RBION has used that sneeze claim before only that time the claim was only that you can’t sneeze while you are asleep. I commented at that time that I had been awakened by my sneezing and maybe the claim should be that you can’t sneeze and remain asleep. Whether or not I was in deep sleep, I don’t know.
A farmer separated the bulls and cows to prepare them for the mating season a few days later.
He built a wall with barbed wires on top.
A young bull could not resist his temptations and wanted to mate a cow.
Other bulls told him there was one veteran consultant bull amongst them that could help.
The young bull went to him and asked how to cross the wall to the cows.
The consultant bull explained: “First of all.. stand 60 feet away from the wall. Then run at 60mph. Then jump at a 60° angle. Do what you want then come back the same way.”
The young bull asked: “But what if I mess up with the calculations and lose my Jewels in the barbed wires?”
The consultant bull said: “Then you become a consultant.”
I had to go to the ER because I had been coughing hard, especially when I tried to sleep with other symptoms as well. I went there mainly because I’ve got surgery scheduled for tomorrow and was concerned that it would cause a cancellation. At my age, I’m at risk for COVID, Flu, etc. which they found negative. Still cough briefly once in a while during the day despite the prescription they gave me (mainly OTC medications) so I’m crossing my fingers, hoping that it will abate in time.
Leroy 22 days ago
That’s good to know about sneezing during sleep and I guess dreaming. Because I lot of times I forgot my pants, so I wouldn’t have a hanky.
Freebyrd1 22 days ago
I love celeriac it so much more flavourful than potato, and better for you.
pearlsbs 22 days ago
RBION has used that sneeze claim before only that time the claim was only that you can’t sneeze while you are asleep. I commented at that time that I had been awakened by my sneezing and maybe the claim should be that you can’t sneeze and remain asleep. Whether or not I was in deep sleep, I don’t know.
Pickled Pete 22 days ago
He built a wall with barbed wires on top.
A young bull could not resist his temptations and wanted to mate a cow.
Other bulls told him there was one veteran consultant bull amongst them that could help.
The young bull went to him and asked how to cross the wall to the cows.
The consultant bull explained: “First of all.. stand 60 feet away from the wall. Then run at 60mph. Then jump at a 60° angle. Do what you want then come back the same way.”
The young bull asked: “But what if I mess up with the calculations and lose my Jewels in the barbed wires?”
The consultant bull said: “Then you become a consultant.”
charliefarmrhere 22 days ago
That bird looks purple to me, not pink.
bpscg 21 days ago
But WHY can’t you sneeze while sleeping?
Shirl Summ Premium Member 21 days ago
My husband just got up and told me he was awkened by his sneezing. Sooooo ???
Huckleberry Hiroshima 21 days ago
I’m going to have to tell Millie about this.
h.v.greenman 21 days ago
Silly me, I thought robins wore a red vest, green shorts, and a yellow cape
poppacapsmokeblower 21 days ago
Stay awake trying to see wether you sneeze while in deep sleep.
Angry Indeed Premium Member 21 days ago
I had to go to the ER because I had been coughing hard, especially when I tried to sleep with other symptoms as well. I went there mainly because I’ve got surgery scheduled for tomorrow and was concerned that it would cause a cancellation. At my age, I’m at risk for COVID, Flu, etc. which they found negative. Still cough briefly once in a while during the day despite the prescription they gave me (mainly OTC medications) so I’m crossing my fingers, hoping that it will abate in time.
oakie9531 21 days ago
i have a bright pink chest too
billwog 21 days ago
Indiana, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
barrettcc 21 days ago
It’s lavender
tinstar 21 days ago
If you’re in a “deep sleep,” how can you tell whether you sneezed, or not?
Pickled Pete 21 days ago
Just the two of them. She knew that today is the day, she had been waiting for it.
He laid her on her back and leaned above her. She got goosebumps and sweaty palms.
“I’m scared.” she said quietly.
“You’ll be fine, I’ll be quick.” he replied.
Within a few minutes the tooth was out and she could get up from the dentists’ chair.
donut reply 15 days ago
I don’t think you can fart in your sleep either.