Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for April 17, 2014
Rat: What are your favorite films? Pastis: I guess I"d have to reach back to my childhood for that one and say the three "Star Wars" films. Rat: There are six "Star Wars" films. Pastis: No, there aren't! No, there aren't! No, there aren't! No, there aren't! Rat: Denying them won't make them go away. Pastis: Did you know there's no third "Godfather" film?
Sherlock Watson over 10 years ago
I’m with Stephan — there are only 3 Star Wars films, which were followed by 3 terrible mistakes.:Can you say “Jar Jar”?
legaleagle48 over 10 years ago
I guess Stephan hasn’t heard that the seventh Star Wars film is already in the planning stages — and that George Lucas eventually plans to make all nine.
Kali39 over 10 years ago
There’s only one good Star Wars film: Empire. …Yes, you can’t deny that the original film started a revolution, but, as Harrison Ford said (censored), “You can type this stuff, George, but you can’t say it.”…(and I agree with Stephan – as long as we deny it, they don’t exist. I never saw the prequels, so obviously they can’t exist.)
Kali39 over 10 years ago
Oh, and nobody ever remade “Psycho” either.
RuinQueenofOblivion over 10 years ago
You guys are all in denial, they exist… admittedly they weren’t as good as the originals, but still.
artybee over 10 years ago
I was disappointed as soon I saw Princess Leia wasn’t as hot as the original movie poster made her out to be. Return of the Jedi did remedy that somewhat.
kamb8 over 10 years ago
There was only ever one Jaws.
kamb8 over 10 years ago
There was only ever one Jaws.
kamb8 over 10 years ago
There was only ever one Jaws.
AGED_ENGINEER Premium Member over 10 years ago
Meesa think Stephan a protest too much-a.
Varnes over 10 years ago
Star Wars?….Is that like Battle Bots?
oldschool434 over 10 years ago
does this make Stephen a Film Denier?
CountAnton over 10 years ago
Why does everyone always forget Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure? Okay, I mean episodes 1 -3 look good in comparison, but it exists and denying it won’t make it go away… ;)
Reppr Premium Member over 10 years ago
Three Star Wars films and three wanna-be failures to date. The jury is still out for any not yet released .
tsandl over 10 years ago
What did everyone expect? George Lucas is the guy who took everything he learned about making movies from the original Star Wars trilogy and used it to create Willow. I went into Phantom Menace with very low expectations… and I was still disappointed.
sleeepy2 over 10 years ago
Godfather movie is roughly 10,000 times better than the book.
And there was only one Arthur movie, for the record.
ShadowBeast Premium Member over 10 years ago
There’s also no third Jurassic Park film.
doublepaw over 10 years ago
For me the first one was the best, and second and third the poorest. I liked the last three a lot.
William Weedman over 10 years ago
My expectations of Episode VII are so low that I expect Mickey & Minnie to be the start of the new Jedi Knights and Kermit as the Jedi Trainer (Yes the mouse owns Henson properties now)
James Wolfenstein over 10 years ago
No, there aren’t.The original series is a light comedy peppered with some drama and action. The other films pretend to be very dark and realistic and the truth is they fell very short. And when you see them all together in the order that the creator intended, it’s like watching Dirty Harry as a prequel of Sledge Hammer… with the difference than Dirty Harry and Sledge Hammer are better and cheaper…
Third Godfather movie!!! Hahahahah!Good one Pastis!I almost fell for that one…
Hillbillyman over 10 years ago
They were only one that was worth anything. The first one. They should of never made any sequels at all.
mbzylnf2 over 10 years ago
That’s not unusual when for /novellisations/ – usually whatever was written first is better.
Gumbo_Limbo over 10 years ago
That’s because the writer has been percolating the story in the back of his/her mind for, probably, decades. It becomes a hit and then the creator’s supposed to knock out a sequel in less than a year. Of COURSE it’s not as good.
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Stephan is a typical Denier. Rat is (unusually for him) a True Believer.I wonder what Dracula would think of all this?
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
thank goodness for CG’s they made the Movies.
Carl Rennhack Premium Member over 10 years ago
1) I’m waiting for Steph to mention one of my favorite movies…Robert Blake, Robert DeNiro, Robert Duvall, Robert Redford and Robert Vaughn in “WHAT ABOUT BOB?”
2) Fans of Zeeba Zeeba Eata should read today’s “Ripley’s Believe It or Not!” cartoon!
SpectreH over 10 years ago
hariseldon59 over 10 years ago
Stephan was a child when the first Star Wars trilogy was made? Makes me feel old. Star Wars was released the year I graduated from high school.
vwdualnomand over 10 years ago
people really hate the episodes 123. they also hate the clone wars. wonder what they would say about episodes 789?
ArcticRaccoon over 10 years ago
Stephan has become the internet.
tazz555 over 10 years ago
For once I agree with Pastis, maybe if we all say the prequels never happened enough times, it will become true
Patricia Bocklage Premium Member over 10 years ago
I’m definitely behind Pastis on this one. I pretend those other movies are a different trilogy inspired by the real Star Wars movies. ;)
Piksea Premium Member over 10 years ago
I’m a big fan of denial. I’ve got your back, Mr. Pastis!
sarah413 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Sadly, there was Caddyshack II and Major League 2.
Liam Astle Premium Member over 10 years ago
Would that also work for ‘Pearls Before Swine’?
David Rickard Premium Member over 10 years ago
Fanon discontinuity (*—the only way to stay sane in a world of schlock.
*Warning: TV Tropes link; do not click if you need to do any work today
macsare1 over 10 years ago
There are currently 7 Star Wars films. You forgot The Clone Wars, which led into the greatness of the TV series by the same name.
macsare1 over 10 years ago
There was only one “Matrix” film.
Pheidias over 10 years ago
It was Lucas’ intention from the beginning that there would be nine Star Wars movies.
Number Three over 10 years ago
About half an hour of watching Star Wars was as much as I could take.
Just not into Sci-Fi movies.
Kali39 over 10 years ago
Take the special effects out of Star Wars (A New Hope, if you insist), you’ve got nothing. Empire Strikes Back had what none of the other movies ever had: a real writer and a good story.
MsMistoffeles14 over 10 years ago
Jar Jar Binks… most annoying movie character EVER!!
ValancyCarmody Premium Member over 10 years ago
Look this up:William Shakespeare’s Star Wars: Verily, A New HopeWilliam Shakespeare’s The Empire Striketh Back: Star Wars Part the Fifthby Ian Doescher
Even better than Pride & Prejudice & Zombies!
Kali39 over 10 years ago
And while we are at it, no one did The Sound of Music on television back in December.…We are in denial (which is in Egypt, after all)…
Zebrails over 10 years ago
One “Jaws” yes, he was a nemesis and eventual ally with James Bond.
docnuke over 10 years ago
Why was it ruined? Were aliens and surviving a nuclear attack any less realistic than Ark Spirits that melt Nazis and mine cars that can jump tracks? The movie was a hit – the internet and most of its netizens just like to be snarky hateful types. It’s as if there is no other opinion than the one that slams everything.
legaleagle48 over 10 years ago
And Disney never, ever did two sequels to and a remake of “The Parent Trap” (the latter of which did NOT inflict Lindsay Lohan on an innocent, unsuspecting world!).
deadheadzan over 10 years ago
And George Lucas stole the Star Wars story from “The Hidden Fortress” from Akiro Kurwasaki.
del_grande Premium Member over 10 years ago
I suppose there were only three Indiana Jones movies as well?
claire de la lune. over 10 years ago
The original(s) is/are always the best.
AMPdup over 10 years ago
The Star Wars Trilogy is No. 1 with me too. But the prequels – 3 whole movies just to explain why Darth Vader became a bad guy??
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 10 years ago
And there was only one Planet of the Apes.
GSFE over 10 years ago
And more importantly, the only STAR TREK that exists are the three years of the series!
zmech13 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Actually there was already a seventh Star Wars Movie. Star Wars: The Clone Wars started with a feature length movie that did play in theaters.
GrizzlyWife over 10 years ago
I agree with Stephan. Seriously, what fool thinks a perfectly healthy woman dies of a broken heart when she has children? Lucas really does NOT know anything about women.
glowing-steak32 over 7 years ago
And I’m pretty sure there are only two “Kid Icarus” games.
jackproarty over 6 years ago
Did you know Disney never made straight to disc sequels?
Darth Vitate over 6 years ago
Disney never bought Star Wars, there were the original trilogy, the clone wars series and the del rey EU. Nothing else.
Darth Revan II about 4 years ago
Now there’s nine, but I personally think the last three stank. And it was better back in the day, when the Sith empire ruled.
Boxo croco says happy derby over 3 years ago
There are 6 Star wars movies
░▒▓█►-finntastico2-◄█▓▒░ over 1 year ago
Actually, there are nine.
alantain over 1 year ago
I only wish I could unsee them! Jarjar Binks still haunts my dreams.