Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for February 10, 2013
Rat: Hey, you like your orange juice with pulp or without pulp? Goat: Either, I guess. Rat: You don't have a preference? Goat: Well, I suppose if I had to choose, I'd say with. Rat: With? Goat: Yeah, why? Rat: No reason. I just think it's interesting that- KILL THE PULPIST!!! Goat: Must every issue in this country be divisive? Pig: SOCIALIST!
hariseldon59 almost 12 years ago
It’s amazing how small issues tend to divide people. I wonder how many arguments have ensued over the proper way to hang toilet paper.
margueritem almost 12 years ago
I was wondering the same thing myself…
favm almost 12 years ago
I rather not get pulp, the way things are it might be plastic.
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
Pulp Friction?
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
It’s a good thing Goat wasn’t talking about communing with nature.
Bargrove almost 12 years ago
Toilet paper? There’s a tissue here.
arye uygur almost 12 years ago
Does anyone here know about Netherlands history? It seems that there were two parties (I can’t remember the details right now): The Hoeks and the other party – one party believed the fish caught the hook and the other party…Oh hell, I can’t remember the details, but the Dutch were divided for many decades over this issue.
corzak almost 12 years ago
Sigh. Once again, the anti-pulpists show their violent intolerance of those with different interpretations of fruit juice.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 12 years ago
The fact is that I am always right and that anybody who does not agree and obey without question is a divisive warmonger.
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Uh-oh.I think that, first, I’d better arm myself heavily. Second, I should build a strong defensive perimeter.Why?I prefer my orange juice with lots of pulp, and I always hang my toilet paper to feed from under.I am the Hated Minority.
Hillbillyman almost 12 years ago
Hey Rat! I lke my OJ with pulp and you can kiss my pa’toot!!!
unnormal almost 12 years ago
AH!Yes! I think you’ve GOT it!
Hugh B. Hayve almost 12 years ago
Today’s strip reminds me of an old Emo Philips joke, I wonder if Steph heard it before drawing today’s strip.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Good one, Sherlock!
Which reminds me…. thanks for getting the “honey do” one a couple of nights ago…. LOL
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
And THAT reminds me…when I asked that day whether anyone remembered seeing that melon collie before….I didn’t mean the old joke or a use of the phrase elsewhere…
I meant I thought Pastis had drawn that very same dog in an earlier strip….Or maybe it wasn’t a melon collie, but some other pun.Anybody?
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
As for today’s strip….Some people can squeeze a fight out of anything.
knight1192a almost 12 years ago
Careful Pig, careful. Rat’s more a socalist than Goat. Guad Duck and Snuffles are just into maiming folks.
uncorked almost 12 years ago
So that’s Rat’s problem… Lack of fiber….
Vonne Anton almost 12 years ago
I disagree with all of you, which says more about you than me.
luvcmx almost 12 years ago
Re: over or under. I once worked in a place that had two tp holders. I realized that whether the tp should be over or under depended on how far it was from you.
singlefemalelaywer almost 12 years ago
I got too much oj back during the trial………..
Mr. Blank almost 12 years ago
When did this strip turn to political satire?
tahoeh2o almost 12 years ago
There are two types of people, those that divide people into groups and those that don’t…
eddie6192 almost 12 years ago
Looks like they beat the pulp out of goat.
JudyAz almost 12 years ago
Anyone with toddlers will see the benefits of under
SAINT12345 almost 12 years ago
More puns? Kill the Pastis!!
Alms4Thorby almost 12 years ago
Yes indeed. Like someone in high office who gets that from his opposition.
Mostly Water Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Let’s not go near Macintosh VS Windows operating systems.
BlackScorpion1910 almost 12 years ago
BlackScorpion1910 almost 12 years ago
I think I made my point.
puddlesplatt almost 12 years ago
I just sit it upright on the floor, ends that problem
fixer1967 almost 12 years ago
And while people are fighting over meaningless crap things that should be fought over get totally looked over.
vwdualnomand almost 12 years ago
the recent news of the catholic church, justified in putting many of them in jail and taking their assets. the abuse that the clergy did to kids, the cover up of the abuse, and blaming the victims. not to mention, telling the continent of africa ravaged by aids to not use contraception. no wonder, some people think they should be tried on grounds of crimes against humanity.
mkahn almost 12 years ago
Yankees vs. Red Sox?Lakers vs. Celtics?Soda or Pop?
pekenpug almost 12 years ago
Every issue, however inconsequential, is divisive, and anyone who says it doesn’t have to be that way is a “socialist”
Masterskrain, you hit the nail on the head…but you shouldn’t use nails, you should use tacks because they’re more cost effective, and anyone who uses nails is irrevocably wrong-headed and bent on destruction of etc etc etc…..
corzak almost 12 years ago
The Founding Fathers were very clear on what their intentions were, regarding anti-pulpism in juice and the roll of toilet paper.
strangeways almost 12 years ago
@Bruno ZeigertsThey had cut off Jenkin’s ear years earlier, so they were just looking for an excuse to go to war.
T_Lexi almost 12 years ago
I prefer O.J. in prison. Oh, that’s right, he didn’t do it.-—-: D For shame! You nearly made my O.J. spurt out my nose!
jcomics52 almost 12 years ago
I am a true pulpist
Tetonbil almost 12 years ago
Divide and conquer ! The career politician is hopeful that we will continue to fight each other over every issue so we will not pay attention to what shenanigans they are about.
KEA almost 12 years ago
I think it’s all that Assertiveness Training we got, carried to extremes.
tazz555 almost 12 years ago
What i like pulp in my oj
rini1946 almost 12 years ago
blackdawne almost 12 years ago
Pulpists believe in the divine juice from the Tree of Oranges in the Vatican
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
Thank goodness none of the attackers are using guns. That PROVES we don’t need new gun laws
A_NY_Outlaw almost 12 years ago
I guess you can never be too careful these days!
Number Three almost 12 years ago
Careful with decision making, Goat.
Your choice would of course be the wrong one…. According to Rat.
foxsinger Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Pulp it up!
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
Why is Pig calling Goat a Socialist?Because Goat expressed a concern about society; if he’d mentioned communication, Pig would have yelled “Communist!”
Buggerlugs almost 12 years ago
How can such a trivial issue warrant 85 comments when the day is just at the halfway point?
androgenoide almost 12 years ago
Careful… you’re talking about actual socialism here and he was using the word as a synonym for communism. This could become very confusing.
zianrocks2468 almost 12 years ago
I better watch out, before Rat and his crew come to attack me. Who agrees?
felinefan55 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Anyone remember Dr. Suese’s “the Butter Battle Book”? I find many peopple should have ben exposed to it, and then perhaps we’d have less fights over trivial items.
HankTheSock almost 12 years ago
I’m with Rat here, I can’t stand Orange Juice with pulp in it.
jhandini almost 12 years ago
Pastis. If you don’t get an Eisner this year, the game is rigged.
Woody157 almost 12 years ago
And @templo SUD: I also prefer O.J. In prison. His lawyer coined a catch phrase, “If it don’t fit, you must acquit!”. If you have ever tried on a pair of Isotoners leather gloves you know that they fit very snug. Now, soak them in blood. Let them dry over a several week time. They will shrink. Then try to put them on while wearing a rubber glove first. .NO WAY WILL THEY FIT!.Karma is known to turn around and bite you in the bum. O.J. is in prison but it is too bad O.J. can’t be serving AS PULP.
Reppr Premium Member almost 12 years ago
“Must every issue in this country be divisive?”No, but it certainly works out that way.
Austria over 11 years ago
Now that is mean, pig why are you insulting socialism?
comicsnerd74 over 9 years ago
deathrider75 over 8 years ago
I prefer my OJ on death row.
Ignis Atramento about 7 years ago
Man 1: I prefer my OJ beaten to a pul- Everyone else: KILL THE KLANSMAN!
LeoDaSavage almost 7 years ago
Uh, guys? I have a very shameful confession. Well, I’m uh, err… a pulpist.
One Navy Seal about 5 years ago
Orange juice must NEVER have pulp.
One Navy Seal over 4 years ago
Having pulp in your juice is like having pig skin in your ham.
Caedmon The Great about 4 years ago
So…I’m assuming that Stephan is a non-pulpist?
Bye Bye Jeffy almost 4 years ago
i like drawing, and i found out that its fun to draw medival weaponry
Josequeen over 3 years ago
I really like the pulp
the muppets. over 2 years ago
love this strip