“Don’t ever become a pessimist… a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events.” = Heinlein
Yes, but he wasn’t a Marxist by any means. He followed a fascist governmental philosophy. He was also very free market capitalist and had the support of major industrial concerns. He was also legitimately elected by the German democracy.
(This is a Sunday comment, posted at the end of the Saturday comments, because the Sunday Calvin and Hobbes is still missing at about 10:00 am EST.)The Sunday strip that was supposed to appear today, January 6th, is the same one that Top Cat posted 5 days ago on New Year’s Day, with Hobbes examining the various snowmen that Calvin has built.
Starwars54 almost 12 years ago
Nobody cares, Calvin/sarcasm
runar almost 12 years ago
It’s hard, though, to ignore that pessimists are less easily disappointed than optimists.
ratlum almost 12 years ago
We do not need a rallying cry.
bluram almost 12 years ago
Prattaratt almost 12 years ago
“Don’t ever become a pessimist… a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events.” = Heinlein
bluram almost 12 years ago
rentier almost 12 years ago
Rallycry in German: Wir sind Kerle, jeder eine Perle, zicke zacke zicke zacke hoi hoi hoi!!! – It’s for skiers!
Timberwolves88 almost 12 years ago
Why not? But I’m not sure he understood what he read.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Yes, but he wasn’t a Marxist by any means. He followed a fascist governmental philosophy. He was also very free market capitalist and had the support of major industrial concerns. He was also legitimately elected by the German democracy.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Optimists see the world better than it is and pessimists see it worse. Cynics are the ones who are dead on.
vwdualnomand almost 12 years ago
so, that is why some people don’t travel, the world is round and you’ll end up where you started.
Phapada almost 12 years ago
so what’s? look dun care…
in.amongst almost 12 years ago
oh yeah baby – way to go!!!
Vonne Anton almost 12 years ago
The beauty of being an optimist is that you are more pleasant to be around.
CasualObserver almost 12 years ago
That’s exactly why so many are pessimists! :-D
Jspine almost 12 years ago
The point is, people, it’s FUNNY!
battle of plattsburgh almost 12 years ago
Calvin has always been care-less.
baldhedjer almost 12 years ago
I’ve been doing that at work for years! Works great! Not that anyone cares.
StkFigs almost 12 years ago
so what?:)
hackerguy almost 12 years ago
Out of the mouths of babes….
Phosphoros almost 12 years ago
Is this “Calvinism”? (Just kidding)
tuslog64 almost 12 years ago
90% of the things you worry about never happen.So worry a lot.(It’s the “out of the blue” things that get you!)
fuzzyimages almost 12 years ago
I’m a procrastinator, I’ll stop caring tomorrow, …maybe.
gocomics12345123 almost 12 years ago
My friend is like Calvin!!
Number Three almost 12 years ago
LOL LOL… Let’s see how long he keeps this up.
cookies333 almost 12 years ago
You may not get very far if you don’t care about anything calvin.
RickAce almost 12 years ago
So what?!
Puddleglum2 almost 12 years ago
Calvin is both pathetic and apathetic, not to mention callous.
Puddleglum2 almost 12 years ago
People who are apathetic don’t care about a rallying cry.
Puddleglum2 almost 12 years ago
@khpage (from yesterday),There’s no business like snow business…
Puddleglum2 almost 12 years ago
Apparently Hobbes (the commenter) doesn’t care or he would have provided equivalent links to Sally Brown. :o)
CrazyIrishOperaGirl almost 12 years ago
“Whatever” has evolved!
bradman1968 almost 12 years ago
This generation’s rallying cry is more ‘meh’ than ‘so what.’
calvinsfriend110 almost 12 years ago
I got the Complete C&H collection yesterday in hardcover. It’s nice, but heavy.
khpage almost 12 years ago
Calvin to Hobbes: “So, what are we going to do now?”
s3phoenix almost 12 years ago
OMG, don’t comment on the comic- just enjoy it!
Dave Tring almost 12 years ago
But then again, to a pessimist, everything comes as a pleasant surprise.
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
‘Rock and Roll is Here to Stay’. That’s my rallying cry.
rgcviper almost 12 years ago
You beat me to the “Meh”, M2MM. The downfalls of posting late … ha.
Timberwolves88 almost 12 years ago
No strip today (06/01)? So what?!
rentier almost 12 years ago
I miss the strip today, deadline!!
Frogman_tg almost 12 years ago
Same thing with Mutt & Jeff.
Frogman_tg almost 12 years ago
And Cathy!
neatslob Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Happens all the time with Heavenly Nostrils. First time I’ve seen it with Calvin.
Miss.Fit almost 12 years ago
no strip today….!! Gocomics didn’t feel inspired enough I guess… !!
Phapada almost 12 years ago
where’s C&H ?
Phapada almost 12 years ago
miss you both…
Hobbes Premium Member almost 12 years ago
(This is a Sunday comment, posted at the end of the Saturday comments, because the Sunday Calvin and Hobbes is still missing at about 10:00 am EST.)The Sunday strip that was supposed to appear today, January 6th, is the same one that Top Cat posted 5 days ago on New Year’s Day, with Hobbes examining the various snowmen that Calvin has built.
WallFlower05 almost 12 years ago
Why is there no Calvin and Hobbes strip for Jan 6th?? Or is it just not showing up for me?
k9mac almost 12 years ago
shoe too! what gives?
battle of plattsburgh almost 12 years ago
There’s no strip today. In the immortal words of Calvin “so what?!”
kab2rb almost 12 years ago
Commentors made their own strip.
rentier almost 12 years ago
I think, we must do it ourselves and draw the strip ouerselves!
calvinsfriend110 almost 12 years ago
Agreed. It’s a terrible C&H ripoff.
ratlum almost 12 years ago
Where is sundays strip ?,jan 6 th
SideshowStarlet almost 12 years ago
I’d join. But I wouldn’t bother showing up to meetings or paying dues.
rfloydlewis almost 12 years ago
why is this missing from my subscription?? Sunday 6 Jan
jaredjmartin41 about 5 years ago