Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 23, 2012
Flo: So ah ya ready fah Christmas, Eddie? Eddie: Ah-yeh. Speakin' o' which... Merry Christmas, Flo! Flo: Oh, my goodness... Thank you, Eddie! Uh... what is this? Eddie: Somethin' you've always wanted. Flo: Payin' yawr bah tab? Eddie: Ah-yeh! Flo: Then I suppose congratulations ah in awday... Eddie: Uh... what fah? Flo: When you think payin' what you owe is a gift, then you must've made it to the top one pahcent. Eddie: No... but I figyahd I've gotta staht the climb up somewheah.
thirdguy about 12 years ago
There is absolutely nothing political about this!
thirdguy about 12 years ago
And congratulations to Eddie, and thank you for doing your part to balance our budget!
Dtroutma about 12 years ago
Eddie’s got a lot of rungs to go.
Varnes about 12 years ago
So he wrote her a hundred thousand dollar check? Must have been a good lobster year…….My girlfriend says she wishes she’d have married a lobster fisherman…Her logic? they’re away all the time, but when they do come home they have lobsters….win win…
Superfrog about 12 years ago
No worries, I used a calculator.
poppy1313 about 12 years ago
Time to start a new tab
Cofyjunky about 12 years ago
Flo’s got it down. ;)
Coyoty Premium Member about 12 years ago
This is a sign of the Apocalypse. Maybe the doomsayers didn’t account for the Gregorian conversion. This requires more Leaps in their logic.
batterd_citizen about 12 years ago
my elderly mother has a tenant (who is in her 20-‘s)-who feels that paying her rent-is a gift to her landlady. yet she doesn’t mind demanding repairs fast (she has owed over 1 months rent for 5 months now)..well, i have a surprise for her—when mother crosses—i am selling that house from underneath her—and moving to a warmer state…in the state i live in—new landlords do not need a reason to toss tenants.
a.c.zoffuto about 12 years ago
I think you mean he’s part of the 47% (and growing) that live off of the government. Check out the riots in Greece and France for further clarification.
jreckard about 12 years ago
I think Flo herself is in the 1% … notice the offshore diner.
roctor about 12 years ago
Do the 1% consider themselves not American enough to pay taxes? Not a shot to Flo.
bransom about 12 years ago
I’ve come to the conclusion that Wiley is a woman and a jerk.
rnapiera about 12 years ago
Actually, Eddie looks like the classic liberal to me…FREELOADER!
Lyons Group, Inc. about 12 years ago
Now he can do that with the Fiscal Cliff….well we can dream, can we?
brick10 about 12 years ago
The diner became “off shore” after the oceans started rising.
Did Eddie include a nice 20% tip on top of the bill?
watashi73 about 12 years ago
Sorry to see Wiley is just another lib. They gotta be political even in places you least expect it. FYI for Wiley and everyone else reading his strip, the 1% already pays 40% of all taxes. That seems disproportionate enough to be “fair” by any objective look. We have finally turned the corner in our country where being successful is now a no no.
Vonne Anton about 12 years ago
“the 1% already pays 40% of all taxes”-“I think you mean he’s part of the 47% (and growing) that live off of the government.”-Where do all these “facts” and “figures” come from? All conflicting? Didn’t Warren Buffett say his secretary paid more % in taxes than he did?-All these statistics are just fancy dressed lies. Why doesn’t everybody just pay 15% with no loopholes and no offshore diners…er, accounts? “Creative accounting” got us to the cliff, and fancy dressed lies will keep us going over it.
scpandich about 12 years ago
Considering that the one percent’s share of the income tax burden is greater than their share of the income — and the imbalance is greater than you find in any other developed country — Wiley has a curious definition of “what you owe.”
Warren Wubker about 12 years ago
Just another liberal who can’t think.
Blojo about 12 years ago
I think perhaps that’s backwards?
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
does the 1% even know what struggle is? they don’t even how to go through a drive through at a fast food joint. or, shop at walmart. or, concerned about sending our kids to school. they don’t know. they don’t know how to change oil in their cars or mow their lawns or rake the leaves or clear snow out of the driveway. and, they say 99% are lazy. no, the 1% is lazy.
pekenpug about 12 years ago
I like the way Eddie’s pipe smoke reflects the content of his text balloon. My dad smoked a pipe, but mostly it just kept going out.
ninety_nine_percent about 12 years ago
Wow! Wiley, you are being obvious, you usually hide in metaphor — be careful. The radical rich may not read your ’toons any more.
mamarose127 Premium Member about 12 years ago
The best part of this is reading it in the Maine accent.
tazz555 about 12 years ago
That should her gift to him
Duncan Idaho about 12 years ago
Ah yes , the 99% who believe they are owed something without earning it.
dabugger about 12 years ago
right, nothing political; just simply a little being normal….or outright crazy……
Burnside217 about 12 years ago
Recent studies show that most American’s are in the 10%‘ers while most of the world’s population are in the 90%’ers. Congratulations, we’ve all been promoted!
gosfreikempe about 12 years ago
Now, now, it’s not polite to tease people. Not even the GOP. Darn it…
gocartmozart about 12 years ago
That 1% pays their share and somewhere in the nighborhood of 50% of others, as well.We don’t have a taxing problem in this country. We have a spending problem.
flpmlp about 12 years ago
I don’t think anyone who pays 50-60% of THEIR money owes me or any socialist government any more.
Jerold Cort about 12 years ago
Here’s a thought Flo, why don’t you charge zero to half of your customers, and charge half of the rest of your costs to1% of your customers and the other half of your costs to the 49% in between. That way a lot of people would get free coffee, most of the rest would pay like $20, and the 1% would pay something like maybe $1,000. That way, you could give a “gift” of free coffee to half your customers!
The catch is that if you set different amounts that people “owe” for the exact same cup of coffee, how long do you think it will take for the 1% that “owe” the most to decide to take their business to a different diner? Then how long do you think it will take before you lose your diner? And what happens to all those poor souls who got hooked on your free coffee?
Maybe having everyone “owe” the same amount for the same cup of coffee isn’t such a bad idea.
doris sloan about 12 years ago
You’ve all got it wrong. We should take everyone’s money and stuff, throw it into a big pile, divide it up evenly and dish it out. Everyone gets the same amount of money and stuff and everyone is happy. Until, of course, half the folks use up everything they’ve been given, the other half has made more stuff and then we can do it all again.
Can't Sleep about 12 years ago
Love it!Still wish I could’ve found the Offshore Diner when I was last in Maine!
Dtroutma about 12 years ago
Payroll and income taxes are what the “middle class” pay, well above a total of 39% in many cases. Those who do NOT “work” for their money, get it as dividents and “captial gains”, which means the pay from 8%, to AT MOST 15%. So, yes, when “what they owe” is considered by them a “gift”, it is to most of us, and even those who wrote the tax codes for them, preferential, and fraud.
Wiley creator about 12 years ago
Wow…a lot of bizarre rhetoric flying around here over a simple cartoon.
roctor about 12 years ago
It must be the morphing time for lillte strummer boy to turn into tochus.
ronpolimeni about 12 years ago
@ drednawt – The “government” essentially has nothing. In this country the people are supposed to own the government (if they don’t, then who does?). So what you’re saying then is that nearly half the people are living off the other half. Interesting that one half could dupe the other half into that.
MatureCanadian about 12 years ago
Wiley, thank you for the wonderful cartoons and the odd comments you get. May you have a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Cannot wait to open my Non Sequitur 2013 Desk Calendar. Makes getting up in the morning fun. Thank you.
Pro-Lick about 12 years ago
That reminds me. I need to include in my fiscal cliff talking points that taxes are not payments due for society building a functional place where I create my own wealth but gifts we trickle upon you.
todyoung about 12 years ago
I wonder how many people – not from Maine – know what that thing is on the right side of the Diner.
TheAuldWan about 12 years ago
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
Wait… Mitt Romney, right?
Varnes about 12 years ago
Wiley, gotta love Canadians, eh? They know quality when they see it. America could learn a lot from Canada……Too bad we’re too stupid to do it…Oh, well,,,
marshallr0ss about 12 years ago
Why should one person pay 40% of his income in taxes, while another person only pays 15%? Why should either of them pay taxes when 14% of those that file a tax return are receiving money back over and above any that they paid in? Don’t start spouting off about the 1% needing to pay their fair share until these issues are on the table also, or you’ll just look like an idiot.