Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 09, 2016
bernice: gunther, why do you knock piro? i've supported your interest in tiffany- even though she's shallow, selfish and manipulative gunther: ok, first, you're wrong about tiffany, she's a good person and she's become a good friend. friend. gunther: and second, if you thinks she's so awful, why'd you push me to "turn up the heat" with her? bernice: i was trying to help gunther: who, me? or you?
Namrepus over 8 years ago
Who says you have to wait until the 4th of July to see some fireworks?
Templo S.U.D. over 8 years ago
oh, boy, this sure is getting nowhere
Kymberleigh over 8 years ago
Well, gee, Bernice, you did suggest manipulation was taking place … just didn’t realize Gunther would see it was you manipulating him, didja?
ct0760 over 8 years ago
these two can work…
luann1212 over 8 years ago
yessssssss big boy pant’s finally!!!! and the answer to those son confused about a supposed tiffany gunther romance,or that tiffanyis just an airhead still.
Argythree over 8 years ago
I’m glad to see Gunther saying something positive about Tiffany, after he called her ‘dumb’ to Bernice when they were haviing coffee together. Too bad he still just sees her as a friend. It would have been genuinely interesting if he decided to discard his outdated idea of Bernice as his ‘ideal match’, and decided to try for Tiffany…
PhilipB over 8 years ago
LOL i know…was a few seconds too slow.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Such appealing individuals…
Airman over 8 years ago
Anger/passion: building
Crash7 over 8 years ago
Yeah, Bernice is in no position to call anyone “manipulative” right now. Good job by Gunther calling her on that. Also good job by him sticking up for Tiffany.
Argythree over 8 years ago
Blech. What a revolting development that would be, after all this manipulation…
ironman01 over 8 years ago
When is Gunther going to wake up? It’s Tiff!
Wilde Bill over 8 years ago
Finally, he calls her on manipulations.
jemgirl81 over 8 years ago
Honey, you’re not talking about Tiffany. You’re talking about yourself.
MrGoobinski over 8 years ago
Tonight Gunther sees the real Bernice and the real Tiffany. One a cold hearted bit— the other, someone that cares about him. In fact she cares so much for him she would rather help him be happy with someone else even though she wishes she could have him for herself.
Ruth Brown over 8 years ago
Bernice, shame on you for eating the ice cream Gunther bought and then being a snot.
Make Mine Marvel over 8 years ago
When did Gunther knock Piro? Did I miss something?
We don’t know much about Piro. Bernice may think she does, but I doubt she knows more than the rest of us.
Eric Salinas Premium Member over 8 years ago
This is how most of my dates end.
shyiraz over 8 years ago
oh Bernice, can’t you see that you’re exactly the things you’re calling out Tiffany to be?
Faith :) over 8 years ago
Wow… my initial comment after reading this is wow….This is definitely getting somewhere. This is the most interesting intensity moment I’ve seen, which is about to shift this “love” quadrangle big time. And I totally disagree about the fact that Gunther is a whiner, baby, nobody likes him, etc., etc. With his behavior in this weeks strip, high five Gunther….The first thing I love, is that he defended Tiff which is awesome. Ever since this new Gunther and Tiffany friendship, we’ve all seen this awesome, selfless side of Tiff full of vulnerability and loneliness, which she has shown to Gunther only, and because this special side was revealed to Gunther, he’s standing up for her to the people who don’t know her the way he does. .The second thing I love is that Gunther is calling Bernice for the selfish person that she is. Ever since this love quadrangle started, Bernice has been acting like a desperate disgusting brat. She needs to get a clue that Piro is not into her and that Gunther likes her a lot more than Piro ever will.
Faith :) over 8 years ago
And please excuse my ramblings, Luann fam, but my family literally groans when I show them this comic and my friends are only interested in talking about anime, so I gotta get all this out somewhere…
kenhense over 8 years ago
Gunther thinks he can just PICK a girl and he’s entitled. Berneice has shown no interest in him.
Huckthefinn over 8 years ago
Are Bernices boobs growing up?
imagenesis over 8 years ago
Kizz, kizz, kizz…
Barry1941 over 8 years ago
This is actually rather interesting.
Jimmy90403 over 8 years ago
truth be told -——> Gunther is a smart guy now seeing a side of the lady that is not too flattering.
Caldonia over 8 years ago
Oh gross! They’ll probably become a couple just to spite me
Caldonia over 8 years ago
Peru didn’t make Gunther a man; New York didn’t make Bernice a grown-up. Travel is overrated!
Mopman over 8 years ago
No, Phillip B. he was right, he was the first to say lol.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Whoa, Whoa, WHOA, Gunther! Are You CRAZY?!!?
Bern INSULTED You under the Lamp Light and yet You Followed Her to Her Dorm Room??
Don’t You Know THAT, Is considered “Stalking??”
Look, when a Young Woman, Insults You after a Date, You are SUPPOSED to Thank Her for Her Insight, Tuck Your Tail twixt Your Legs, Bid Her Farewell, then STOMP off Mortally Wounded, to Your Basement to Re-evaluate Your Life, Dude!
Now, at the Top of Your Lungs, Bid Her GOOD NIGHT, Turn around Slowly, Tuck Your Tail twixt your Legs, and LEAVE, Hurriedly for Safety of Your Mom’s Basement!
And PRAY, that Nobody with an “Agenda,” SAW You….,
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
Interesting juxtaposition of the two yelling and the poster for the “Silent” film festival!
ttuerff over 8 years ago
This plot thread is painfully weak.
JayBluE over 8 years ago
Funny how Bern’s assessment of Tiffany, and Gunther’s defense of her seems to echo the sentiments exchanged between us readers…
A R V reader over 8 years ago
I wonder what will happen next with these two, I wonder…
JayBluE over 8 years ago
“Love At First Oversight”“Ulterior Decorator”“Love Is Blind….And Stupid”“Help!” (♬)“Point A Finger, And Three Point Back At You”“Stock Deranged”“Made In The Shady”“Blind Ambition”“Under Your Nose, And Off Of Your Lips”“If It Were A Snake….”“Hungry, Hungry Hippocrites”or “The Hippocritic Oath”
ComicBoy over 8 years ago
Love the last panel with the word “SILENT”
barister over 8 years ago
I don’t know…..maybe it’s me…..but I’m getting bored. I think the story should move a little faster. Add another panel or something to move this thing along. Too draggy.
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
A lot of dialog today.
sweetg1 over 8 years ago
What’s going to happen is that Gunther is going to get the nerve to surprise Bernice and kiss her…right about the time Piro walks in.
spfgyl over 8 years ago
They are yelling right outside the silent film area. Do you think it is possible that Piro showed up late and is listening to all of this drama?
Endunamoo over 8 years ago
Good God, its like playing whack a mole. Just tell her point blank. All the needless dawdling is just exasperating
tutibug5 over 8 years ago
In the movies:
next panel: no talking – just looking deep into each others eyes and falling for each other.
following panel: grab each other and share a mad passionate kiss.
last panel: (in comic world) Piro and Tiffany walk out of silent movie door – arm in arm.
maverick1usa over 8 years ago
Who cares who’s on 1st or what’s on 2nd?
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
It is entirely possible that this display will be seen by some others. Depending on several factors this could result in comfort being offered, or might result in hot headed saying of hurtful things about third parties and perhaps in that way some other relationships hurt. So, either revelations, or advances or damage here or elsewhere, or both. I am among those who think these two woukd make a horrid couple at this point. Maybe after both go more it woukd work, but each of these people is unobservant, afraid to different degrees of growing up, communicate only wwhen they fight, etc. While Gunther might currently not want adventure at all, Bernice is afraid of adventure but also enjoys small ones when another person helps her reach them, so he would bore the living daylights out of her in no time. I do think that AFTER each of them grows there is possibly potential for them in the future.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Hey, in any other strip has someone made characters people had grown to like over the years wind up going through such a long (to readers, not in comicverse time) obnoxious phase?
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
I looked it up. Barbarella is only 4 minutes longer in running time than Nosferatu, but i had the feeling they possibly left Nosferatu early. I can’t help but wonder if these two are getting an audience of their own, and how badly they will put their feet in their mouths.
cubswin2016 over 8 years ago
You hit the nail on the head, Gunther.
pianist337 over 8 years ago
I feel a kiss coming…
Pipe Tobacco over 8 years ago
8Wow! I am VERY happy and surprised that Gunther has defended Tiffany! That is the side of Gunther that I like far more than his surly self or his calling Tiffany “dumb” or words to that effect a few weeks ago. Gunther’s defense of Tiffany, to me, is likely going to be the highlight of the week! Good job, Gunther!Now, at first glance, today’s turn of events suggests a falling out between Bernice and Gunther…. which…. would be very good in terms of my hoped for scenario where Bernice & Piro date, and Gunther & Tiffany date. BUT…. this could also turn into a stereotypical film/theatrical moment where the fiery passions of their argument lead them to suddenly kiss passionately. I HOPE GREG DOES NOT TAKE THIS potential film/theatrical approachBernice was not being very nice about Tiffany. That is very true. She really should think through her statements a little more before blanketing folks in that way.However, she was right in that Gunther has been rather negative about Piro. It is perhaps understandable that Gunther would focus on any potential negative in Piro as he perceives he is a rival for Bernice’s attention. But, none-the-less, he needs to also be careful in what he says.From the clock on the building, it appears to be approximately 10:35pm at Mooney.
3pibgorn9 over 8 years ago
Maybe not now, but a relationship may be about to bloom. Or not. Or a pair of different ones.
ohwhatever over 8 years ago
Even Aspy Gunther should be able to tell Bernice has nooooo interest in him.
Numbnumb over 8 years ago
I would definitely love to see a Gunther/Tiffany romance blossom.
bravechow over 8 years ago
Gunther should go back to Rosa. Leave Mom with Mr. Gray and scoot back to the first little lamb.
sjsczurek over 8 years ago
Luann: the Soap Opera.Brought to you by Tide.And by Oil of Olay.
chrisjozo over 8 years ago
Gunther needs to accept that Bernice doesn’t see him that way. Accept that she’s just not that into you.
Argy.Bargy2 over 8 years ago
-Bernice keeps finding that her assumptions are turning out wrong
Actually, the only one who seems to be realizing that assumptions have been wrong is Gunther. First he realized that he had assumed that Bernice was interested in silent films, so he took the time to read up on them. But she told him she really wasn’t that into them, and then Hair told him who was.
Now, Gunther is starting to realize that Bernice’s efforts to push him together with Tiffany seem to have little to do with helping Gunther, and mostly are about making sure that Tiffany is out of Bernice’s way in going after Piro.
I don’t see a similar realization dawning on Bernice, though…
GovernmentCheese over 8 years ago
Bern appears to be on the road to becoming an inept counselor. Case in point – she misread Pru’s intentions, she is totally oblivious to Gunther’s wooing, and she’s over-manipulating her advances on Piro.
That, and she has violated her own RA rules for allowing Piro over in her room. She’s all full of bad judgement and lacks the emotional intelligence to counsel others. Good to see Gunth stick up for himself and Tiffany (I just only wish he would be more direct about his feelings for Bern, but then there would be no story arc!)
seismic-2 Premium Member over 8 years ago
What a totally unappealing pair of people. They should just ignore each other from now on, as they go about their separate lives. You two are not in high school any more, so stop acting like children. Growing up usually means growing apart from the people you knew in HS. Bernice is not the woman who will fit into Gunther’s life plans. (Neither is Tiffany, BTW.) And I can’t imagine Piro’s fitting into anyone’s life plan, Bernice, so give it up already.
locake over 8 years ago
This is the best Luann comic I’ve seen in a long time. It is nice to see Gunther grow a spine and put that awful Bernice in her place. I hope this means G is done with B in every way. She is not a good friend to anyone.
dblbaraje over 8 years ago
To MrGoobinsky (from about 10 hours ago);Your comment got it perfectly. The comment about Tiffany was so beautiful, it made me cry.
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
just don’t care for the art style.
locake over 8 years ago
Gunther has NO desire to kiss Bernice right now. That is the last thing on his mind. He is disgusted with her, and rightly so.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 8 years ago
Yup.They need to get married.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Gads. Are you 14 to say that ugly thing to Brd? If so, you need to learn respect for others, if you are older then you should have already done so.
gryffindorgirl over 8 years ago
Bernice likes the idea of Piro; he is “sexy”, “mysterious”, and has “strong hands” or whatnot, but she doesn’t truly like Piro himself. His mind, the person he is.
How could she? She knows his taste in movies sort of and his penchant for scarves and disappearing and that’s about it.
Not saying that she should or shouldn’t be with Gunther, but her pursuit of him is rooted in her own head, in a fantasy and not a living, breathing human being. It’s not particularly healthy or a solid way to start off a relationship. The fact that it seems to brings out a really bad side of her, as in very negative and hurtful behaviors to her friends, like trying to push Gunther onto Tiffany for her own sake, doesn’t seem to speak volumes for this match imo.
A good relationship should bring out the better in your partner, yes?
Of course I could speculating on nonsense or this could all be too early to say, but those are my two cents. I’m neutral in regards to who is better with who; as long as they use the opportunity to grow, find themselves, and make healthy decisions that make them happy and seem to work I’m all for whatever that is!
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
I have problems with the worst aspects of behaviors like angry over-reacting and cluenessless (which feeds the angry over-reacting) that are usually grown past by this age. That is far from having a problem with people being people. Of course, one of the problems often discussed in the past was how the characters had to catch up on growing up, but i do not see the bungee cords that keep pulling these two back into kddie approaches and preventing more adult behavior. The bungee cords must be there. I want them cut.
ndblackirish97 over 8 years ago
hahaha! it’s about time. Go get her, Gunther. She’s needs a smack down off that high horse of hers.
ndblackirish97 over 8 years ago
Gunther needs to re-evaluate the “friend” relationship with Tiff. He may enjoy the other option.
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
not that the G-man would ever strike any female!
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
I believe the characterization was firmly ’tongue-in-cheek" .
RSH over 8 years ago
Gunther’s final remark is pretty telling and I believe it supports my thought that Bernice may not be totally clueless all along. Rather, she’s been taking a situation and using it to advance her cause, i.e. desire to steer Piro her way and learn more about him.
comicboyz over 8 years ago
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 8 years ago
Things are heating up between themThey said it couldn’t be didGunther wouldn’t say what he wantedBut this kinda heat can’t be hid
comicboyz over 8 years ago
OMG, this is how its going to go…They are going to passionately kiss and then Rosa will show up!
kd1sq Premium Member over 8 years ago
Any second now they’ll be locked in a passionate embrace, you watch…
jocatric over 8 years ago
In the mean time Piro just showed up for the silent film fest and also fell asleep on the couch with whats his name…
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
JP, it was an attempted reply to the previous poster, emulating his style, but offering an equally absurd series of events.
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
The time should actually be closer to 9:30pm It doesn’t take THAT long to go get an ice cream cone, given the movies were to start around 8.Someone tell Greg he was off on the clock hands.
TexanAtHeart over 8 years ago
I don’t like the angry Gunther. Can’t he wear big boy pants without being angry? I don’t think angry emotion is the basis for a healthy relationship.
I’m in the Gunther-Tiffany camp. It could take a little time, but the ‘friendship’ could grow. No one would have seen that happening at the 10 year reunion.
PhilipB over 8 years ago
LOL Well, that is better than nothing. =)
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Chris, not Monitor related, but Island Effect works in, so it might interest you and your daughter. I hope her presentation and paper went over well and were great fun for her.Here
cheesehead over 8 years ago
Kiss coming.
Terminal Frost Premium Member over 8 years ago
Bernice is trying to get Piro to notice and her interest first. She was pursuing a goal as we are generally taught in our society.^^^^^^^^in the most convoluted way possible, and manipulating her intended ( potentially) and Gunther AND Tiffany.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Long ago in early experiments of what coukd be induced with video Lillian Schwartz created one that purposely induced nausea. If Gunther and Bernice kissed now it would manage that result faster and with less motion involved.
Frank Farkel over 8 years ago
The Beav: “Gee, Wally. When did life become so complicated?” Wally: “I think it was when the Yankees traded Roger Maris.” Pyscho-babble is running rampant.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
@trilogyYou wrote:I have a temper, and I sometimes over react. I am 60 years old. Some rage is good. I have never resorted to violence as a result. I HAVE as far as OUTRAGE goes, as I am about to define, when I was physically attacked, I gave back what I got. AND I almost attacked someone for trying to hurt one of my kids, but those motivations were triggered by direct confrontation and possible imminent danger or harm to me or another.You matched the response to the situation. That is reasonable. Some people do not and never learned to get control over themselves. That is a different matter.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Hey the man definitely just grew a pair, you go Gunth.
drbeth over 8 years ago
ZING!!!! Go Gunth! As to who’s shallow, selfish, and and manipulative, it ain’t Tiffany…
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
Farkel, what people are protesting is the gratuitous nature of such postings in an attempt to cause someone mental strife, AS IF. Those posters need to grow up and enter the 21st century.
Dex_N_FX over 8 years ago
my guess is that Pyro will walk out of the room and Gunther will once again not let his feelings be known. He would have had the entire walk to and back from getting ice cream to pull her to the side and tell her.
DigiMan over 8 years ago
Petersenbus over 8 years ago
Bernice missed a golden opportunity to convey her lack of interest to Gunther. As they were leaving to go for ice cream she should have said “Let’s go see if Barbarella is over yet and if anyone wants to go get ice cream with us!”
Kymberleigh over 8 years ago
Seems to be much gnashing of teeth by primary defenders of the faith about people posting opinions concerning the possibility of gay characters.
Frank, it’s more the fact that the ideas keep coming up over and over again, with repeats, because people can’t be bothered to think before posting or read previous comments..Nothing wrong with us cleaning up the litter in here, is there?dky500 over 8 years ago
Just my two cents as a long time lurker but infrequent poster… IMHO the people posting such opinions do so to provoke certain players on this site such as Kymberleigh to go off on a rant which are quite amusing such as the one to @comicboyz above!
luann1212 over 8 years ago
For those of us who want them to get together perfect set of panels: They suddenly realize a passion, and kiss each other, while Piro comes in the hall, sees them, and turns around and leaves. They don’t even notice him.
ACTIVIST1234 over 8 years ago
Some of us (me & more) have long thought Bern and Gunther would make a perfect pair— both being intellectual with curly hair. I’m so glad Team Evans is letting us see how that relationship does (does not) play out. Thanks, writers!
ACTIVIST1234 over 8 years ago
by the way, Ms. RA, the clock said 10:30. What time is curfew in the dorm?
comicboyz over 8 years ago
What Bernice and Gunther are going through is a common trope used throughout both popular and classical fiction:BoyA likes GirlGirl Likes BoyBBoyB doesnt notice GirlGirl and BoyA get into a disagreement and end up noticing each other; no different then the boy and girl that always appear to be sniping at each other because subconciously and ultimately conciously like each other JUST like in grade school
smurf764 over 8 years ago
I, for one, am enjoying this series
RSH over 8 years ago
My guess is that this will drive Gunther back to Tiffany, i.e. to discuss his lack of success with Bern (but I am frequently wrong). Tiffany has become his confidant.
debauche over 8 years ago
The only solution for Gunther is to kiss her and judge the reaction. Who knows! Maybe the garlic breath will take the heat out of the problem.
RSH over 8 years ago
The irony here is that Gunther considers Tiffany to be just a friend and Bernice a ‘love’ interest. Yet he has a close relationship with Tiffany (never argues with her); his interactions with Bernice are mostly abrasive and end in arguments. This is actually Gunther’s third try. Three strikes and he should quit.
Crash7 over 8 years ago
Personally, I think when he figured out that the whole silent movie thing was a ploy to attract Piro, he should have said his goodnights and left. “Bye, Bernice. Have a nice time with Hair…together…ALONE!”
dky500 over 8 years ago
Sorry I don’t know why my posts get duplicated.
Airman over 8 years ago
I think that I should give up trying to guess what will happen next – I am always wrong, and usually disappointed. I just can’t help but hope that Gunther and Tiffany will light each other’s fire. Bernice is an unattractive, snarky nag and will drag Gunther down with her.
RSH over 8 years ago
that must have been at Pitt high where Tiffany enjoyed a slightly more robust social life.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 8 years ago
You don’t need to lure Piro into range. Just wait for him to show up, asking for a place to crash.
ACTIVIST1234 over 8 years ago
“The only solution for Gunther is to kiss her and judge the reaction.”*Debauche – That would be assault & battery. Or at least a “eeew” moment. We women need some sort of incipient or hidden feeling for a kiss to produce an “ahhhh”.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Bonobos are chimps, NG. The apes you are calling chimps are Pan troglodytes. The bonobos are Pan paniscus.I have not followed recent genetic difference work, but the last time i looked at that it was postulated that the difference between P paniscus and H sapiens might be less than those between P troglodytes and H sapiens. I certainly know some physical anthropologist friends who i used to work with who i coukd ask about the latest if they are not away now on digs, but this time of year searches usually are going to work better. Tonight is not a good time for me to try anything beyond a cursory glance, though.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
I realize that is not as clear as i had presumed. Both types of Pan are chimps, and chimps are among the apes (lesser apes being gibbons and siamangs, and the greater apes being orangs, gorillas, and chimps (at times also humans depending on if the person using the terminology is a lumper or a splitter). I never worked w Pan paniscus but for over four years decades ago did work w several Pan troglodytes who were part of mobility studies with the same work also done on people who worked in the dept. Yes, i have scars from the chimps; that is normal. No, i never lost any finger parts. Pan troglodytes needs a strong dominance hierarchy, but the cool part of that is something not usually seen in humans – the ones with the most power are also expected to take greater risks to protect the rest – a more honorable take on it to my perspective.
JayBluE over 8 years ago
(“Stick-Up Artist":")^Either a stick of dynamite is going to go off, here, between them, or someone’s pulling out a stick of “pit protector”, to stress the point that one of them is being “a little stinker”… (embellishment, of course, but apprpos to this one you had….)
SactoSylvia over 8 years ago
I’m loving this story arc because Bernice’s actions have been real. Self-centered and manipulative and far from perfect, yes, but… real. They are the actions that someone who’s confused about her life, who’s following a script that she probably hasn’t examined too closely, who isn’t real sure of what she wants, and isn’t used to being up-front about what she wants, might do. And now, I love that Gunther is calling her on it. This is how growth begins.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Spoiler: too tired to fake being witty, but the Friday strip is a good one! Look forward to some realizations!
wingzero7X over 8 years ago
Get the popcorn
Argythree over 8 years ago
But Pi R square, and nobody here is…
phxhocking over 8 years ago
Where is Rosa when we need her?
Cattus99 over 8 years ago
Besides, who actually give a flying ……unless it’s another 8 year old