Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for December 02, 2024

  1. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  about 6 hours ago

    Good morning™, all!

    Cosplay is more popular with Mike Curtis than it is with some of the commenters on this site.

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    SHAKEDOWNCITY  about 6 hours ago


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    firestrike1  about 6 hours ago

    NOW I remember reading this…

    NOW I remember why I thoroughly dislike Minit Mysteries and why they are referred to as Minit Miseries…

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    BreathlessMahoney77  about 6 hours ago

    I see Joe Staton is credited as the regular artist, with Rick Burchett credited as “Guest Artist”. Does this mean TMS interrupted the current storyline with the clock with a rerun of a Mini Mystery that originally ran several years ago, when Joe was still with the script?

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    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  about 6 hours ago

    Good morning™, Worn Out Retreads !

    From one sleeper to a dud. LOL !

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  6. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 5 hours ago

    I gather this MM is one whose time has passed?

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    retropop  about 2 hours ago

    It’s time Tribune did something to stablize and secure the future of the strip. Fix it, or end it – but know this, Mike Curtis would be responsbile for revitilizing and then causing the end of the strip – although not intentionally due to his health – I’ve heard THREE possiblities – one is it’s issues with his remaing eye (He lost an eye to canser several years ago) the next it’s serious issues with his back, the third it’s both. Which means Tribune would look bad to fire Mike over health issues – are they waiting for him to walk. They seem to be ok with him as a defacto co-editor and allowing guest tallent to come in and work on the strip. But it’s very clear if they don’t end the strip. that Eric Costello is going to take over the strip with Charles as the artist. However, it does seem this streaching out may be so Mike can do the next story and needs two more weeks of prep time and Eric couldn’t pad out the current story. This is all speculation. Tribune has been more than quiet about the strip….

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    h.v.greenman  14 minutes ago

    Kirk, “My God!” “There is a plot lying on the floor.”

    Bones, “It’s dead, Jim.”

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