I think we may have reached this strip’s point of “THERE IS NO CRANKA! ONLY ZUUL! And DINKLE! And Lillian! And…PAM and JEFF! Also comic books and signings! Also…Wait, I believe that may be all there’s left.”
Pizza Monster: “I wait in the dark. My HUNGER…is strong. But my patience…is stronger.” (Eats a pepperoni and Ed pizza, picks a bus driver’s hat from his teeth, says “EWW GROSS!”)
Yeah, Crankshaft fans. It’s Funkys all the way down now.
Couldn’t just say "the choir’s Christmas concert with the jazz band was very well received, " could ya, DInkelberg? Had to work Barlow’s name in for no discernable reason.
Also, “it’s a paying gig”? Someone is paying the Bedside Manorisms to perform? I thought it was just something the senior home residents did to keep active. At least Lizard Lil recognizes she can’t survive on Social Security, author’s royalties, and non-existent bookstore sales.
Nice top-down perspective artworks in panel one and two. But in three, there is those cobwebs under her armpits again. Me is wonder what that is about.
It was a paying gig. As soon as the audience hears Loathsome Lil croak out a tune, they’ll demand their money back.
Aw, who am I kidding? This is late career self-indulgent, wishful thinking Tom Batiuk. His favored characters only fail upwards. He’ll make Loathsome Lillian, the Centerville version of Ella Fitzgerald. Standing ovations, etc. (puke emoji)
Leacherous ol’ Mort Winkerbean will be glad to rub his trombone up against Loathsome Lil. The last we knew, the Bedside Manor was keeping him well stocked with those blue pills. (triple puke emoji)
It is highly likely that Batiuk has completely forgotten about that story arc. We haven’t. Attempted rape shouldn’t be used as a punchline.
billsplut 8 months ago
I think we may have reached this strip’s point of “THERE IS NO CRANKA! ONLY ZUUL! And DINKLE! And Lillian! And…PAM and JEFF! Also comic books and signings! Also…Wait, I believe that may be all there’s left.”
Pizza Monster: “I wait in the dark. My HUNGER…is strong. But my patience…is stronger.” (Eats a pepperoni and Ed pizza, picks a bus driver’s hat from his teeth, says “EWW GROSS!”)
Yeah, Crankshaft fans. It’s Funkys all the way down now.
J.J. O'Malley 8 months ago
Couldn’t just say "the choir’s Christmas concert with the jazz band was very well received, " could ya, DInkelberg? Had to work Barlow’s name in for no discernable reason.
Also, “it’s a paying gig”? Someone is paying the Bedside Manorisms to perform? I thought it was just something the senior home residents did to keep active. At least Lizard Lil recognizes she can’t survive on Social Security, author’s royalties, and non-existent bookstore sales.
Gent 8 months ago
Nice top-down perspective artworks in panel one and two. But in three, there is those cobwebs under her armpits again. Me is wonder what that is about.
billsplut 8 months ago
She needs a new income stream to pay for that red car with…tail fins? Is it 1954, or 1964? I’d picture her more as a “used Geo Metro” kinda gal.
French Persons' Celebration of Peeved Harry Dinkle Premium Member 8 months ago
That red car… Is that supposed to be an early 1960s Ford Thunderbird?
frank_t_novak 8 months ago
Its against the law to not give credit to the author.
ksu71 8 months ago
Middle panel …BRICKS!!!!
Mopman 8 months ago
I don’t know if doing something you’ve done before counts as “stretching yourself”.
ladykat 8 months ago
Money talks, right, Lil?
rockyridge1977 8 months ago
Don’t stretch much…..I don’t think it pays that much!!
WilliamVollmer 8 months ago
Ed doesn’t have to be in every strip. Over at Beetle Baily today there wasn’t even a mention of him.
puddleglum1066 8 months ago
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt me to stretch some…”
Don’t bet on that, Lil… ever hear of the rack?
fourteenpeeves 8 months ago
I wouldn’t pay to hear her talk, let alone sing….
MuddyUSA Premium Member 8 months ago
@Batiuk and Davis – Change the name of the ‘toon…where is Crankshaft!
tcayer 8 months ago
She’s a multi-best-selling author. Does she really need the paltry sum this gig would pay?
lemonbaskt 8 months ago
two questions with no direct ansewer why did the band 38 special need two drummers to do a basic beat and who laughs at tom batiuk humor ?
The Gun Doctor 8 months ago
If you have a performance-based hobby, you need to perform every chance you get.
Cabbage Jack 8 months ago
I guess the ground hog must have stepped in a pile of poop this year, since we’ve gotten six more weeks of DInkle.
be ware of eve hill 8 months ago
It was a paying gig. As soon as the audience hears Loathsome Lil croak out a tune, they’ll demand their money back.
Aw, who am I kidding? This is late career self-indulgent, wishful thinking Tom Batiuk. His favored characters only fail upwards. He’ll make Loathsome Lillian, the Centerville version of Ella Fitzgerald. Standing ovations, etc. (puke emoji)
be ware of eve hill 8 months ago
Leacherous ol’ Mort Winkerbean will be glad to rub his trombone up against Loathsome Lil. The last we knew, the Bedside Manor was keeping him well stocked with those blue pills. (triple puke emoji)
It is highly likely that Batiuk has completely forgotten about that story arc. We haven’t. Attempted rape shouldn’t be used as a punchline.
be ware of eve hill 8 months ago
Harry Dinkless: And after the show, we can all go to Montoni’s!!!
(headdesk with pounding fist)
kathleenhicks62 8 months ago
Where’s Cranky? in a rest home or something?
gammaguy 8 months ago
“It’s a paying gig…”
Ah, but who is it paying? Those three little dots aren’t telling.
bwest.devore37 8 months ago
when will this nightmare end?
eced52 8 months ago
I suppose I could squeeze it in, how much does it pay?
bakana 8 months ago
Wave the Money First.