Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 13, 2014
Knute: "Sticker?" Luann: "I didn't vote" Crystal: "Really? We all did" Ox: "The judicial waiver referendum concerned me" Knute: "Ox! I am majorly impressed dude!" Knute: "The ox rocks the box!" Luann: "Am I a horrid person?" Quill:" Only 'til the next election"
Templo S.U.D. about 10 years ago
The pressure sure is on you, Luann.
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Luann…just how do you manage to screw so many things up? =-O
jemgirl81 about 10 years ago
Such a supportive boyfriend lol!
nickel_penny about 10 years ago
The rational part of your brain isn’t finished developing until you’re at least 25. They really need to raise the voting age.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Luann didn’t vote. Did she go to class? Did she do any schoolwork? Is she still enrolled at Pit CC? Does she care about anything at all, other than parties and having a boyfriend? Is she so possessive and demanding of that boyfriend’s time that she doesn’t want him to do anything else, either? The “Am I a horrid person?” question has more aspects than you may care to admit, Luann.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Is the grain alcohol for the cooking, or for the cook?
krys723 about 10 years ago
Why is she a horrible person? Maybe she was busy with college…why does everybody have to force other people to vote…it honestly feels like I’m being forced to vote…it gets repetitive after a while
Namrepus about 10 years ago
There are a couple of boxes I’d like to…oh, never mind!
LeoAutodidact about 10 years ago
Better, most times, if the ill-informed DON’T Vote.
Excerpt from the Notebooks of Lazarus Long:“If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for…but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong. If this is too blind for your taste, consult some well-meaning fool (there is always one around) and ask his advice. Then vote the other way. This enables you to be a good citizen (if such is your wish) without spending the enormous amount of time on it that truly intelligent exercise of the franchise requires.”
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
This raises several questions;1) Has Knute been sporting those stickers for the last eight days?2) Are they having this spaghetti dinner on a school night?If we assume that Evans presumes to place this story immediately after the election on the fourth, then the answer to the first question is “no”, and to the second question “yes”.So Luann is once again slouthing off her studies to attend a party.3) And possibly the most important question. What were Gunther’s tutoring methods with Ox ? Because Dang! Skippy!
blunebottle about 10 years ago
“I see an oval sticker on the side of that blue can on the counter in the third panel that Luann can wear.”You mean the Foster’s?
theklaffer about 10 years ago
Speaking of that Fosters, these kids are barely 18. Where are they that the legal drinking age is only 18?! Isn’t it 21 in most states?
chawk1980 about 10 years ago
People can be so brutal. Delta, you are not going to get people to vote like that. As for the rest, just remember that it already happened. I seem to be the only one out of my group that votes but I sure don’t hound people and guilt trip them about it. Shame on them I say.
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Kind of quiet tonight…not so quiet outside, though! We, too, are experiencing the Arctic Vortex that most of the nation (USA) is. Cold wind, threat of snow and ice. And our friends just came home from the Phoenix area where the temps have been in the 80s. Sigh. At least we have electric blankets. And if the power goes out, I have a few comforters I can use! And a fireplace to sit in front of! Time to round up IS Katie and schlep upstairs! ’Nite all! ;)-———————————————————————“My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So it was when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; and I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety.”(William Wordsworth, 1770-1850
ct0760 about 10 years ago
omg, is this turning into a psa….laaame…
ShagsCA about 10 years ago
Sorry to note that you’re in the majority, Luann. The minority in this country that makes the effort decide for all.
cabalonrye about 10 years ago
Never understood that rule in the US. You can drive at 16, enlist at 17, vote at 18, hunt or shoot a gun at 4 (or earlier if you can raise that gun), but you can’t drink a beer until you’re 21.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Well Geez, Lu.
What WOULD have Been BETTER: Telling the TRUTH and Being CRUCIFIED By Your So-Called “Friends” or LYING about Actually Voting and Spending the Day Walking around Wearing Knute’s Moronic Sticker??
Cronkers McGee Premium Member about 10 years ago
No Luann, you are not a to horrid person. To me, you just forgot to vote. Life is a learning experience very day. Today, you learned something that is important to others and will become important to you. When you make mistakes, the best thing that come from them is to learn from the mistakes and continue on with your life. Your real friends will not make you feel guilty of an error for the rest of your lives. Your real friends will move on from this and so will you.
jbmlaw01 about 10 years ago
People who do not pay taxes should not vote. “Paying taxes” is the sign of intellectual maturity.
lsherris about 10 years ago
I’m with Luann; why does it matter which sociopathic politician enriches himself to the detriment of society?
By the way jbmlaw, people who do not vote should not have to pay taxes. Paying taxes voluntarily is a sign of slave mentality, not intellectual maturity. Paying taxes involuntarily is simply handing your money over to a mugger in order to preserve your life.
ManateeGag about 10 years ago
This is almost as bad as one of Batyuk’s preachy storylines.
elysummers about 10 years ago
Nobody says you HAVE to vote. Do so at your own will. I don’t believe my now 27 yo daughter ever has. But all things considered, that’s probably best for all the rest of us. Love her though. Just doesn’t have the sense to pour water out of a boot before she puts it on.
Chuck374 about 10 years ago
It’s like a scene from the 1960’s. My experience is that the 20-somethings today are not so into voting.
Chuck374 about 10 years ago
We The People is making a comeback. I The Obama is falling fast. Hopefully the new AG realizes that her job is to uphold the rule of law. Unlike her predecessor.
Simon_Jester about 10 years ago
If Luann didn’t vote in the 2014 Midterms, that puts her with the MAJORITY of the country…nearly 2/3
soclassic about 10 years ago
So…the Republicans swept the midterm elections…Delta, Ox, Crystal and Knute all voted…Luann did not…hmm…
jsellison about 10 years ago
I don’t care who anyone votes for. Just vote. People who can vote and who don’t vote are morons. It is one of the greatest things that we can do in this country. Luann should feel awful. But she’s a screw up. All of her friends are getting on with the lives and she’s stuck in some community college, living with her parents. What a mess.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Note that no one in Luann’s family asked her on election day whether she had voted yet. Maybe Frank and Nancy didn’t vote, either? (I doubt that Luann ever registered.)
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member about 10 years ago
So let’s all wish Greg a happy 67th birthday today.
mountainclimber about 10 years ago
Bad politicians are elected by good people who don’t vote. And both are trending.
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member about 10 years ago
Cushy deal? Things are never as easy as they are imagined to be.
klr562 about 10 years ago
You need to work on your spelling the Sheeple lost not the People.
tubgrape about 10 years ago
What unbridled impudence! (Not Luann…her self-righteous friends.)
Queen of America about 10 years ago
She’s not horrible – just self absorbed. I wonder why, during all of the rehearsals and talking to people, the election never came up. And, there must have been a lot of political signs in her neighborhood, around the school and on the way to the mall that she should have seen.
reedkomicks Premium Member about 10 years ago
" I brought up the question of how Quilly got ahold of that Foster’s several days ago."-I didn’t see that. Did you determine that it is Gunther’s mom’s drink of choice?
m4gicstick about 10 years ago
I don’t find this realistic at all. Delta’s very awkward and not representative of anyone that age. Ox? Yeah right. This latest stint about teenagers just out of high school voting is laughable and sad.
Willow Mt Lyon about 10 years ago
I was surprised to find out that the college age voters are the least likely to vote. The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 the year I turned 18, and we were excited about voting for the first time.
Sisyphos about 10 years ago
Luann is cueing off Crystal, who is only being her usual self, except here criticizing Luann instead of her usual target, Tiffany. Oxford, as I’ve believed all along, appears the most cerebral of the bunch. I hope Quill is a good cook; at least he’s using olive oil!
comicboyz about 10 years ago
So Luann is Tiffany from a different perspective?So much like each other is why they hate other?
birdface about 10 years ago
Where is Jay Blue?
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
Please provide proof that a title character of a comic is ‘held to a higher standard’ of behavior. And I mean proof, not your personal opinion.
cruiserd about 10 years ago
The big question is..Did Tif vote?
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
Ok, so implying something is the same as stating it. Interesting. I’ll have to go back and see what that means in other instances, when I have time….
ron about 10 years ago
Remember, a Dictatorship is just a Democracy with one person voting.
hjkl; about 10 years ago
THAT is hilarious.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
If Bernice wasn’t eligible to vote because her birthday was too close to the election, she would simply have told Delta that. For that matter, Delta knows all about this election back in Pitt, so if Luann’s birthday was too late for her to register for it, then Delta wouldn’t have raised the voting issue with Luann in the first place.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
Luann’s redemption is just two years away1/9th of her age
rcerinys701 about 10 years ago
Back in the mid to late 60s when the drinking age and voting age was lowered to 18, it was thought that since we young people were old enough to go to war and die for our country, we should at least be treated like adults.
punslinger about 10 years ago
With this country now about to immerse itself into a GOP sponsored cesspool, I find it hard to condemn Luann on this point. I have voted in every election since 1976, which was the first year I was eligible. I did NOT vote this last Nov 4th, nor will I again! After ‘Citizens United’ you might as well vote for a hundred dollar bill…
Pipe Tobacco about 10 years ago
Barbara Ward!!!!! I had never heard that statement before… " Voting is like driving a car… D to go forward, R to go backward." It is wonderful! I am going to have to remember it and use it myself. Thank you!
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 10 years ago
Voting is pointless these days when your only choices are Liar-R and Liar-D.
sunchaunzo about 10 years ago
I voted for Des Moines!
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Also, if Luann had a legitimate reason not to vote (“My birthday was after the deadline to register for the election,”) then she certainly would simply have told Delta that right away, instead of coming up with those lame excuses about why she was too “busy” (with Quill and with parties, not with schoolwork) to vote.
reedkomicks Premium Member about 10 years ago
@jadoo823“ALCOHOL can screw up the developing brain of people till the are 21? Yeah, so can a BULLET to the HEAD! If you can’t drink until 21, you shouldn’t be able to enlist until 21, if you follow that reasoning…”-As I said I’m thinking that the people who determine one thing aren’t sitting back and comparing things like you are. .It may also have to do with motor vehicle stats. Maybe states with 18 drinking age shows an increase in DUIs. I’m not stating a preference.
Peabody429 about 10 years ago
In a sense, Luann and her Democrat friends’ votes could have done nothing to stop the Republican landslide anyway.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
“…you are right, it could be anything…”-————————————————-Dang, Brd, you made me spill my beer, mate!
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
In the late 70’s in Texas the legal drinking age was 18.A friend of mine’s little sister eagerly awaited her 18th birthday for that reason. But just before that date, the legal age was raised to 19. #$%! Then just before her 19th birthday, the age was raised to 21. @#$%#$%@#$%!!!(You can imagine that she did not strictly abide by these changing laws.)BTW – In California, underaged possession of alcohol is prohibited except at a private location, with a parent or legal guardian, or with a spouse that’s over 21. Likely, this is to not run up against the rights of those serving it for religious reasons.This still brings up the question of Quill!’s age, and whether Mrs. Berber is his legal guardian while he’s in the states (in which case, this will not be a “surprise” party).It’s also possible that Luann’s parents bought the beer with the stipulation that it was to be used only for cooking (beer in the sauce WILL NOT get you drunk).
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
For further reference:45 States That Allow Underage (under 21) Alcohol Consumption
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
It is legal for minors to consume alcohol for religious reasons, such as Communion wine. Quill could probably make the case that he drinks Foster’s as a religious requirement, since he belongs to the Church of the Aussie Stereotype.
live2read about 10 years ago
So did I, Barbara. People who don’t care enough about our country to cast a ballot are a bigger threat to democracy than those who are running it.
Editman about 10 years ago
So, that proves that Quill is over 21.
ACTIVIST1234 about 10 years ago
Just wondering…*Quill appears to be making the spaghetti sauce “at home”. Where is Mom B? Does she work during the daytime? Go to school? Play bridge? Volunteer? Lead a double life?*And has Gunther been invited to this party, or is it really just an excuse for the kids to get together?
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Congress passed “The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984” that required States to set a minimum legal age of 21 for purchasing alcohol, in order for that State to receive highway construction funds from the Federal Government. All states complied in order to keep receiving the funding, but note that the statute applies to the purchase of alcohol, not to its consumption. Although you now have to be 21 to purchase alcohol in any of the 50 States, it is still the case that the legal minimum age for drinking alcohol in private settings varies from State to State. For instance, in many States minors can drink at home with parental permission, and in some States this parental approval exception also applies in public (i.e., restaurants), and in 6 States there simply is no legal minimum drinking age. In California (where “Pitt” is presumed to be located), however, it is illegal under most circumstances for persons under 21 to drink, period. That’s of course why none of them do. :)
The legal age for purchasing alcohol is 18 in Peru and in Australia. Just sayin’.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
A low turnout is the definition of “voter apathy”. No politics involved.
Contessa Carrington about 10 years ago
Don’t feel bad Luann. They did not like my idea of a particular write in, so I did not vote either.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Boil off 15% of a Foster’s 5.00% ABV and you end up with something only an American would drink.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
I doubt that the cops would raid a party at Mrs. B’s house (unless dozens of teenagers show up and things get too loud and rowdy). So even if they’re breaking the law by drinking, I’m sure they’ll get away with it. The only downside would be if they get completely wasted, and they decide to go do something extremely dangerous, such as walking across an open field.
reedkomicks Premium Member about 10 years ago
Thanks for catching me up Brd.
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Hope you (Greg) had a Happy Birthday, too! ;)
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Hey! Miss you IJB!!! ;)
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
I “see” GoComics is at it Again , losing some of my innocuous posts… ;P
lynnskay about 10 years ago
Happy Birthday, Greg. Welcome to the “67” club. 1947 was a great year!
StoicLion1973 about 10 years ago
Not voting is how NYC ended with de Blasio. And before someone claims I’m being partisan, only 17% of the electorate voted in the last mayoral election. And, obviously, de Blasio won most of those.