For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for November 21, 2024

  1. Trollspry
    Enter.Name.Here  12 days ago

    Worst is when you get there with stacks of boxes and things and have to find a place for everything. Boxes linger for weeks if not longer, or even much longer.

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    9thCapricorn  12 days ago

    Truth, Weeder. I’ve moved so many times. Some moves were smooth and organized and others not so much. The secret is in the packing and organization. And purge stuff you haven’t seen or used in a year or more.

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    Argythree  12 days ago

    Moving is the only time you can legitimately say ’I’m not sure where I put that’…

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    snsurone76  12 days ago

    When I had to move from NYC to Florida, all I had was my laptop, two fake fur coats, and the clothes on my back. My precious possessions of 42 years were disposed from a major bedbug infestation. Many of them may still be around, but d@mned if I know how to locate them!

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    jmworacle  12 days ago

    My father’s job required us to move to a different place at the beginning of summer. I went to four different high schools in four years.

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    Ambush Kitten  12 days ago

    Being raised as a military brat, I can relate. It seemed like we moved every other week.

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    baraktorvan  12 days ago

    Sigh, try living through a remodel. We are. Bath is almost done, kitchen cabinets are in but no countertops or finished floors yet or backsplashes. Although the floor tiles and blacksplash are ready to install, they have to wait for the countertops, along with the sink and faucet and appliances.

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    cowboy27  12 days ago

    Me: Same house for 62 years. I have so much “stuff” I can never move. And I won’t until it’s toes up and my kids can deal with it. (I am giving “stuff” away very often – clearing it out.)

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    Botulism Bob  12 days ago

    Renting a P.O. Box would be a good idea. If you’ve had to relocate several times in the same city, you would never have to change your mailing address.

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    gozirra2 Premium Member 12 days ago

    Moving is a great way to find out who your true friends are!

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    scote1379 Premium Member 12 days ago

    I live a few blocks from a small college , I get to see the great move-in and the great move-out every September and May ! The Smart ones rent a U-Haul trailer !

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    BJDucer  12 days ago

    For reasons too long to go into here, I once moved 7 times in ten years. Was it an adventure? Yes. But at no time did I ever enjoy the actual moving process!

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    baskate_2000  12 days ago

    Amen — in the process right now, and it’s awful!

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    ajr58(1)  12 days ago

    When I was a student, moving was easy. Everything fit in the back of my car. 40 years later, not so much.

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    Doug K  12 days ago

    Most things are easier in theory than they are in reality.

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    ladykat  12 days ago


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    g04922  12 days ago

    Get rid of a lot of things first. Then you don’t have to move them later when you realize you have to get rid of things after you move them… duh.

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    sperry532  12 days ago

    I really miss the days when I could move everything in a couple of car/truck loads.

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    The Great_Black President  12 days ago

    Like all those Hollywood types who keep saying they are now moving out of the country due to Trump’s relection.

    Still have yet to see one moving van.

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    kamoolah  12 days ago

    I have to move out of the Naval Observatory in January. I got the evicted by the voters!

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  12 days ago

    At least Mike&Weed don’t have to sit around an empty house waiting for the moving van to arrive from another state.

    IF it arrives….

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 12 days ago

    Yep that word…..until!

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    USN1977  12 days ago

    Look at the positive side, Michael. At least in your new home it looks like your bedroom door will stay on its hinges.

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    rebelstrike0  12 days ago

    This could be a funny strip for tomorrow:

    Josef: Now to gawk at those girls.

    Michael: All right!

    Sign: EVICTION NOTICE: You are ordered to vacate the premises immediately.

    Michael: But, but, we just moved in! We just gave you the security deposit and my parents paid first and last month’s rent. I am not delinquint on anything!

    Landlady: No worries, that is not for you. Those women did not pay their rent, so out on the butts they went! The good news for you is that it will not be cramped. Looks like you will not be sharing the kitchen with Kit and Jodi.

    Michael and Josef Weeder stare into space with open mouths and shocked expressions.

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    BamCat  12 days ago

    We recently downsized to a new home about five miles from our previous home, and we had the luxury of having time to clean, line shelves, and move small items ahead of the actual moving day. I pride myself in not having (too many) unnecessary items, but you never really appreciate how much you own until you move it carload by carload.

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    lnrokr55  12 days ago

    No worries, it’s easier when you’re young ! ;-)

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    mindjob  12 days ago

    The worst part is cleaning the old apartment to get your deposit money back, which is the only time bachelors clean the apartment

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    Robert Miller Premium Member 12 days ago

    Dad wasn’t in the military, but we moved around a lot! Dad was always looking for a better job. He was a tool and die maker, then became an engineer. He worked for G.E., RCA, Timex, and then a bunch of companies that made car parts. I went to 12 different schools in 12 years, 5 different states: IL, AR, TX, IN, MO. The longest stay was 2 years, the shortest, 1 semester. At one point, it became, “New town, new school, same old thing”.

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    howtheduck  12 days ago

    Filing cabinet? I don’t think I ever saw any of my university friends with one of those in their room.

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    RGS1028  12 days ago

    It appears that a good number of Oldsters here – you owe it to your children – have a yard sale and get rid of EVERYTHING. Dumpsters are expensive. Make SURE you remove the hidden $$$$ in the books you toss.

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    ScretWitch  12 days ago

    I can relate. Working full time and moving. Ick. It is a great time to purge all that stuff that hasn’t been used or opened in years! The military taught me this. :)

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    Strawberry King  12 days ago

    The horror of the moving process…

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