Ruby’s boyfriend bought her a diamond ring. The stone was cut in the shape of a four leaf clover. She wore it all the time to show how much it meant to her.
One day, she got curious and had it valued at a jeweller’s. Unfortunately they told her that her boyfriend had been swindled, as the diamond was actually a cubic zirconia.
I remember when I was in the Navy, serving over in a hush, hush installation in Seoul, South Korea. Their toilet stalls had toilet paper that resembled crepe paper. When the roll ran out, the occupants used newspaper (which could be fitting for some US newspapers). Needless to say, our team carried our own, good old U.S. TP when we had to take a dump. That was also a common practice for sailors onboard Naval ships. Flush twice. It’s a long way to the Galley. ;-p
I bought flowers seeds pressed between paper sheets that you just covered in dirt and watered. I think that the newspaper is the same idea. I wonder if it is rice paper?
The Duke 4 months ago
So you can grow a newspaper plant?
The dude from FL Premium Member 4 months ago
Wouldn’t recycling the newspaper make more sense?
oldpine52 4 months ago
We have many news papers that would make great fertilizer.
Pickled Pete 4 months ago
One day, she got curious and had it valued at a jeweller’s. Unfortunately they told her that her boyfriend had been swindled, as the diamond was actually a cubic zirconia.
It was a sham rock.
pearlsbs 4 months ago
So, you can’t plant it without reading it?
cdnalor 4 months ago
You can plant any newspaper, it’s the results that differ.
markhughw 4 months ago
Food for thought
Huckleberry Hiroshima 4 months ago
You can plant anything you read.
e.groves 4 months ago
Plant it or use it for weed barrier?
Màiri 4 months ago
I hope it’s printed using soy inks
paranormal 4 months ago
At Fukushima no doubt…
artegal 4 months ago
I can see that frog pretty easily.
Angry Indeed Premium Member 4 months ago
I remember when I was in the Navy, serving over in a hush, hush installation in Seoul, South Korea. Their toilet stalls had toilet paper that resembled crepe paper. When the roll ran out, the occupants used newspaper (which could be fitting for some US newspapers). Needless to say, our team carried our own, good old U.S. TP when we had to take a dump. That was also a common practice for sailors onboard Naval ships. Flush twice. It’s a long way to the Galley. ;-p
Angry Indeed Premium Member 4 months ago
Yoshiharu “Wannabe”, I think I found your clover growing in my lawn, Domo Arigato!
oish 4 months ago
So THAT’s why the bottom of the birdcage looks like a chia-pet
GojusJoe 4 months ago
So, what do you get when you plant a newspaper? Pamphlets? Newsletters?
Lord Flatulence Premium Member 4 months ago
So you can’t plant it BEFORE reading?
Bilan 4 months ago
Not only is the Mossy Frog a master of camouflage, but nobody wants to eat it.
Scott S 4 months ago
I’m looking over a four-leaf clover
That I overlooked before!
FGWaiss 4 months ago
After the newspaper is planted, what grows? Another newspaper?
The Duke 4 months ago
I bought flowers seeds pressed between paper sheets that you just covered in dirt and watered. I think that the newspaper is the same idea. I wonder if it is rice paper?
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 4 months ago
Which brought both good luck and bad luck at the same time