone76 8 months ago
I always hated having to share a motel bed with my mother, who snoring could wake the dead! My father and brother occupied the other bed, and brother complained that father’s kicking kept him awake, too.
PoodleGroomer 8 months ago
My snoring is prohibited in towns with Jake Brake ordinances.
Zykoic 8 months ago
Air brakes snoring!
French Persons' Celebration of Peeved Harry Dinkle Premium Member 8 months ago
I read somewhere that loud, horrible snoring is one of the top five reasons why people get divorced..
DorothyGlenn Premium Member 8 months ago
Hobbes is over at Susie’s place.
saylorgirl 8 months ago
I would like to see what Hobbes is doing while they’re away.
Huckleberry Hiroshima 8 months ago
Jake brake, not downshifting necessarily.
Link from Twilight Princess (He/Him) 8 months ago
One of my favorite strips from this series. Made me laugh very hard when I first read it.
sandpiper 8 months ago
He falls asleep because there is no tiger breathing, but mostly because he is worn out from all the stuff he does that he shouldn’t.
'IndyMan' 8 months ago
Now, Calvin, you know what your Mom puts up with EVERY night and why (one reason) you have not siblings ! ! ! !
KageKat 8 months ago
Sleep apnea is no joke!
rshive 8 months ago
When I was younger, our family lived on a long not-too-steep grade in town on a major through street. There WAS constant downshifting. You’d be amazed at how one can get used to it. When we moved to the suburbs (such as they were), it was s-o-o-o quiet. One found it hard to sleep for the lack of noise.
Angry Indeed Premium Member 8 months ago
While the folks are away, the cat will play.
mindjob 8 months ago
My snoring has been known to cause avalanches in certain parts of the mountains
formathe 8 months ago
I use high end 3M ear plugs and they work great. Good enough to kill the snoring yet not good enough to kill the smoke alarms.
elgrecousa Premium Member 8 months ago
Is truck driving one of Calvin’s side jobs? He sure knows a lot about those monsters.
I was FRAMED!!!!!! 8 months ago
I use some noise-canceling earbuds, to soften my wife’s snoring. They don’t always work perfectly.
wiley207 8 months ago
Heh, imagine if the Dad was actually imitating truck noises in his sleep, like pretending he was a truck driver!
lnrokr55 8 months ago
Nothing quite as fun as sharing a hotel room with a snarky little kid huh ….. ;-)
Bilan 8 months ago
Snoring builds character!
g04922 8 months ago
Hobbes may just be enjoying the peace and quiet away from Calvin…
nonoyobeezwaks 8 months ago
I still remember how this comic made my laugh until I cried the first time I read it years ago.
Zyxian 8 months ago
This one made me belly laugh – Down shifting on the highway…
kinich79 8 months ago
You gotta give that: Dad’s would not be dad’s if they did not come with loud snoring included. I guess if you got a teenage/young adult son who swears he’ll never marry and you really wanted grandchildren: if he snores like a jet engine in a crowded airport, do not worry, he’ll get hitched and you’ll get your grandchildren.
may10124 8 months ago
too funny
einarbt 8 months ago
Hobbes probably gone to visit Susie.
dan.mclennan5 8 months ago
My wife sounds like a jake brake…..
moosemin 8 months ago
During our twenties, camping with friends, one snored so loud we made him sleep in his own tent, at the edge of the campground lot. Up early one morning, I heard the campers in the neighboring lot talking over coffee: "Did you hear that guy next door? He kept me up all night! " “Me too”, said another.
Big-nate and Garfield guy 8 months ago
Hobbes rn:
bcaka 8 months ago
‘…trucks downshiffting on the highway…’ snort