Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 27, 2013
Trainer: The truth is, gentlemen, most women would choose respect over "sensitivity." Respect for their right to make their own health decisions, to control their own bodies, to... Republican 1: Wait, control their own bodies? Even the lady parts? Trainer: At a minimum, senator. Republican 1: Then where does it end? Republican 2: Exactly! That's a slippery slope, fellah!
BE THIS GUY about 11 years ago
“I thought the lady parts were made for our pleasure.”
Alexander the Good Enough about 11 years ago
“Lady parts” a slippery slope? Rude, VERY rude.
thirdguy about 11 years ago
Oh! I get it!
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
You’re learning the hard way.
braindead Premium Member about 11 years ago
Republican ‘sensitivity training’ would never include actual policy issues. That would be waaay too sensitive.
thirdguy about 11 years ago
But none of them are as boring or predictable as you are.
Jonathan Mason about 11 years ago
Nobody is forcing you to read them
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member about 11 years ago
Lord I hope the women in this country wake up and realize the power they have..And no longer run to the wedge issues to splinter their vote.Until that time happens, we have to deal with these idiots and their 1905 attitudes...
Eggman61 about 11 years ago
Current Gallup polls show 47% of women claim to be pro-choice and 46% say they are pro-life. (It was 50% to 43% earlier this year). That’s not the big majority GBT is implying.
More important, only 26% of Republicans are pro-choice, and those are the folks GOP candidates need to please or they will be replaced in their primaries by more radical candidates.
But in the 2012 presidential elections, 57% of voters said the candidates’ stance on women’s health issues was a major factor in their decision — and of those, 59% voted for Obama versus 31% for Romney. (Kaiser Foundation poll).
When you shine a light on these issues, it shows the ugliness and ignorance of Repub positions, but those are the positions that get GOP candidates through primaries. So, sadly, what they need really are better talking points to get them through the general. Rule one: don’t talk about rape!
Lorenzo Browncoat about 11 years ago
you probably didn’t like it when it was in re-runs either…
GrimmaTheNome about 11 years ago
More like, depressing that they’re still needed in the 21st century.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
It is sad that we still have to talk about reproductive rights I this country. Some are old enough to remember what it meant when women didn’t have access to birth control and abortion— but wait— that seems to be going away! There are fewer and fewer options available for women to make their own reproductive choices due to the radical abortion opponents. They even intimidate those who go to free clinics looking for birth control, attempting to avoid getting pregnant in the first place. No one wants to have an abortion, until you are the one who is stuck in that very difficult situation, such as when you are the one who was raped and now pregnant.
kaffekup about 11 years ago
I’m predicting that the crowd will declare this guy an Obamanaut and throw him out in tomorrow’s strip.“Hey! You’re not telling us what we want to hear!”
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
Not sure Wendy Davis will be able to pull a win in Texas, which is not quite a bastion of liberalism. Maybe she should move to New York or something.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
I am enjoying each of the strips this week! Each one a little more than the last.
goweeder about 11 years ago
“These, week-long lecture-comics are boring and predictible as the comments that come with it.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yeah, tell them you want your nickel back!
goweeder about 11 years ago
“…….I don’t understand how American women are putting up with this crap. Are Republican wives that dumb?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Well, they married Republicans,didn’t they?
goweeder about 11 years ago
“Just about any Man can make a large percentage women get slippery if you have enough Benjamins in yer wallet”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Try a little harder ~ you’re not being crude enough.
Melekalikimaka about 11 years ago
Some Republican wives vote Democrat in secret.
avtar123 about 11 years ago
As with TV if you don’t like something change the channel.
goweeder about 11 years ago
“…….he is part of the left wing establishment now. So he delivers a message instead of a laugh. It only works when you do both.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Some of us read the comics mostly to read the funny comments that follow.Those who go on a political rant are not at all funny. I think they read the comics for the sole purpose of putting down folks who have different opinions, or suggesting that we are all morons who have to be brainwashed.
goweeder about 11 years ago
“Get yourself a dictionary and look up the definition of ‘liberal’
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
Actually, I think political satire can be very funny. Alpha house is funnier every week, to those who haven’t yet checked it out, you should!
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
Conservatives always lose their minds over what we women do with our vaginas. This never seems to change.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
Too bad males can’t control their own bodies a little better. Then, we wouldn’t have to worry about that “mere 9 months” in the first place. As someone once said, if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
Ya gotta love the nationalistic sentiment always on display with the right. “Pre-born Americans”— how about if the males among us keep their American semen from entering our American vaginas? This is starting to sound like The Colbert Report!
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
Too bad someone is forcing the righties to read Doonesbury. Yes sir, what a terrible thing.
goweeder about 11 years ago
It is impossible to save a life that never was. And think of the millions one man could produce if given half a chance.This planet is already bursting at the seams with all the sperm that was allowed to come to term. Sooner or later, we must put down our anti-choice positions and become practical. Or all mankind will die. Look what we’ve already done to the planet; think what an ever-lgrowing population will do.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
I will say it again— one’s gender doesn’t determine whether or not I will vote for someone. I will never vote for Sarah Palin or anyone of her brand of politics, male or female. It is the policy which is important, not gender or personal life of the candidate. End of story.
Gokie5 about 11 years ago
“These, week-long lecture-comics are boring , , ,”
I think they’re hye-LAIR-ee-us. De gustibus . . .
kaffekup about 11 years ago
When someone as stupid as Sarah Palin puts her/himself before the public as a candidate for one of the highest offices we have, they are entitled to all the ridicule they get. And yes, that goes for George Bush, too, so it is not a sexist comment. And you probably adore her.
ScullyUFO about 11 years ago
You sound like a Republican.
ScullyUFO about 11 years ago
Yes. Read Proverbs 33.
susan.e.a.c about 11 years ago
Most women I know care a lot about respect: respecting their job, their abilities as mothers, respect for their sense of humour, their work ethic, their passion, their economic value but they never seem to think abortion is a respect issue. Another swing and a miss, Trudeau. But being a misogynist never stopped Wiener either.
Darsan54 Premium Member about 11 years ago
You’re just disgusting.
Radical-Knight about 11 years ago
What?! Nobody has complained about the weather yet? Other than the clearly enlightened saying “It sounds like a Republican” or “That’s obviously a Democrat”… one really can’t tell the difference. I think this seminar should be manditory to everyone in government and not just to a select group; but that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Darsan54 Premium Member about 11 years ago
An unfair comparison to Neanderthals.
Darsan54 Premium Member about 11 years ago
You first !!
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
Every modern, industrialized country in the world has subsidized health care. Those who don’t wish to have it, have fun in Uganda or something comparable. No one on the left is condoning post natal killing such as what they do in China, Greece, and most recently Rwanda. And there is a big difference between an embryo/fetus and a post natal human being.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 11 years ago
You should have the right to make your own health care decisions as long as you first get government mandated coverage because you can not be depended on to do that right without being told..Or so we are told..Probably true. We frequently make personal decisions our masters don’t like..Most of the complaints about men telling women what to do regarding reproductive matters are the result of other women telling the men what to do, especially the husbands and sons of Catholics who are absolutely certain a single fertilized cell is already a person. Personally I figure a working brain is required but others don’t even care if a working brain is present as long as it draws nutrients from the mother she should be allowed to kill it..Maybe they’re right and we should extend the allowed killing time to post natal like they did in China, Greece, most recently Rwanda.Little real difference.
old and happy about 11 years ago
Trudeau is brave. Thank you for this.
Aslan Balaur about 11 years ago
Nobody said you have to stay for them. Don’t like the jokes, go find something you DO like.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
I don’t know of very many (any) pregnant people who have had an abortion a week before their due date, unless there was a medical issue involved. Late term abortions happen, if they are really needed to save the life of the pregnant woman. Fortunately, this is rare.
kaffekup about 11 years ago
In any case, there’s no point arguing since your mind is not open. You love her (for all her huge accomplishments, I have no doubt) and you will never fall out of love with her. As long as you you don’t look too close, and you won’t.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
=======There do not seem to be any “pro life” politicians — only “pro birth.”
=======I agree with you, but I suspect that we are very much in the minority
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
=“Control their own bodies” = Be too selfish to give a pre-born American his right to life. A mere 9 months to save a life and place him in the arms of a couple who will love him.====== The rate of death of women during pregnancy in the US continues to rise, even as it falls in nations much less advanced technologically than the US. Resources that are pouring into so-called maternal and child health care are devoted primarily to fetal care, not maternal and much less on post delivery for complicated pregnancies.
Between 2006 and 2009, the CDC collected information on causes of death during pregnancy. Cardiovascular disease that manifested during pregnancy accounted for 14.6 percent of maternal deaths. Infection that set in during pregnancy accounted for 14 percent. Repiratory, gastro and neurological disorders that manifested during pregnancy accounted for 11.9 percent. Hemmorhage accounted for 11.0 Percent.
======Life threatening conditions call for a response that would save the life of the primary patient, the woman. But the charlie555s of this country call that 'selfishness'.========
If the denial of access to safe abortion needed during a life threatening condition were to be equaled bya similar denialof access to treatment for aggressive prostate cancer, what would the charlie555s say about that?
potrerokid about 11 years ago
Go somewhere else, then. You are too easily bored!!!!!
potrerokid about 11 years ago
I am not a REGISTERED Republican, but I have great respect for Sen. McCain. Perhaps there was a “method to his madness” in choosing “Governor” Palin. You can read whatever you want in my words!
potrerokid about 11 years ago
Hey! She deserves all that she can get!!!!!
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
As the direct result of reading charlie555’s comments, I’ve made a major change in the way I donate to charities. This is one of the times of the year when I donate in memory of the family members I’ve lost to cancer, diabetes, closed head wound brain damage, as well as to charities researching to end the blindness caused by macular degeneration, and charities helping the blind to live in a sighted world.=====I almost lost a sister whose much-wanted baby died during her pregnancy (no, she didn’t miscarry. The fetus died, causes not known, and my sister developed a terrible infection.) Because of this and the words of charlie555, I’ve decided to add Planned Parenthood to my list of charitable donations from now on.=======Of course, I’m no millionaire, so my donations won’t change the world. But a lot of other donations added to mine might do much more….
Doublejake about 11 years ago
charlie555: First, there is no such thing as a “pre-born American.” Or are you recommending women be prosecuted for miscarriages? Secondly — have you personally put your money where your mouth is? Picture a crowd of people who want to force women to give birth to unwanted children demonstrating outside an abortion clinic, talking about all the other things a woman could do instead. A young lady takes the platform and says, “You’ve convinced me. I came here today to abort the fetus of my rapist. But you have convinced me it would be better to bear the child and have it raised in a home with loving parents instead of the home of a poor single mom who will hate it. Therefore, I’ve decided to have the child — as soon as one of you comes insides and signs the papers to adopt it.” Imagine the sound of crickets broken by an isolated cough. A sarcastic set of definitions: “A liberal is someone who wants everyone else to do what he or she does. A conservative is someone who wants to force other people to do what he or she cannot, or will not, do.”
Doublejake about 11 years ago
Yep, those nasty god-hating liberals think it’s fun to kill all those fetuses before they’re born. Unlike the god-fearing conservatives who want to force women to bear unwanted children so they grow up in poverty and lawlessness until they commit a capital crime and get executed. After all, it’s much more fun to kill an adult. I get the respect conservatives have for fetuses before birth. I just wish they had half as much respect for the children after birth. Too many righties say, “Let’s not fund birth control to prevent pregnancy — and let’s not fund SNAP to feed the kids after they’re born, either.”
georgelcsmith about 11 years ago
How sad. Gary Trudeau is a talented cartoonist, but he is again wasting his time on left-wing propaganda. It is so sad to see him waste his time with this nonsense.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
How sad that those who don’t appreciate Doonesbury feel compelled to read GT’s strip and even check in and bitch about him as a commenter. Too bad the righties can’t find anything better to do than be trolls. Maybe they can go back under their nice quiet bridge.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
I don’t care what percentage of men are against abortion, since I know that 100% of men will never get pregnant.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
You are a disgusting piece of trash and you have been flagged.
tomielm about 11 years ago
@comicsfan53: You are truly sick, sad, contemptible and completely lacking in sensitivity. Do you really think this kind of tactic helps your argument? Are you so lacking in verbal skills that you have to resort to this? Yes, apparently you are. I feel sorry for you.
TIMH about 11 years ago
Like a lot of us, I got, both, a laugh and a message. Maybe you don’t find the message funny. That’s tough.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
America love it or leave it? No. Try, everywhere in the modern industrialized WORLD, love it or leave it!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 11 years ago
“Lungs filled with fluid, digestive system not operating. You tell me is that different to you? Also where do you get off telling a women how she can use her body?”-I fail to see where I insisted any woman do anything. You have said before you don’t believe the unborn can experience anything from the outside, so you are convinced they do not have working brains even days before birth. You could be right. I don’t pretend to know. They don’t seem that way to me and mothers have told me differently, but you may know better than they do.-I asked a biological question. Are the lungs really filled with fluid? Does the fluid magically disappear when they touch outside air?-If a person’s digestive system ceases to function, is she no longer human? Is that your criterion?- “Pro Slavery you are for.”-No. I apply the question of what I would do if someone tried to make me a slave and I would kill him. Therefore, if I ever tried to make someone else a slave, I believe they would be justified in killing me.-Again, I have not tried to force anyone to do anything here. I simply stated what seems reasonable to me and ask if I am wrong. If a woman wants to kill her child, I would prefer she do it before she could feel the pain of being killed — whenever that is, but that is up to the woman and her conscience and beliefs.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 11 years ago
“Neanderthals were tough, smart, and extremely conservative in regards to change. They refused to change with the climate.”-Lived something like 330,000 years, lived through at least one ice age. Genetic difference from you and me something like 0.3%. Interbred with modern humans, so not exactly extinct. (In fact my paternal grandmother looked very much like most artists’ renditions of them.)-One thing which struck me was that they cared for their sick as we see from the bones of Neanderthal people who suffered disabling injuries but lived long enough for them to heal. They also buried their dead on beds of flowers as evidenced by the large amounts of pollen found at some sites.-Maybe they weren’t violent enough to survive contact with us, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they were inferior unless you consider ability to kill the most important factor. -The fact that they were effectively assimilated or wiped out does not necessarily imply great inferiority. Check back in 300,000 years and see how we did comparatively speaking.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
No, I didn’t say you could not live somewhere on earth. There are places on earth which don’t have subsidized health care, as I said before. I would never want anyone to participate in something that they dislike so much. Please don’t get involved in the right wing plan of health care adopted by Mitt Romney and the Heritage Foundation which we now have in the form of the Affordable Health Care Act.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
My words speak for themselves. Apparently, you have a comprehension problem.
ROLtheWolf about 11 years ago
I’ve read every Doonesbury ever made up to todays and Gary Trudeau has always been a liberal. You must have changed or lost your sense of humor.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 11 years ago
Doesn’t matter. I’ll take any compliments I can get, even if they are simply misplaced sarcasm.HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY
Rick3540 over 7 years ago
06/04/17. Under “45” women’s rights are under even greater peril than depicted in this strip. Interesting to read the comments from three plus years ago and note that so little has changed. It is very disheartening.
25tkelley Premium Member 9 months ago
7 years later, a lot has changed.